Friday, June 20, 2014

5 Mama Tips to Maximize Your Time

When people find out I write a blog, the number once question is, "But, how do you do it all?".  And I always say...I have no idea.  Ha!  But the truth is, I don't do it all.  Not even close.  Between working full time, being a wife and mama, and writing this blog, I don't have a lot of extra time.  The things I used to relish in--sleeping in, reading a magazine, getting pedicures, taking a bath--I have to work at much harder to make happen.  I know all of us mamas struggle to prioritize so I hope by sharing the below tips, they might help you as well!

Easier said than done, but when I was doing my 20 minute workouts in the morning before work, I felt so much more energized and ready to tackle the day.  And the best part was, I got to spend more time with Ethan after work, focusing on him.

It's ok...take a shortcut every now and then.  Yes, we order in dinner a couple nights a week.  Yes, I order something pre-made versus making it myself.  Yes, we sometimes put Ethan to bed without a bath.  But guess what?  It's the shortcuts that allow me to keep it together and maximize my time with my family.

Yes, this is advice I should follow more often.  But after sitting in front of a computer all day, coming home to blog and then watching a TV show, I swear I am always connected.  And let's not even get started with social media.  I often think about how our parents did not have smart phones or internet and we were all probably better off because of it.  Give yourself permission to disconnect every now and then.  You'll be a better spouse and parent for it.  And think of the time it will free up for you!

I don't know about you, but being a full-time working mama makes me feel guilty when I'm not spending every extra living and breathing second being with Ethan.  But I also know I am a better parent because I have that time away for myself...and the important distinction here is that while adult time at work is great, there is truly nothing better than having some adult solace during personal time too.  I guess my point is, it's ok to take time out for just you.

My last tip for maximizing your time is, shop online.  Save yourself the time and hassle from running to the store {with a baby nonetheless!}, fighting long lines and lugging large items like, diapers, to the car.  I am a huge fan of shopping online for baby essentials, especially at  You all know my love for Huggies and I would be remiss to not share with you that they're currently offering $12 off Huggies for first-time buyers.  Such a great deal!  All you have to do is enter the code WOWHUGGIES at checkout.  Easy and it will save you time and money!

So there you have I appear to be doing it all!  But in reality, I'm making sure to follow the above tips to maximize my time and keep it--mainly my sanity--together.

xo natasha

A special thank you to Huggies for sponsoring this post.  As always, all opinions expressed are my own.


  1. I totally agree that sometimes shortcuts have to be made! I also need to remind myself to take more time for myself. Even though I'm home all day with Noah, I still feel like when my husband gets home we should be doing things as a family. We've at least made the effort to do more date nights.

  2. Love this post! I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up with working full-time, blogging and being a mom! I'll definitely have to start using and shopping online more often :)

  3. great tips! I'm not a momma yet but these will be good to keep in mind! :)

    1. So many of these apply to day-to-day life anyway...I so need to disconnect more {I say as I am writing this! ;) }.

  4. Great tips!! Love that you admitted to the shortcuts!!!! We all have them, yet I'm not sure everyone would admit that. Bravo! :)

  5. Great tips Natasha! And as a mom of two grown girls, could not agree more. I was thankful technology was not that "big" back then. More time spent with the girls hands on.

    1. Sometimes I wish we could rewind back to that time!!

  6. My friend makes fun of me about online shopping. I don't know why you wouldn't shop online. There's free shipping or a coupon code for it, coupon codes, and I don't have to by extra snacks or toys to entertain my son. I even have a membership so my grocery does my shopping for me! Just pull up and they put it in the car. Some say lazy, I say efficient! (good tips btw!)

    1. Living in Tahoe I shop online ALL the time! So much easier! ;)

  7. love those sneakers woman!!! so cute! and your tips are great as well. one might need them sooner or later! ;) ;)

  8. That car seat photo couldn't be any cuter. Love it.

    xo Natasja

  9. Such awesome tips!!! Thanks for sharing mama x

  10. After reading this post it makes me realized how wholly unprepared I am for August :)

  11. These are some really awesome tips, Natasha! I especially liked the shortcut one :)

  12. You may not think you do it all, but I am pretty sure you do! Super Mom!

  13. Great tips!! I especially love the shortcuts one. And I so agree. Between working full time, being a full time mom/wife, and blogging, it doesn't leave much extra time. And like you, I feel so, so guilty when I spend time away from Mason, even if it is just to go grocery shopping. I usually try to go when he's napping on a Sunday so I don't feel so guilty and even try to sneak in a little "me" time of a pedicure or a Starbucks or something if I can. It's so important to still have adult time as a mom. You're doing an amazing job mama!

  14. Dear natasha, great tips! loved your nike running shoes, can you tell me which model they are and where to get them online possibly kisses Chantal

    1. Thanks! They're the Nike Free 5.0:
