Friday, December 19, 2014

Pregnancy Favorites // Winter Edition

My due date is exactly one month away from today...on the 19th.  As I enter my ninth and final month, I have to say that this pregnancy really has flown by.  I think the holidays have definitely helped, as well as having a crazy toddler to keep track of.  And while it's been a pretty easy pregnancy, it's been different too!  This time, my due date is at the complete opposite time of year.  The first time around, I was finishing off my pregnancy in maxi dresses and taking long walks every day.  Now...I'm living in leggings and find myself snuggling on the couch more than getting outside.

Leggings These are by far the best maternity leggings on the market {in my humble opinion}.  They're super stretchy, seamless and I wear them almost every day.  Buy won't regret it!
Larabars I love Larabars and I especially love the Uber brand for the crunch.  It's a great snack, for on-the-go!
Pillows I know there are a lot of fancy pregnancy pillows out there, but for me, I prefer to have 3-4 surrounding me at all times.  These basic pillows from Target are my favorite!
Maternity Jeans I bit the bullet and bought a couple maternity jeans this time around, mainly because it's winter and I live in a cold climate.  I did splurge on these, but they fit like a glove and are so comfortable!
Lotion There are so many expensive, "pregnancy" lotions out there, but my go-to is Johnson's baby lotion in shea & cocoa butter.  It smells amazing and has the basic ingredients that claim to stave off those pesky stretch marks.
Vitamin D This is a new item to the list, but apparently it helps with foot cramps and I am desperate for anything at this point.  So far so good!  {Psst...have you heard of this trick?}
Camelbak Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Slippers These cold winter months call for cozy slippers, and UGGs are always my go-to!

So...what are your maternity favorites? 

AND...I am seriously considering a belly band postpartum.  Since it's winter, I think I'll be more likely to wear it consistently...any recommendations?

xo natasha


  1. I can't believe you're only a month away! Time is flying for sure! I love all of your pregnancy recommendations. I'll have to check out those snack bars, they sound like a fantastic treat. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

  2. a month away!! omg so exciting! off to check out those leggings ;) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. You're so close!! Love those dark jeans, I totally splurged on a good pair like that too and its so worth it!

  4. My due date is one month from tomorrow, with my second as well( I have a 2 yr old) ! I have enjoyed following along your blog and always feel a sigh a of relief with a lot of the things you have posted! Enjoy your last month as a family of 3...I'm just hoping I remember how to do the infant stage again!! :)

  5. I am a fan of multiple pillows, too...the maternity ones are just too big, especially when I switch from side to side! I am just entering the foot cramp stage, so I am willing to try anything - even soap!! Haha thanks for sharing!!

  6. Definitely multiple pillow kind of gal! We take D3 for an immune boost in the winter and now that you mention it, I haven't had many leg cramps thus far this pregnancy.

  7. I tried those jeans on and they fit like a dream, but I just couldn't let myself buy them. I went for the cheap pairs instead. Which is okay, but no Kate Middleton jeans :p

    I used a belly bandit after Abigail and was really glad I did. I will use it again.

  8. I have been thinking of trying a belly band! I had planned to order it before the baby came and start wearing it right away but having a newborn/breastfeeding has been enough to deal with these first few days without throwing something else in the mix! ;)

  9. Good leggings are key! I bought gap jeans and they are just alright -- nothing to write home about.

    P.S. I’m giving away a Hamilton Beach Stack and Snap Food Processor on the blog. Hope you join in the fun!

    See you tomorrow!

  10. I cannot believe that your pregnancy is over already (almost) which makes me realize how on earth do I have a four month old?! We will be in Auburn for Christmas and head up a couple days before. Do you have plans on the 23rd? Would love to see you. Miss you!!

  11. Camelbaks are the best!!! Seriously, second pregnancies go by crazy fast; but then labor and delivery are so much easier too. Now thats a #win. :)

  12. We are big ingrid / isabel fans too ! We offer the bellyband and cami but the leggings also look fab!

  13. Insurance will cover the hospital belly support. Use it for two weeks until you shrink down and will most likely need the next size down. Then buy one. It helps tremendously with back support.
