Tuesday, August 5, 2014

16 Weeks

How far along? 16 Weeks {first 16 week update}
Baby Size: An avocado
Total weight gain/loss: I would say 3-5 pound range.
Maternity clothes? Not yet!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I think I need a new pillow, but otherwise, everything is good!
Best moment this week: Seeing my best friend and her husband this past weekend...and Lady Gaga too!
Miss Anything? Not really...I feel pretty good and normal most days!
Movement: Maybe that was gas last week?  Haha, I think it's still too early to tell.
Food cravings: Anything peanut butter flavored and sweets.  Made some chocolate chip cookies on Sunday!
Gender prediction: SO...we know!!  {I'm a stinker, I know!}  But I am waiting for our ultrasound later this month just to confirm.  I was able to get an early blood test and while I'm confident the results are correct...there is just something so magical about seeing it for myself.  Eeeee keeping a secret is SO hard!  ;)
Looking forward to: This month in general...lots going on!
Differences this time around: If you look back at my first 16 week update, I just look tired, which is ironic because I have a toddler now.  But really, I feel so much more confident this time around and feel like I get to enjoy the process a bit more. 

xo natasha


  1. You look so great! That is so exciting that you know the sec already, I'd be the same way about wanting to see it to confirm :) I have the bump nest pillow and even though its an investment, its amazing and I definitely recommend!

  2. Thats awesome that you're feeling so well! I definetly didn't at 16 weeks this time around. You look wonderful!

  3. so exciting that you now the sex!! congrats :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. you look great and I'm saying it's a GIRL!!

  5. Ekk you know!!! You are a stinker, can't wait to hear!! You look gorgeous mama, xo!!

  6. WHAT??? Ack, you're killing us! Haha. Super excited to find out! You look great, Mama!

  7. So excited for you!! You are looking great!

  8. You look so happy! And so great! Eeeek! Can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy!

  9. Ahhhhh you know the gender?! I am thinking girl, girl, girl (tell me I am right!)

  10. I feel very special over here that I know the sex. XOXOX

  11. So excited for you, you look GREAT! :)

  12. Can't wait to hear if Ethan is getting a brother or a sister! You look positively radiant!

  13. The blood test is how we found out and even though the doctor told my husband it was 99.9% accurate, he refused to believe it until the ultrasound even though we know several people that had ultrasounds turn out to be incorrect (they didnt get the blood tests LOL). So odd huh? Cannot wait to hear and you look amazing!
