Ethan is 16 Months!

What's New:
Ethan understands more and more everyday, though he can't quite communicate the same way he comprehends.  He's completely got our number...he knows when to cry and when to laugh.  He's verrrry dramatic.  He loves pushing buttons and switching the lights on and off.  

Ethan's official weight is 21.4 pounds from his 15 month checkup and he's 31 inches tall...I think the walking has definitely kept his weight down and he seems to be about average height as well.  He's just growing out of his 6-12 pants and is mainly wearing all 12-18 month clothing.

It's hit or miss.  The little guy seems to be getting more and more picky.  Some days he loves pasta...other days he wants nothing to do with it.  He consistently likes banana {sometimes I roll it in crushed graham cracker} and he LOVES these little snacks.

I believe he has a total of 8 now.  He has his top front four, two molars {maybe more} and his bottom two teeth...maybe more?  It's getting harder to tell.  But he LOVES brushing his teeth at the end of the night.  I'll say, it's time to brush our teeth and he'll run back to our bathroom.  Hilarious!

Ethan is getting really good at mimicking us and is able to repeat more and more words.  He's also very expressive.  He'll try to grab for things too far above him and flail his hand in an upward motion and I'll say "You can't reach it" and he'll squeal along.  It's hard to explain but it's super cute!  He can sign please, thank you {sometimes} and more.  He also shakes his head no when he doesn't 
want something or is done.  While his vocabulary is building every day, there is no shortage of babble.  He'll walk around and babble to sounds like he's having a fully involved conversation on his own.

Anything he can push, pull, knock over, roll, the list goes on.  And the cat {per usual}.  Oh and his blankies...he can't get out of bed without grabbing his blankey.

Still hates his diaper changes or being told no.  Or being contained in general.

Everywhere!  He's starting to get faster and he'll be running any day now.  

xo natasha


  1. Aww Natasha! Too cute. He must be so much fun to play with every day. What an adorable little guy :)

  2. Ethan is so adorable! Liam is all about turning the lights on & off too. Love keeping up with your little family!

  3. That shirt in the first photo is perfect for Ethan! He is one happy little guy! Such a cutie and it's fun watching him grow up.

  4. Oh my gosh, Ethan looks ADORABLE! It's crazy to see how much he's changed since I've seen him, he looks so grown up! I miss getting to see him all the time :( Also, his clothes are all SO cute but no surprise there :)

  5. such a cute little man! i can't believe you have SNOW!!!

  6. He's so cute!! I am so jealous that he will look at your when you're taking a picture...I usually get the back of Cameron's head or a blurred picture! :) Isn't this stage fun?? It just keeps getting better!

  7. aww he is so cute! and growing so fast! xo

  8. This was just like re-reading one of Ashlynn's udpates, they would be such awesome buddies! (And they are even the same height/size) Isn't it so cool how much they understand and how they can communicate with actually using words and sentences. Ashlynn LOVED brushing her teeth up until about two weeks ago... I think teething was the culprit, hoping her love returns!! It's so cute otherwise

  9. he is such a cutie and so little! My 11 month old is already 20 lbs - he's a little peanut :)

  10. My almost 1 year old is huge lol! I love how much Ethan is looking like a boy now! Also, did you move his car seat forward facing? I'm debating when to do it since Noah is so big and tall.

  11. he is precious! cute blog :)


  12. Little man! Love when they babble to themselves! Just wait till he starts talking. It's hilarious. Mila is CONSTANTLY talking these days. I mean the entire world around her is editorialized. haha. "Mama...look an ant. Oh he's going reeeeeallly slowly. He's still going Mama. Maybe he's going home? There he goes..." I mean how can you talk about an ant that long? haha.

  13. What a handsome little fella. Such a fun stage. I love all the babble.

  14. Aw!! Happy 16 months to your little man! He is adorable!

  15. Ethan is adorable! It looks like our boys are at about the same stage. Tanner is now a picky eater (?) and is into EVERYTHING-so wild, but so fun! :)

  16. Look at him all bundled up in the snow. So many fun activities you are going to get to do with him this winter!

  17. Happy 16 months!! He is such a sweetie.

    So my guy also hates diaper changes and would litereally LOSE It when I tried to change him. I've started changing him on the floor and it is much better. He still cries sometimes, but not like he used to. I think he just realized that he was lying down too far above the ground for his liking (when he was on his change table). Just a thought if you are still using your change table...

  18. He is just the sweetest little boy there ever was. I miss him! He is growing up too fast!

  19. Love this post! We just hit 16 months also and I can't believe it! The babbling is a crack-up and I will surely miss it when he becomes a full time talker.

    I'm curious, is Ethan sitting in a front facing carseat? We are still using the one he came home from the hospital in.. but I am ready to at least switch to one that has both capabilities. I'd like him to sit forward.. but is it too soon? Wondering how other Mom's are feeling about this..

  20. I just love his adorable little face! He is so cute I could just eat him UP :) Owen loves teensy fruits too -- or any kind of fruity snack. I felt cold just looking at the snow in that picture. Happy 16 months Ethan!!!

  21. First of all, he's adorable. So big and so smart. Love the baby babble. Mac has new words every day now, so I'm sure Ethan will be right behind him. This 16=18 month age is really fun. They are so silly and smart and curious. Secondly, is that SNOW?! What the what?!

  22. Oh goodness, what a little cutie!!! :)
    xo TJ

  23. all too handsome but e=the one in the striped sweater and jeans is beyond cute.

  24. wow he looks so grown up!

  25. my favorite part is you said his hatred for being contained, and getting told no...that's exactly what it's like in our house these days, too. happy 16 months Ethan!!

  26. I love reading your updates since Ethan is only a month older than my daughter and it gets me excited to see what she might be doing in a month! He's growing into such a handsome little man. :)

  27. so cute. love these updates still. and sad to see he still hates diaper changes! i have a 13 month old and i was hoping that gets better...ugh! ;)

  28. YESSSS Love baby Ethan pics. haha xoxo

  29. Natasha, he is just darling! It's had to believe he is already 16 months! Enjoy every moment!
