29 Weeks

How far along? 29 Weeks {first 29 week update}. 
Baby Size: A butternut squash
Total weight gain: Let's just call it 20 pounds and quickly counting!
Maternity clothes? Leggings and sweaters...leggings and dresses...and more leggings.  It's cooling off quite a bit here {we had our first snow over the weekend!} and so I foresee a lot of leggings in the future.  I also bought another pair of maternity jeans.  I'll post them soon, permitting they fit.  And I plan to post more on this dress ^ tomorrow!
Stretch marks? Good, but I swear my belly is stretching more this time.  Everything feels itchy and taut...it worries me!
Sleep: Sleeping well...not even getting up for potty breaks, which may or may not be a good thing?  Maybe I need to up my water intake.
Best moment this week: Giants winning the world series and the first snow of the season!  OH and Halloween of course!  ;)
Miss Anything?  Just feeling like a normal person.
Movement: Lots of stretches and kicks.
Food cravings: Sweets...it's bad!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Our trip to Portland this weekend!  Can't wait to hang out with Jane and eat our pregnant selves through the city!  ;)
Differences this time around: So this time around, I have a doctor that is fine with me leaving the hill.  If you reference back to my 29 post from the first time around, I wasn't able to travel at all after 28 weeks, which was a huge bummer for a number of reasons.  This time, I'll be flying at 29 weeks and again at 32 weeks.  Granted, both times are on the west coast, but still!  It's a pretty big difference this time around.

xo natasha


  1. I love portland!! have a great time and eat some voodoo donuts!! :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. Could you be any more gorgeous?? You're glowing! You almost make me want to get pregnant again! :)

  3. That green is beautiful on you Natasha! You are growing!! So fun to see your baby bump. It seems like time is flying by.

  4. You just look amazing and I can't wait to hear all about Portland! I have always wanted to go!

  5. Looking gorgeous as ever!! Have the best time in portland!!!

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