Whew! What a week! I still can't believe that Wyatt was born one week ago and that he's been in our lives ever since. It's been a whirlwind, to say the least! I wanted to write a little recap of everything we've been up to this last week, though I am going to limit baby updates to a monthly basis from here on out.
We left off with me at 39 weeks this past Monday, the 12th. When I took this picture I already knew the baby was coming soon since my water broke that morning {I plan to write Wyatt's birth story separately}. I had NO idea that little Wyatt was planning to make an early appearance...I was still working full-time, I was planning to work all last week and I didn't have any signs of labor looming. Since Ethan was late, I was figured this guy would be late too!
Trust me, I am thrilled that Wyatt decided to make an early appearance but it was definitely a little jarring at first. I miss being pregnant {which is crazy because I was in so much discomfort towards the end...damn hormones!} and still have projects that need to be completed. Being a type-A personality, I'm a planner, not the spontaneous type! Wyatt is teaching me new lessons each day about going with the flow. ;)
I am completely biased, but he is totally worth it! He is such a good baby so far...he latched on right away and is pretty easy going--which is awesome, especially with a rambunctious toddler on our hands.

Speaking of Ethan, he is adjusting waaaaay better than I could have anticipated. He was so sweet the morning I went into labor. It was almost like he knew...this was his last morning with his mama as an only child. We read stories together and took some sweet photos {
here and
here}. He met Wyatt later that night and just loves kissing his head, petting him, and holding him. He is definitely aware that the dynamics have shifted...sometimes, I'll catch Ryan and I fussing over the baby and Ethan will just be standing there, kind of lost, like...wait, why is this baby getting all the attention? We try to keep him on his same routine and have been making sure to include him in as much baby related activities as we can. He loves helping with the baby and is always asking questions. Oh! And if you're looking for a good book for an older sibling, check out
"Don't Eat the Baby". My grandma got it for Ethan and he LOVES it. We changed the names in the stories to fit our family and he insists we read it to him every night. Overall, I think he's really excited to be a big brother and I just know that will be good buddies soon enough.

Even though Ethan is two and a half years old, he'll always be our first baby. But comparing him to Wyatt, he sure does look like a big boy! That's his hand with Wyatt's above. We plan to move Ethan in to his big boy room soon, which he is very excited about. Now, just to find the time!
Ryan's been an amazing dad this past week...I would have not survived without him. He's been taking the first night shift so I can get a couple hours in without worrying about the baby. It's been a lifesaver. We joke about how we forgot about the sleepless nights and how challenging the first week is. He's also been amazing with Ethan...playing with him and making him feel special since I'm so preoccupied at the moment. We're basically walking zombies, but we love having this little man in our lives.
Today, we had an in-home nurse visit and Wyatt is up to 7 pounds .5 ounces, which is just music to my ears! That means he's put on almost 10 ounces since his first pediatrician appointment on Thursday...yay! We also learned at our pedi appointment that Wyatt has a slight tongue tie that they're going to snip this coming Thursday...gulp! Makes me sad, but I know it's for the best.
All in all, week one has exceeded our expectations. Life with two children is already proving to be so much fun {I know...ask me again in a couple months!}. I love that our family is growing and it all seems so right for us.
I hope to be back soon with postpartum favorites and Wyatt's birth story, so be sure to check back in!
xo natasha