What's New:
Ethan understands more and more everyday, though he can't quite communicate the same way he comprehends. He's completely got our number...he knows when to cry and when to laugh. He's verrrry dramatic. He loves pushing buttons and switching the lights on and off.
Ethan's official weight is 21.4 pounds from his 15 month checkup and he's 31 inches tall...I think the walking has definitely kept his weight down and he seems to be about average height as well. He's just growing out of his 6-12 pants and is mainly wearing all 12-18 month clothing.
It's hit or miss. The little guy seems to be getting more and more picky. Some days he loves pasta...other days he wants nothing to do with it. He consistently likes banana {sometimes I roll it in crushed graham cracker} and he LOVES
these little snacks.
I believe he has a total of 8 now. He has his top front four, two molars {maybe more} and his bottom two teeth...maybe more? It's getting harder to tell. But he LOVES brushing his teeth at the end of the night. I'll say, it's time to brush our teeth and he'll run back to our bathroom. Hilarious!
Ethan is getting really good at mimicking us and is able to repeat more and more words. He's also very expressive. He'll try to grab for things too far above him and flail his hand in an upward motion and I'll say "You can't reach it" and he'll squeal along. It's hard to explain but it's super cute! He can sign please, thank you {sometimes} and more. He also shakes his head no when he doesn't
want something or is done. While his vocabulary is building every day, there is no shortage of babble. He'll walk around and babble to himself...it sounds like he's having a fully involved conversation on his own.
Anything he can push, pull, knock over, roll, the list goes on. And the cat {per usual}. Oh and his blankies...he can't get out of bed without grabbing his blankey.
Still hates his diaper changes or being told no. Or being contained in general.
Everywhere! He's starting to get faster and he'll be running any day now.
xo natasha