8 Year Old Gift Guide

Ethan's 8th birthday is THIS Friday! I don't know where the time has gone or how our oldest is turning EIGHT! The name of the game for Ethan is anything and everything outdoors! He loves it! And it's the perfect season to encourage it! ;)

We're hoping to keep things small this year due to COVID but I'm just glad we can be outside.

I hope you're having a great week!

xo natasha

For the Dads

Backpack Cooler {of course there is always this one too} // Sunglasses

Father's Day is quickly approaching which is hard to keep track of given the fact that all days seem to just blur together! I am definitely more thankful than ever to have married such a hands-on dad. He is really the best so we are looking forward to celebrating him on the 21st!

xo natasha