Friday, October 23, 2015

Tips for Planning Your Holiday Card + GIVEAWAY!

In the past, I always used to take our family holiday photo, then pick out my card.  I felt like, if my picture was perfect, there was sure to a perfect card match.  But, I've learned over the last several years, that trying to fit a picture into a card, can be very challenging, and often results in my having to compromise on the ideal card.  So hopefully this post helps you plan ahead to ensure that you get the perfect photo and card this holiday season!

And as a disclaimer, I absolutely love holiday cards...I send one out every year and love getting them in the mail!  You can check out my past cards here and here!

Here are my top three tips:

Plan an outfit color scheme with your card choices in mind:

Most cards offer multiple color schemes, but it can really sway the direction you go in, relative to a card choice.

Think about space and communicate to your photographer:

You can see that if this photo was centered {the way photos traditionally are}, that this card and the one below, would not work.

Consider candid shots...they often times show the "real" side of your family and are a joy to look back on.

I should take my own advise on this one, but how fun are the cute shots that are more "in the moment"?

So, how do you go about picking your perfect card?

As another disclaimer, I should mention that all of the cards shown above are from Minted and it's my go-to site for all-things related to cards, whether it's holiday, birthday or birth announcement.  Their designs and customer service really are the best.

And with that being said, I'm thrilled to offer TWO of you the chance to win $150 towards your holiday card this season {or whatever else you fancy on their site...they have great prints and party decor too!}.

Giveaway is closed!
Congrats to Stacey and Maura!  I have emailed the winners to notify them!  :)

That's it!  The winner will be chosen next Friday.

Good luck!

xo natasha


  1. Yes... I totally started doing this last year! I do a quick search of cards I like and send them to my photographer. She then makes sure to take a bunch of shots that will fit with the card layout. This is so important since overlay cards are so popular now!

  2. minted is the best! i love the second card! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. These are all so cute! i love how many options Minted always has!

  4. i've been on their website already and loved so very merry (the first one you pictured!) Love minted cards!!!

  5. I love Minted so much! All of there cards are sooo pretty!! <3

  6. I LOVE giving and getting Christmas cards too! I always thought I would take the pictures and find the perfect card to match them but I might need to start doing the reverse. However, with Minted that could be hard because I LOVE them all!

  7. Getting cards in the mail is so special! They truely make the holidays that much more festive. I love these tips, pinning for reference!

  8. Great idea, I've always done it the opposite. Photo first then pick card. I'll take your advice and switch it up this year.
    Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway, I gotta win!!! :)

    Enjoy Colorado!
