Several weeks ago,
Elizabeth asked me to talk about what it means to be a boy mom. It definitely got my wheels turning...which is why I wanted to share more with you today.
When we first found out we were having a boy, I will admit, there was a tinge of doubt.
Would I be able to connect with a boy the same way I might connect with a know, a mini me?
Would he love me as much as a little girl would?
Would we play together {ie, could I do trucks and toads over tea and tiaras} and really share that bond?
It all seemed so daunting as I prepared for his arrival with visions of toys cars, stinky socks, and roughhousing in my future.
However, the second Ethan was born, I knew he was meant to be mine and that I would love him like nothing before. Those sweet eyes and perfect mouth stole my heart from the get-go. I soon realized that being a boy mom is special...and that a bond between a mother and a son is just naturally strong from the beginning.
Despite my preconceived notions of having a stinky, messy, crazy little man on my hands {and don't get me wrong, he has plenty of those moments}, I am always blown away by how sweet Ethan's demeanor is. He loves holding my hand...and giving me kisses...or pats on the back. He loves to hum to music...and of course dance! He's such a stylish little dude too...dressing him has been so much fun.
He's smart and handsome and even when he's a stinker, I still think he's a cutie. He has me wrapped around his little finger, especially when he says "Mama" or rests his head on my shoulder...or gives me a huge smoochie! I think I expected a little girl to be sweet, but I never knew how very sweet a little boy could be.

I love knowing that even if it's for a short time, that I'm the only one who can kiss away his tears and make him feel better. That I'm that one he calls to in the morning. That I'm the one who gets the final kiss at the end of the night. He loves him mama.
And I love knowing that he'll always be my little boy...even when he's grown. I can't even imagine him being bigger than me...let alone going on his first date or going away to college. I hope we bring him up to be a gentleman and have strong treat women with respect and carry himself with dignity. But for now, the thought of cheering him on at a baseball game or helping him catch frogs in the summer time, literally makes me giddy. I'm trying to savor each minute and remember all of these sweet moments, because I know they go fast.
Since Ethan came into the world, the term "mama's boy" has taken on such a sweet, endearing tone to me. I no longer worry about the roughhousing and instead focus on the hugs. I've come to embrace all of the little things that come with the boy territory...who knew playing with trucks could be so fun? And though I know I won't always be the apple of his eye, I hope Ethan is always a mama's little boy. Whether it's now as my baby, or when he's grown and has his own babies, I hope he always remembers that I loved him first.
So all of you boy mamas...what has been the most surprising thing for you with having a boy?
xo natasha