In such uncertain times, I'm trying to really lean into the things that bring me comfort. I'm a homebody, by nature, and these are the tried-and true-things that really help me. Not pictured: a cup of hot tea, a roaring fire in the fireplace, an old rom com on the TV {or binge watching Love is Blind!}, a surprise box of girl scout cookies that you found hidden in the pantry...and you know I love a nice glass of red wine at the end of the night too.
It's rare {and this kind of thing is flat out unprecedented} to get permission to stay home and halt life for a moment. I know it's hard and as social creatures, we crave daily interaction, but I really believe that if we do our part, we'll be able to reconvene sooner than later.
So for now, I hope you're finding comfort in your homes while spending time with loved ones.
xo natasha