Friday, September 23, 2016

Stylishly Child Proofing Your Home + Baby Gate Giveaway!

Child proofing the home has come a LONG way since we were all babies.  Long ago are the days of zip-tied cabinet doors, foam furniture corners, and unsightly bathtub precautions.  In fact, child proofing can be fun and dare I say...stylish too!  

But before I dive into the fun part, it's important that all moms review the Consumer Product Safety Commission's guidelines on baby proofing your home.  Also, sites like Scary Mommy and have some great insight into getting the job done right.

Ok!  So here are my favorite tips for stylishly child proofing your home...

1. Making bath time safe has never been more stylish thanks to bright and colorful bath grips and a whale spout to cover the water spout! 

2. Use hidden magnetic cabinet door locks...this is a miracle for cabinets!

3. Forget baby proofing corners....opt for a soft & cushiony ottoman instead! 

4. Cover the electrical outlets...with automatic safety covers.

5. And last but not gates!  There are so many attractive options that will fit seamlessly into your home, like wood-tones and build-in options.  Definitely check out the options because...

You all have a chance to win a $50 gift card, which is just about the cost of a new baby gate!

Enter to win below and good luck!

Also be sure to check out more of my baby gear recommendations here!

xo natasha

This giveaway is a partnership with Nakturnal, with a prize of a gift certificate though all opinions expressed are my own!


  1. All we've done is put up gates, but they are very nice ones!

  2. we removed our wood coffee table from our living room -- i'd love to replace it with a soft ottoman. xo jillian

  3. We use the magnetic cabinet locks too! Bonus for not having to screw them into nice cabinets! I agree a padded coffee table is the way to go!

  4. We have a soft ottoman that also has a lid and inside we store toys.

  5. we are definitely at this stage with my 11 month old- i've never heard of magnetic cabinet locks but they look perfect!

    also- and you can totally ignore me if you want! i'd love to be added to your list of blogs on the side of your page- i know that i always find out about new great blogs there!

  6. The grips in the bathtub are such a great idea! And the bright colors make it fun for the kids! Thanks for sharing

  7. We paint the outlet covers to match the walls.

  8. Em Mahr - We have a really nice natural wood baby gate that matches our kitchen cabinets.

  9. A stylish way that I've baby proofed my home was replacing the glass coffee table with a cloth ottoman.

  10. Your home looks beautiful! I love the addition of all the glitz!

    John Stolle

  11. I usually have baby gates around the stairs and different rooms

  12. So far we have just put the outlet covers in, we already have a soft ottoman for a coffee table but love those outlets. Buying a new house and have 7 month old twins and one is crawling so I love this post! Those bath grips - why didn't I think of that? My babes are always slipping now that they want to sit up.

  13. Yes, baby gates are super important. It kept my busy little guy out of trouble. He wanted to run around the entire house and this helped keep him in a safe area.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. LOVE magnetic door locks!! We always turn around Louise's PBK chair and put it between the couch and chair to keep her in the living room, when we need to cook! :)

  16. I wouldn't say it is stylish, but we have decluttered. That includes getting rid of cans of things under the counter, that could be poisonous, small objects that weren't made to be toys and could cause a child to choke, getting the breakables up high so there won't be as much scolding or things broken, covering anything white or non-washable...

  17. We us baby gate and magnetic locking system.

  18. we only have soft furniture now!

  19. So we bought magnetic cabinet locks but have never actually installed them. We do have a baby gate but our dogs literally chewed through it last week so a new one is on my shopping list!

  20. I have not proofed my home yet however, I have a baby on the way so will be doing so in the near future!

  21. I haven't yet but he is 9 months and starting to get mobile so I need to get my butt in gear!

  22. I have several pretty rugs that cover floor outlets and also several floor poufs and baskets that are pushed against cupboards I don't want the babe to get in to :)

  23. I like using baby gates for my home, they are stylish too!

  24. Baby #4 just arrived and we are in a home with stairs for the first time. Need to start thinking about how to handle the stairs!

  25. We currently move our Love Sac to block our baby into the main living area. Still need to get some good baby gates but so many options to choose from.

  26. We use the hidden magnetic cabinet door locks. The best...and I'd have no idea about them if it weren't for blogging!!

  27. Mounting the tv on the wall in our living room so he doesn't pull up on the tv stand and it topple over

  28. I have used my baby gate for so long that its actually now part of our home decor, ha.

  29. I use clear plugin covers so you can't hardly see that they're there.

  30. A baby gate and plugin covers are definitely must haves!

  31. A metal gate with door, really it's sleek and stylish!

  32. Furniture straps to hold the TV down -- babyproof and earthquake proof! You can't see it, so I guess it's somewhat stylish!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  33. Found a gorgeous baby gate at Tuesday Morning - I look at it every day and can't believe how pretty it is.
