Thursday, June 19, 2014

2nd Birthday Gift Ideas

You guys!  Ethan turns TWO in one week!  I can hardly believe it...didn't we just celebrate one?!!

Ethan's definitely at a fun age now, where he loves play, interacting with his toys and mimicking us.  Here are some ideas I have in mind for his big day:

Play Kitchen: Ethan loves copying us and I am pretty sure he would love to be a little chef like his daddy.  This Hape kitchen is so darling and all the play food is equally as cute.  
Classic Record Player: Ethan's friend has this toy and he just loves it.  I think it's especially sweet because I had the same toy growing up.
Rody Horse: I've heard amazing things about Rody the Horse!  Pretty sure Ethan would go bonkers over this little guy!
Wishbone Bike: Running bikes are supposed to be great for toddlers--there are no pedals to get caught up on and it helps with balance.  I like this particular brand because it's a 3-in-1 bike, starting out as a trike, then bike and last the saddle switches to accommodate them when they're bigger.  I also like that it's durable and environmentally friendly.
The Goodnight Train Book:  I can't remember where I heard about this book, but I understand it's a keeper!  I'm always on the lookout for great's one thing that Ethan won't grow out of for a long time!
Color & Shape Sorter: To keep his mind going...I love the shapes and colors.

Am I missing anything that I should add to the list?  Can't believe he's turning TWO so soon!!

xo natasha


  1. My 2 year old loves Wedgits. They are so easy to build with and make tons of different shapes.

  2. Ashlynn is really getting into her Fisher Price Little People toys, I love listening to her talk to them and tell them its sleepy time ha. She was really into the Farm we got for xmas so I just got her the princess castle, but they make tons of cute "boy" ones too!

  3. aww that kitchen! too cute. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. He totally needs a play kitchen! There are some really cute DIY ideas on Pinterest too made out of an old cabinet. Also start saving boxes of empty food. (Think triscuit boxes and such) for him to use when he goes "grocery shopping"

  5. I can't believe Ethan is going to be 2! It seems like just yesterday you were pregnant. Wow...time flies. So fun seeing him grow up Natasha. That kitchen is fun.

  6. We have Rody and my kids love it! My four year old still plays with it regularly!

  7. I just posted about this yesterday! Ha. Mason turns two a month from yesterday and I can't believe it! LOVING your ideas! I would love a play kitchen for Mason but we don't have too much extra room so I found this cute little BBQ on Amazon that I love and think he would love because he could BBQ with his daddy. And also what Erinn said, we have lots of Little People items and Mason LOVES them. I'm looking in to getting more too.

  8. OMG I just heard about Rody Ponies a few weeks ago and I am OBSESSED with them! I read that they have adult sized ones as well and you can bounce nearly 4 ft high!! I think I need one for myself but will be putting it on Ellie's wishlist!

  9. I remember playing with that classic record player!!! :)

  10. Toys and games have changed throughout the years.In the recent past,you got toy autos and a slingshot.Presently,toys and games look like something on a space station.You don't need to stress over picking the best one.We have an incredible rundown of blessing plans for your youth.Thank you.
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