Monday, April 29, 2013

Master Update

In following up from my recent Ikea haul, I wanted to show you some updates in our master bedroom.  I've talked about our master bedroom since the beginning of this blog.  It's a forever work in process, but it's nice to see some changes that have evolved over time.  The last time we talked about our master, you saw this:

Lots of toile and iron.  I took your advice and got rid of the lamps...and finally made the decision to do away with the toile.  It's not perfect...but it's progress:

I'm planning a gallery wall of Ethan's first year in the room and think that over the bed might be the best place.  And perhaps some Euro shams to give the appearance of a headboard.  Of course, an actual headboard could really help too!  I so LOVE our new mirror!  It really helps to fill in the space.  Last, if we ever give up the dog bed {that appears to be taken over by the cat}, a bench at the foot of the bed would help ad some dimension.

You can see a peek of the nursery across the hallway.  Blues are definitely the color of choice in our house right now.

So there's the update.  Still lots of work to do, but I think it's an improvement.

Happy Monday!

xo natasha

Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy 10 Months Ethan!

Little Man,

Today you turn 10 months old, and your little personality is really taking off!  You have quite the flair for the dramatic these days.  When you're frustrated, we know it!  Your signature move is folding yourself in half when you sit and slamming your head to the ground.  It's over-the-top!  You also will cry at a drop of a hat if you don't get your way, we try to change you, or you take a misstep.  I'm really hoping it's a phase...and not a preview of what's to come!

On the milestone front, you're officially crawling, and you're really good at it!  You zip around with ease and get into everything.  Your favorite spot in the house is the entertainment center {naturally!}.  You can pull yourself up and you love playing with all the dials and controls.  You must be your father's son.  So yes, you're also pulling up now {in your crib particularly} and you can actually walk with the assistance of your walker.  You don't go very fast and you get super upset if you get yourself stuck or have to fall down.  But on the other hand, it's really fun to see you gain your independence and watch you develop!  

You're also a babbling machine and can say "Bah Bah" and "Ma Ma".  You high five, and do fish kisses, and love yourself a game of Peek-a-Boo.  

You still love your baths and cannot get enough of the cat.  You had your first real scratch from her across your face this past month too.  But you still can't get enough of her.  You love to grab her fur and she actually tolerates it, most of the time!

I'd say you haven't changed too much on the food front...lots of purees and some soft solids.  You seem to really enjoy hummus and fresh fruit, like strawberries and orange slices.  We're also trying to get you to drink from your sippy cup more and more.  You really like to feed yourself, and often times, it's the key to getting you to eat your purees.  

Another flair for the drama, is that you arch your back when you're fussy or tired.  I can be holding you and all of a sudden, you'll fling your head back!  Kind of scary!  You also do this when we put you on the changing table or in the car seat.  Oy!  The only thing that helps, is giving you food for distraction.  Some puffs or mums mums usually do the trick.

I'm just about done nursing you.  You really got into the habit of biting this past month and it hurts!!  You've become better lately, but you think it's hilarious to bite and hear me yelp.  You also think is hysterical when we tell the cat "no".  You crack up, and we crack up too.  Probably not a good lesson for future discipling!  

 Even though I kid about your dramatic streak, you still love your cuddles and think that I'm the center of your universe {Dad is a close second} of course, you'll forever have my vote.  I sometimes sit back and just stare at the little boy that you're becoming and can't believe that you're becoming your own person as everyday passes.  

I also cannot BELIEVE you're into the double digits on months now.  You'll never go back to being single digits again. Of course...I also cannot believe you'll be ONE YEAR OLD in two short months.  I know I say it every time, but the time is just flying by.  

I love you little monster!

Love, Mom

Thursday, April 25, 2013

San Fran Bachelorette Attire

My sister-in-law's bachelorette party is next weekend and I'm so excited for the itinerary!  We're having it in San Francisco and Napa...doesn't that sound perfect?  So I'm already starting to think about what to wear!  Here are my ideas:

Cocktails in the City: We're kicking off the weekend with cocktails in the city.  I'd love to wear a fun LBD like this one...and some fun heels.  Yes please!

Wine Tasting in Napa: On Saturday, we're heading out to Napa for some wine tasting.  I imagine wearing a flowing caftan and some metallic sandals.

Cinco de Mayo Dinner: That night, we'll be celebrating fiesta style, so naturally, I would love to wear this stunning lime maxi and aztec inspired heels.

Sunday Brunch: We'll end the weekend with a fun brunch before we all head home.  I'm loving this colorful strapless dress with nude heels.  

I can't wait to share all the details with to packing!

xo natasha

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

IKEA Expedit in the Playroom

Thanks for all your feedback on our Ikea haul this past Monday!  Never have I felt more encouraged for my shopping/spending thank you!  ;)

I told you I would reveal how I put my great finds to work.  As I've mentioned before, our dining room has become a makeshift playroom.  It works out pretty well because we don't use the dining room that often and it's really the only "extra" space we have available in our house.  We had to get rid of our bar cart anyway, and we are in desperate need of more storage, so the Expedit shelf was the perfect solution.  

And I have to say...I'm loving it!

We bought bins for the bottom shelves and use the middle two shelves for books and toy storage.  The top row of shelves are still housing "adult" decor...we'll see how long that lasts!

Notice a little friend?

And here's a little snapshot of how the shelf works into the room.  I think it actually opens up the room, don't you?

Do you own the Expedit?  How do you style it?

xo natasha

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to get creative with on the weekends.  Probably because I only eat cereal during the week days!  These breakfast tacos are a fun twist on your traditional egg scramble. They're full of flavor and pretty healthy too {win-win}.  Next time, I might add some black beans to round them out.


For Scram:
One egg per taco {we made six}
Splash of milk, salt & pepper
1-2 tablespoons of Cholula {to taste}

Sliced avocado

Wrap with corn tortillas

Scramble eggs on medium high heat by mixing with milk, salt and pepper.  Add Cholula in the end to coat the eggs.  Assemble tacos with toppings.

Hope you enjoy!

xo natasha

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ikea Haul

Hi Friends and Happy Monday!

How was your weekend?  We took an impromptu trip to Ikea, which may sound like an average weekend, but our closest Ikea is about 2 hours away, so it was definitely a big deal.  It all started on Saturday morning when I realized we needed to do away with our beloved bar car {at least for the time being} and replace it with something more functional.  I mentioned a couple weeks ago that our dining room has become a makeshift playroom.  So it only seemed natural that the Expedit shelf should replace the bar cart area.  

And from there...things got a teensy bit out of control.  You see, if you give a girl a Expedit shelf...she's probably going to need a to but the Mongstad Mirror she's had her eye on for awhile!

And since I'm adding something new to the master, I'll probably need to finally buy a new white duvet too.  From there, I had to pick up this cute striped throw blanket...for picnics out or play dates in.

And of course, no playroom is complete without a cute table and chairs...or these play cars...or this alligator bath mat.

All in all, I would say it was a pretty successful shopping haul.  I honestly can't get over how many great things are there...I always come out with more than I was planning on, and I justify it with the fact that we live so far away.  I just love me some Ikea.  Have you had any great finds there lately?  

I'll share some updates on what I've done with these pieces later this week.

Have a great week!

xo natasha

Friday, April 19, 2013

Boho Love

I found this adorable little romper and wanted to build an outfit around it.  The back is super cute and flirty and it seems like a great piece to kick off the spring with.  I have to say that my favorite accessory here is this amazing turquoise cuff.  I am dying to own one like this one day.

Happy Friday...and Happy Weekend!

xo natasha

Linked to: Friday Fancies

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sophisticated Nod Decor

Rocking Chair | Headboard | Lamp | Pillow | Blanket | Sheets | Side Table

I was flipping through my Land of Nod catalogue the other day and started to swoon over these adorable polka dot gold sheets.  They totally match my Target PJs and remind me of Kate Spade, don't you think?  Why oh why does Land of Nod not make bedding in king size?  I would snatch these up in a heartbeat.  And then I spotted this adorable headboard and I was sold!  I couldn't help but notice how many great things Land of Nod sells that are great for adults!  I want all of the above and then some.  Is anyone else with me on this?!

Happy Thursday!

xo natasha

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Baby Ethan: Week 42

Weight: No clue, but should be in the 18+ arena.

Health: Baby boy had a little cold this past week...mostly a stuffy/runny nose.  The bummer part is that he couldn't breathe well so his sleeping schedule has been interrupted.

Sleep: At the moment, Ethan wakes up 1-2 times a night as he recovers from his cold.  But I'm confident it's a temporary situation {fingers crossed!!}.

Social: Ethan got to play with his buddy Cruz this past weekend.  His mama is our photographer and she was taking his nine month photos.  I cannot WAIT to see them and share them!

Diet: Drinking 4 solid bottles a day and nursing in the morning and night.  We're introducing more and more "people" food, like pasta, pita and hummus, and other baby these sweet potato cinnamon snax.  They're SO good, I ended up snacking on them myself!

Clothes: Still wearing 6-12 or 9 month clothes for the most part.

Baby Gear Love: Ethan is really taking an interest in his walker.  He balances really well now and has taken a couple steps.  Pretty exciting!!

Crying: Oh man, this boy has a flair for the drama.  He hates and I mean HATES getting his diaper changed.  It's become the biggest challenge lately.  He rolls and sits up the second I put him down...or worse, he'll totally arch his back and start screaming.  It's awful.  But other than that, he's great.  ;)

Likes: Baby loves crawling and LOVES the cat...still.  Even though she finally scratched his poor little face.  But he still keeps going back for more...

Postpartum: I'm on day 14 of the shred.  I don't know that I'm losing a ton of weight, but I already see some toning going on, which feels good!

Milestones: We've got lots of fun ones this week!  Ethan's officially pulling up.  Yep, we found him in his crib fully standing and so proud of himself.  And as I said above, he's taking steps with his walker.  A couple other ones that I forgot to mention the last couple of weeks was that Ethan loves play peek-a-boo and will hold the blanket over his head and then pull it down...over and over again.  It's really cute. He's also giving high-fives and does little fish kisses.  

xo natasha

This is what we result to for getting Ethan to actually lie down and hold still:


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Instafood Adventures

The most amazing sweet baked potato you'll ever have, complete with black beans, guac and Greek yogurt.  We've got this on repeat every week.

Another favorite?  Avocado Pesto...totally Paleo friendly too!

Have you ever heard of truffle tater tots?  I didn't think so...amaze.

More amazing are these homemade Meyer lemon donuts that my talented friend whipped up.  I believe the recipe is similar to this.

Check out this fully loaded Bloody Mary!  This place also had amazing tots.

And of course, my beloved French Macarons...these ones were oversized!

Follow me on Instagram {@schuelove} for more foodie adventures!

xo natasha

Monday, April 15, 2013

Which Color Would You Choose?

Since I cleaned out my closet this weekend, that clearly means there's room for some new spring things...right?  I am absolutely loving this dress...and the price tag!   But what color??

See my predicament?!  And the back is super cute too!

Tell me, which one you would choose!

xo natasha

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Closet Clean Out Sale #2

I did a little spring cleaning over the weekend and decided to part ways with the following items.

Dress or Tunic
Size M
Originally $98

Great Stud and Beaded detail on the shoulder
Size M 

Wrap style dress
Size M

Size S

Size S

All transactions are done via me at schuelove {at} if you have questions or are interested!  Shipping is $5 and I can combine ship.

Happy Browsing!

xo natasha

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Fancies: Transitioning into Spring


While spring may be in full effect where you live, it's just starting to warm up here in Tahoe.  And while I can't wait to bust out my espadrilles and sun dresses, the weather isn't quite cooperating yet.

I love the idea of pairing pastels and whites with some harder elements like leather and studs during this transition from winter to spring.  The open toe heels breathe some fresh air into this look and the casual striped jacket adds some easiness.  Oh and you can't forget this awesome gold plate collar necklace...such a fun piece!

How do you transition your wardrobe from winter to spring?

Hope you all have a great weekend!

xo natasha

Linked to: Friday Fancies

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday

Check out thesehome magazines.

I'm officially obsessed with Girls on HBO.  I think the writing is incredibly witty and relatable.  I laugh out loud every episode and yet there are so many scenes that remind me of me.  Have you seen it?

I'm obsessed with these pants.  They may not look like much here, but they are uber soft and ultra flattering!  I love them with flats but also with heels.  They come in a ton of amazing colors too!

I need a "grown up" floor length mirror...but can't decide which I like better.  Do you have experience with either of these mirrors?

I keep hearing amazing things about Gywn's new cookbook.  I have her first book, My Father's Daughter, and really like it.  So I am guessing this will be another hit.

I recently came across this new Greek yogurt at the grocery store and was totally won over by the vanilla with toasted almonds.  It's SO creamy and the almonds add the perfect amount of crunch.  Yum!

xo natasha

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Baby Ethan: 41 Weeks

Weight: Maybe 18 pounds by now?

Health: Healthy little guy!

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well through the night.  There's a couple nights where he doesn't want to go down right away or he'll wake up intermittently throughout the night, but he usually goes back down on his own.

Social: Ethan had a great weekend seeing his Grandma Kidman and spending time with friends.  He is one loved baby!

Diet: We're introducing more and more "big people" foods when we when we're out to eat.  Ethan loves pancakes, fruits, guacamole {mild of course}, bread, and more.  He takes 3 bottles of formula a day and nurses in the morning and once at night.  I've officially stopped pumping at work.

Clothes: 6-12 clothing and 9+ month jammies.  We moved into 3 diapers and I don't know why we waited so long.  They fit him SO much better!

Baby Gear Love: Baby loves tractors and other things he can roll around.  Also, his beloved bath toys!

Crying: Oh you know, only when he's tired, hungry, or being made to take his weekly photos!  ;)

Likes: Hmmm, he really likes to bite...and he usually likes to bite when nursing.  Ouch!  Also, the usual suspects like the cat and dog, Dad's maniacal laugh, walks and shopping cart excursions, and shredding tissue.

Postpartum: Still trying to stay on track with the shred and eating healthier.

Milestones: We've officially got "mama's".  It's pretty random but of course, I love it.  He's been saying "baba" for a little while now too.  Little chatterbox in the making {just like his father!}.

xo natasha