Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 in Review: The Tripple P

2014 has been a great year.  As I look back, I think of all that we have done and accomplished and it dawned on me that this last year was marked by three big milestones...all beginning with the letter P...

The first P stands for property.  That's right, we bought the lot next door and we could not be more thrilled about the possibilities.  We absolutely love our neighborhood and our's off the beaten path, has amazing mountain views, is steps from a river and a golf course and we have wonderful neighbors.  I don't know that we'll actually start to build for a little while, but it literally makes us giddy to know it's ours!

The second P is for publisher.  I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be a publisher of a newspaper, but here I am, and it happened for me at 30 years old, no less.  I am really so proud of my accomplishments with my work and to serve this community.  Tahoe is our forever home now and to be a position where I can help influence change and opportunity is pretty special.

The last P, of course, is my pregnancy with baby #2.  What a whirlwind of a year it's been and we are so SO excited to meet this next baby. Ethan has just blossomed over the last six months and I know he will be an amazing big brother.  It's hard to imagine life with two kiddos, but we are beyond excited for this next chapter.

Some other highlights from 2014 include...

Before I say goodbye to 2014, I have to express my deep gratitude for everyone that stops by to read and especially to comment.  I've been a pretty bad blogger when it comes to commenting and interacting, but just know that I read every single comment and enjoy them immensely.  I read your blogs, watch how we've grown and consider you all good girlfriends.  So thank you for following along and for all of your love and support this past year.  2015 is going to be a great year!

xo natasha

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

37 Weeks

This week called for a night shot...a late night shot!  Sorry for the poor quality! 

How far along? 37 Weeks {first 37 week update}
Baby Size: A bunch of Swiss chard
Total weight gain:I really think I'm closer to 30 pounds post-holidays...
Maternity clothes? Yet again, more accessories and mostly all maternity clothes...eep!  I got this fun scarf from my sister-in-law and her husband for my!
Stretch marks? Who knows, but I think I'm still good.
Sleep: Just the usual cramping, aches and pains.  Shifting from side-to-side is nearly impossible now!
Best moment this week: Definitely celebrating Christmas and a close second was my birthday!  ;)
Miss Anything? Having tons of energy.  With my first pregnancy, I was out walking and hiking no problem.  Now, I can barely waddle across the!
Movement: Still tons and tons of rolls.
Food cravings: Everything sounds good--I just try not to eat too much in one sitting.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: 2015 and knowing that I can soon say that I get to meet my soon THIS month!
Differences this time? Lack of energy and just getting around in general.  I remember complaining about it last time, but I'm serious this time around!  ;)

xo natasha

Monday, December 29, 2014

Our Christmas Recap

What a whirlwind the last few days have been...I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone!  But it's truly been a magical one this year.  Seeing Christmas through a child's eyes makes me so happy and sentimental...and I know it's only going to get better each year...especially with a brother in tow for the years to come.  Here's a little recap of our Christmas...

All the gifts wrapped under the tree...

I loved our tree this year...I don't think I'll ever go back to the super dense kind again!

Ethan's "big" gift this year was from his Grandpa and Grandmama...we put this cute "playhouse" together on Christmas Eve and couldn't wait to see his reaction on Christmas morning!

Of course, Ethan loved it!  He also loved his cute new UGGs from Grandma.

 Kitty loved the playhouse too!  ;)

It was so much fun watching Ethan open his presents...

and then immediately want to play with each one! 
Train is Melissa & Doug

His tool belt from Daddy was a hit!

After we opened presents, we went to Gamma and Pop Pop's house to celebrate with the rest of the family...Ethan was excited to see all the presents!

The scooter was a total hit!

Of course. no Christmas morning is complete without a candy cane!

Even the dogs got in on the fun!

The next day was my birthday...and Ethan's two and a half year birthday, so we celebrated with family and cake, of course!

All in all, it was a great Christmas and it makes me a little sad that's it's all over already.  We've even taken down the decorations...bah humbug!  But of course, my mind is already shifting to this little baby on the way...I'm 37 weeks today!  Full's time to start getting ready for his arrival!

xo natasha

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas // Our Christmas Card

I can't believe Christmas is finally here!  I'm signing off for the next couple days to enjoy the holiday with family, but I'll leave you with our Christmas card this year...

The cards are from Minted and my beautiful friend {and fellow preggo!} of Artyard Photography took the photo!

Wishing you and your family and very Merry Christmas!

xo natasha

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks {first 36 week update}
Baby Size: A head of romaine lettuce...or like I've got a bowl full of jelly!  ;)
Total weight gain: 25ish pounds
Maternity clothes? Since I tend to be wearing the same thing over and over again, I'm trying to add more accessories, like this scarf!
Stretch marks? I think I'm still good...knock on wood!
Sleep: Eh, we're trying to sleep train the cat {aka get her to stop waking me up at 5am} and dealing with my achy back.  Sleep is so-so.
Best moment this week: Having family come into town, getting a pedi with two of my preggo girlfriends and getting ready for CHRISTMAS!!  Can't believe it's the day after tomorrow!
Miss Anything? Pretty much miss my body as a whole.
Movement: Rollin' a ton!
Food cravings: Still lovin' my Raisin Bran...and any holiday treats...I don't discriminate!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Why, Christmas of course!!!
Differences this time? I think it's clear I'm bigger this time will be interesting to see if this baby is any bigger!

And with Christmas around the corner, I have a fun poll going on right now on my Instagram.  What's your tradition for Christmas...does Santa wrap or leave your gifts unwrapped?  Chime in below!

xo natasha

Monday, December 22, 2014

Family Photos

Yesterday, we spent the morning taking family photos out on the lake.  The weather was surprisingly warm and it was so much fun spending the time with our family...four golden retrievers and all!  Here are some outtakes:

Ethan with his cuzzies...hamming it up, as usual!

Gotta love two year olds!  Thankfully, we got some good family shots on the "real" camera!  ;)

Me and my beautiful when she's in town!

At least, we got one good shot of us!  #selfie

Done and done...lollipooped!

And that's a wrap!  All in was a fun morning and the walk out to the beach totally kicked my pregnant butt!  I'm officially 36 weeks today...will share more tomorrow!

xo natasha

Friday, December 19, 2014

Pregnancy Favorites // Winter Edition

My due date is exactly one month away from today...on the 19th.  As I enter my ninth and final month, I have to say that this pregnancy really has flown by.  I think the holidays have definitely helped, as well as having a crazy toddler to keep track of.  And while it's been a pretty easy pregnancy, it's been different too!  This time, my due date is at the complete opposite time of year.  The first time around, I was finishing off my pregnancy in maxi dresses and taking long walks every day.  Now...I'm living in leggings and find myself snuggling on the couch more than getting outside.

Leggings These are by far the best maternity leggings on the market {in my humble opinion}.  They're super stretchy, seamless and I wear them almost every day.  Buy won't regret it!
Larabars I love Larabars and I especially love the Uber brand for the crunch.  It's a great snack, for on-the-go!
Pillows I know there are a lot of fancy pregnancy pillows out there, but for me, I prefer to have 3-4 surrounding me at all times.  These basic pillows from Target are my favorite!
Maternity Jeans I bit the bullet and bought a couple maternity jeans this time around, mainly because it's winter and I live in a cold climate.  I did splurge on these, but they fit like a glove and are so comfortable!
Lotion There are so many expensive, "pregnancy" lotions out there, but my go-to is Johnson's baby lotion in shea & cocoa butter.  It smells amazing and has the basic ingredients that claim to stave off those pesky stretch marks.
Vitamin D This is a new item to the list, but apparently it helps with foot cramps and I am desperate for anything at this point.  So far so good!  {Psst...have you heard of this trick?}
Camelbak Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Slippers These cold winter months call for cozy slippers, and UGGs are always my go-to!

So...what are your maternity favorites? 

AND...I am seriously considering a belly band postpartum.  Since it's winter, I think I'll be more likely to wear it consistently...any recommendations?

xo natasha

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Last Minute Gift Ideas for the Whole Fam!

Christmas is ONE week away!  How is that possible?!

If you're searching for some last minute ideas, then know that Amazon Prime has 2-day shipping that can get you your gifts in time for Christmas.  

For the Teens: Taylor Swift CD {you know the guys secretly like it too!}
For the Cook: Ina Garten's Make it Ahead Cookbook {I've haven't had a bad recipe yet!}
For the Health Nut: FitBit {I need to wear mine more...}
For the Reader: Kindle {easy & convenient!}
For the Early Riser: Nespresso Machine {we LOVE ours!}
For the Whole Adult Family...or maybe just your friends: Cards Against Humanity {seriously, amazing!}

VIP Zappos members also get free overnight shipping {regular customers get free 2-day shipping, no minimum right now too!}...amazing!  They're not just a shoe website either...they have clothes, handbags, jewelry, makeup and more.  If I were you, I'd snag some last-minute pajamas to open on Christmas Eve!  ;)

How are you doing on your shopping?  Done?  Almost Done?  Haven't started?

xo natasha

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks {first 35 week update}.  Last time, I was super excited that my due date was 30 days that sounds terrifying!  I need more time!
Baby Size: A honeydew melon
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? My options are becoming more narrow by the day...I'm really getting over it!  This dress is on repeat from Target!
Stretch marks? From what I can see...I think I'm still good.
Sleep: My lower back is killing me and my foot cramps are SUPER bad.  I am starting to take vitamin D, per a friend's recommendation to help.  Fingers crossed.
Best moment this week: Our Christmas party!
Miss Anything? Not waddling constantly...
Movement: Rolls and jabs galore :)
Food cravings: Food sounds less interesting by the day...I'm just so full and big now.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Celebrating December birthdays this weekend and having my sis-in-law and her husband come into town...yay!
Differences this time? Just way more achy and crampy.  My lower back is definitely taking a toll this time around.  Help!

xo natasha

Monday, December 15, 2014

Our Weekend

After a long work week and a crazy weekend, I'm going to keep this pretty short and sweet.  The holidays are in full-swing and I am starting to get more anxious by the day with all that's going on.  At the same time, I'm trying to slow down long enough to actually enjoy the season.  It's hard to believe that this is Ethan's third Christmas--and last Christmas as an only child.  That just boggles my mind!

Anyway, back to my not so short and sweet post...our weekend in five pictures:

Friday night, I put our Christmas cards together.  Thankfully Minted made the process super easy this year with printing both the "to" and "from" address on the envelope.  Huge time saver!

I received some last minute ornaments from Terrain that really helped fill out our tree.  I am in love with all the colors!

But just to give you reference...they are teeny tiny!

Saturday night, we had our annual cookies & cocktail party.  I made this cookie recipe, which seemed to be a hit!  Things sure have changed with little toddlers running amok and most of my girlfriends being pregnant at the least I was in good company!  ;)

Sunday we took a brisk walk, watched Frozen and made pineapple salsa + avocado nachos.  You can find the salsa recipe here.  We did not use coriander or cumin and added lime juice, but you get the gist!  ;)

How were your weekends?  Did you do anything festive?

xo natasha

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Nursery + Big Boy Room Checklists

My due date is almost a month away {January 19th!} and I have barely made a dent on the nursery and Ethan's big boy room...eek!

I put together this inspiration board for the nursery and have acquired some things...but there's still a lot left to do!  I think I will keep the walls gray, since they're pretty light and neutral.  Here is a list of the rest of what I have left to do...

Buy new pillow...looking for a kilim style.
Move bamboo curtains over from guest bedroom.
Move in dresser
Add legs to dresser...after moving the dresser into the room, it's only about 25.5 inches tall...we definitely need to add legs.  Any ideas on where to find some good ones?  I'm thinking 6 inches should do the trick.
Move map to Ethan's room
Hang buffalo print over crib
Move deer and "E" to Ethan's room
Add book ledges adjacent to crib
Buy brass floor lamp {considering this one}
Figure out what the do with the gallery wall...planning to add the Yard Bombed antlers and some other prints.

Ethan will be taking over the guest bedroom.

First things first, I need to figure out what color walls to paint the room.  This is the inspiration board.  I'm thinking a dark gray, or maybe just a bright white...but feel free to make any suggestions.

Buy bed {still waiting for it to get here...}
Add new banner, deer head and "E" over bed.  I'm now thinking that his bed might tuck away in the above right corner...thoughts?
Decide on bedside tables/lamps--may not need to do this if I tuck the bed in the corner.
Move over striped curtains from nursery
Add book ledges to right of window
Move over dresser and map from nursery
Finalize bedding {I have this, this and this}
Figure out/buy a ceiling fixture
Also, if we tuck the bed in the corner...I probably will want an area rug.

So that's where we stand.  I would love your suggestions on some of the items above.  Feel free to comment below or email me!

xo natasha

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Him

After posting my first stocking stuffer idea board {for women!}, I got a couple requests to post on some ideas for the guys.  Guys are always more difficult to buy for...I guess they don't require as many "knick knacks" as women do.  But I've come up with a couple ideas for you to snag.

Money Clip:  A great alternative to a wallet...small and compact.  I actually got this for Ryan on our 5 year anniversary {I'm so clever with my "wood" gift!} and he loves using it on the weekends and such.

Cold Weather Gloves: A must for us Tahoe-dwellers, but I imagine any guy would love a good pair. 

Bottle Opener: 'Cause he can never have too many!

Craft Beer: My husband loves Pliny the Elder...but any craft beer will do.  OR, you can always buy him a mini bottle of his favorite liquor...Fireball anyone?

His Favorite Hot Sauce: Bonus points for buying the mini bottle version that he can stash in his office drawer or glove box.

Chapstick: Seems kind of boring, but it's totally not something he would buy for himself...amiright?!

Cozy Socks: Who can resist a fun pair of socks...ok, maybe this is more for us than them, but I love the fair isle print!

Stick some of his favorite candy and a Starbucks gift card in there and you're set!

Do you have any fun traditions or ideas you always include in your guy's stocking?

xo natasha

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks {first 34 week update}
Baby Size: A cantaloupe
Total weight gain: 23-24 pounds
Maternity clothes? Leggings all day, everyday.  And this cute poncho {also available here} that I scored on Black Friday!
Stretch marks? Still ok...that I can tell!
Sleep: I keep forgetting to mention that I've been consistently sleeping through the night--no potty breaks for me.  I actually blame the cat for this.  If I wake up in the middle of the night, she instantly thinks it's time for her to be fed and will not leave me alone until she gets fed.  So basically, the cat has sleep trained this pregnant lady!
Best moment this week: Getting our tree up and celebrating special moments with friends over the weekend.
Miss Anything? My back!
Movement: Kicking my ribs and lots of rolls.
Food cravings: Still loving my sweets.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Our annual Christmas party this weekend!
Differences this time?  Somehow this question fell off, but it's worth noting my hair issues.  This time, I'm definitely noticing how amazing my hair is...I can go days without washing it--it never gets greasy.  And it's definitely thicker.  I love it.  But...the hair doesn't stop there...I've been in denial, but it's pretty clear to me that I'm getting a lot more hair along my jawline, which is SO not attractive.  Woof.

xo natasha

Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Weekend

Our first weekend of December was bustling, but I wouldn't have it any other way!  We got to deck the halls {tree} and enjoy lots of good cheer...which really helped us get in the holiday spirit!

We kicked off the weekend by finding our tree.  Ethan was stoked that they gave out free popcorn...Wilson was not so stoked.  I think he thought we were going to chop one down in the forest.  Wah wah...

Later that day, we got to go to Ethan's friend's third birthday party.  It was a gingerbread decorating cute!  And look at that concentration!!  ;)

I also got to attend a good friend's baby shower.  I am sure she will have photos up this week...we're only about 10 days apart.  

That night, we got together with friends.  Beckett is Ethan's buddy...who is almost exactly a year older.  It's been so fun watching them grow and now finally be able to play fairly well together.  Beckett has a younger brother, so it was fun seeing how they interacted and definitely gave me a sneak peek of what we're in for!

On Sunday, we took a stroll along the golf course in our neighborhood.  Ethan insisted on walking a majority of the time, which was fine with me as I've officially developed the "pregnancy waddle"!

Wilson finally got his forest time...

Full disclosure, here I am, waddle and all!

And we finally got the decorations up on our tree...I'm still waiting on some more, but this gives you an idea.

Ethan and his snuggle buddy!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner....we're trying our best to soak it all in!  

Did you do anything fun this past weekend?

xo natasha