Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy 10 Months Ethan!

Little Man,

Today you turn 10 months old, and your little personality is really taking off!  You have quite the flair for the dramatic these days.  When you're frustrated, we know it!  Your signature move is folding yourself in half when you sit and slamming your head to the ground.  It's over-the-top!  You also will cry at a drop of a hat if you don't get your way, we try to change you, or you take a misstep.  I'm really hoping it's a phase...and not a preview of what's to come!

On the milestone front, you're officially crawling, and you're really good at it!  You zip around with ease and get into everything.  Your favorite spot in the house is the entertainment center {naturally!}.  You can pull yourself up and you love playing with all the dials and controls.  You must be your father's son.  So yes, you're also pulling up now {in your crib particularly} and you can actually walk with the assistance of your walker.  You don't go very fast and you get super upset if you get yourself stuck or have to fall down.  But on the other hand, it's really fun to see you gain your independence and watch you develop!  

You're also a babbling machine and can say "Bah Bah" and "Ma Ma".  You high five, and do fish kisses, and love yourself a game of Peek-a-Boo.  

You still love your baths and cannot get enough of the cat.  You had your first real scratch from her across your face this past month too.  But you still can't get enough of her.  You love to grab her fur and she actually tolerates it, most of the time!

I'd say you haven't changed too much on the food front...lots of purees and some soft solids.  You seem to really enjoy hummus and fresh fruit, like strawberries and orange slices.  We're also trying to get you to drink from your sippy cup more and more.  You really like to feed yourself, and often times, it's the key to getting you to eat your purees.  

Another flair for the drama, is that you arch your back when you're fussy or tired.  I can be holding you and all of a sudden, you'll fling your head back!  Kind of scary!  You also do this when we put you on the changing table or in the car seat.  Oy!  The only thing that helps, is giving you food for distraction.  Some puffs or mums mums usually do the trick.

I'm just about done nursing you.  You really got into the habit of biting this past month and it hurts!!  You've become better lately, but you think it's hilarious to bite and hear me yelp.  You also think is hysterical when we tell the cat "no".  You crack up, and we crack up too.  Probably not a good lesson for future discipling!  

 Even though I kid about your dramatic streak, you still love your cuddles and think that I'm the center of your universe {Dad is a close second} of course, you'll forever have my vote.  I sometimes sit back and just stare at the little boy that you're becoming and can't believe that you're becoming your own person as everyday passes.  

I also cannot BELIEVE you're into the double digits on months now.  You'll never go back to being single digits again. Of course...I also cannot believe you'll be ONE YEAR OLD in two short months.  I know I say it every time, but the time is just flying by.  

I love you little monster!

Love, Mom


  1. Happy 10 Months to Ethan! The baby temper tantrums, despite the drama, are a little silly cute, right?! And i LOVE those leggings!

    Haute Child in the City

  2. Hi is adorable!!! I have a little man that is about to be 9 months, so I can totally relate to this post. It's so fun to see personality emerge. My little man thinks I"m the center of his universe too - my husband acts like it "annoys" him, but I think he thinks it is sweet!

    Happy 10 months!!!

  3. Happy 10 Months, Ethan!! Time is flying by way too fast!! I love the temper tantrums, and we, too, laugh, which is not good, but we can't help it! He is so sweet, and I just love the faces he makes! You can really see his personality! :)

  4. I can't believe he is already 10 months old! He is adorable in his doggie onesie! And I've been debating about getting those triangle leggings from Target for weeks now! I might have to pick up a pair this weekend since Ethan is rocking his!

  5. OMG, LOVE the Boston onesie (of course, it's my weakness!)... A has done the back arching thing too, it's scary and annoying! He is soo cute, look at those little teeth!

  6. He's so cute! My son started the screaming/tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, or during diaper changes, or the car...etc around 10 months too (he's almost 1 now). I'm also hoping it's a phase!!!

  7. Oh my gosh..He is so cute! That is so funny that he thinks it is funny to bite you. Lol....That cannot be fun!

  8. Love this! What a cute munchkin! My little guy is also now doing the lovely arching of the back when trying to change him or put him in his car seat...

  9. So sweet love! He is getting SO big and can't believe he is going to be one soon!!!!

  10. I cannot believe that he is 10 months old!!! Isn't it crazy how fast it all goes. Your little man will be 1 year old soon! Eeek!

  11. He is still the cutest thing ever. I can't believe our babies are almost a year old. I sent out the invites to Mac's first birthday party yesterday and bawled in the parking lot of the post office. Make it stop!

    Mac's all drama right now too. He is so demanding! And if he doesn't get what he wants immediately, it's a meltdown. Kids are funny!

  12. He is so adorable. How has 10 months flown by already?! He sounds like he has loads of personality! Crazy to see him standing so much.

  13. I can't believe he's already 10 months so I can only imagine how you feel! He's adorable as usual!

  14. Ahhh so crazy, it seems like just yesterday you were pregnant and waiting for him to get here and now he's almost a year old! I swear, he gets cuter every day! :)

  15. pretty sure we just had his 9 month update! holy cow!
    he gets sweeter with every day!

  16. He has the cutest face! Can't believe he's already 10 months!

  17. Such a cutie!! Love the different photos! I need to see your whole nursery, it looks amazing!

  18. Love ten months! So fun to see another little guy at the same age! :))

  19. Happy 10 months Baby E! He is such a cutie and I just Love his look in the second picture totally describes this age at times!

  20. Yay!! Happy birthday E! Kaen's in the same phase (we hope it's a phase) too! Prayers for it to pass quickly, right? ;)

  21. Ten months is such a great time. Pretty soon he will be walking. Very exciting.

  22. May I ask where you got his onesie....Too cute!

  23. He seriously gets cuter every month! That picture of him turned around in the chair just shows so much sassy personality- its too funny

  24. Love this onsie!! And he is too cute! Happy 10 months!

  25. oh my goodness he is just getting so big!! i bet he is just a joy to watch grow up and change on a daily basis!! xoxo

  26. I came across this page on accident and just wanted to say that one picture of him looking back while on the chair is the most precious beautiful picture ever, I mean they all are but that has to be one of the best pics I have seen. He's adorable :)
