Monday, July 29, 2013

Baby's First Hike

This weekend was the first one in a long time where we got to stay in Tahoe and actually enjoy the place we call home.  We decided to hike Lake Winnemucca yesterday since the flowers are supposed to be in full bloom around this time and it's a fairly easy hike.  

 I was shocked I never had been on this hike before...the trail head is about 20 minutes from our house and the scenery was just stunning.

Our friends were kind enough to let us borrow their hiking backpack for baby.  Ryan felt like it really distributed the baby's weight well and it comes with a little sun shade for the bambino.  Even I hiked with it on the way down and thought it was the way to go for hiking.  Needless to say, we loved it and will be investing in one soon!  

Wilson loved checking out all the wild flowers.

We made it!  See the lake in the background?

Tired guy...I think he might have been a little weary of the whole process.

But Wilson loved it...of course!

We brought along sandwiches and took in the scenery. 

Ready to head back!

All in all, it was a great hike...perfect for families.  If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend it.

Hope your week is off to a great start...Happy Monday!

xo natasha


  1. You are so lucky to live where you do. I am always amazed at how stunning it is! That backpack is awesome, you should totally invest in! What a fun family hike!

  2. Wow! Tahoe is so beautiful - it's hard to believe that's right out your back door. Ethan will be running up that trail on his own soon :)


  3. So beautiful and what a great family time activity. We definitely don't have any trails like that around here, but we do have some parks with trails and there is an awesome "mountain" (haha east coast, nice try) that has a bunch of hawks during the fall migration... named Hawk Mtn of course :) Maybe we'll try it with A!

  4. I clicked on the link for the backpack and and it didn't work. What kind is it? I'm ready to get Shelby out and about! That sun shade is a real must!
    I'm so extremely jealous of where you live!! I love Tahoe!

    1. Sorry about that...the link should work now! It's the Osprey!

  5. Beautiful hike! We've been looking into backpacks like that but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Do you think you'll buy the same one that you used?

  6. You guys are so fun! I love it. Good for you for getting out close to home. I find it's the hardest to take advantage of what is in our own backyards.

  7. You are so lucky to have such natural beauty in your backyard! Great pictures, reminds me of being back at Mammoth!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a beautiful place you get to call jealous! Looks like so much fun, love all the pictures:)

  10. Beautiful! What a healthy, fun way to spend a day!

  11. Wow, this hike looks gorgeous! There are so many beautiful ones in Tahoe, and it looks like you guys had fun! I have been wanting to get out and hike in Oregon but so far we haven't had a chance...hopefully soon though!

  12. That picture of Wilson says it all, sheer happiness. It has been far too long since I visited Tahoe, and these photos prove it. Absolutely gorgeous country. We got the hiking bug this weekend too and I had JUST hit publish on a post about our hike when I saw yours! Love this wonderful Summer weather. P.S. You look skinny!

  13. Ahhh! The picture of Wilson swimming in the lake I want to frame for my own home! So fun!

  14. How beautiful!! I have to look into that carrier...I want to be outdoors more!

  15. What a fun family outing you had....Wilson included. Love the photo of him swimming with his stick! Such a gorgeous place to hike.

  16. wow that looks so fun!!

  17. OMG! One of my favorite parts about Tahoe was the hiking! SO PRETTY!!

  18. Oh man, that backpack brings back memories! We had one when we lived in Tennessee and used it all the time! Or John did anyway, once the babies are too big for the Bjorn, Daddy gets to carry them! :)

    Those pics are amazing, your family is just stunning!

  19. Oh looks like so much fun Natasha and you guys had the perfect day! Beautiful Lake Tahoe.

  20. These pictures are so pretty! We have only taken Ev hiking once when he was little and he slept the whole time. We need to go looks like he's at the age where he would enjoy it like Ethan!

  21. wow...stunning pictures! wish we had hikes like that around here!
