Guilty Pleasures

This post will contain mostly food...and by food I mean wine and chocolate.  It's my guiltiest of pleasures right now!

I picked up Trader Joe's version of French macraons a couple weeks ago and thought they were surprisingly good!  I mean, nothing beats the real deal, but they certainly work as a good substitue...especially for me since we don't have a shop that makes them here locally.

I prefer mine with a latte!  :)

I've recently gotten into pinots and Meiomi makes a great bottle...and it's a twist off too!  We've found it in stores for around $15, on sale.  Do you drink Pinot?  I'd love other recommendations.

One of my biggest guilty pleasures is dark chocolate covered almonds.  They are SO good and I somehow convince myself that between the dark chocolate and the almonds, they're quasi-healthy.  Right?!  Trader Joe's carries them but so does every grocery store.  Yum!

Have you heard of Dave's Gourmet?  They make super simple yet delicious sauces and I am especially taken by this butternut squash flavor.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love butternut squash?  It's become a regular ingredient in our dinners {as seen here, here and here}.  Yep, kind of obsessed!

And of course, I would be totally remiss if I didn't mention The Bachelor!  Did you watch the finale last night?!  What did you think?!  Of course, I follow Reality Steve religiously now, so I knew all about the finale.  Oh and thanks to Cassie, I also follow Sean's sister's cute blog too!

SO what are your guilty pleasures?!

xo natasha


  1. I picked those macaroons for a last minute party addition and they were great!

  2. I can't buy dark chocolate covered almonds! I can never stop eating them.

  3. We've had Dave's Gourmet, but are huge fans of Raos Sauce... seriously life changing, but pricy when you eat as much pasta as us. We now use Victorias because its a few bucks cheaper, but grab Raos on occasion. As for Pinot Noir, it's one of my favs (Pinot Noir and Red Zinfindal... couldnt be more opposite, but my fav reds). My favorite is escaping me right now, but I'll let you know when I think of it...

  4. I love macaroons! Now that I can't eat dairy, all my guilty pleasures have changed. Pinot Noir is my go to wine, love it.

  5. I'm really curious about the butternut squash sauce now! xo

  6. Those dark chocolate covered almonds sound amazing- I would totally justify them as healthy since its almonds! Pinot Noir is my favorite red wine, I love Mark West it's about $13 and so good.

  7. Have you had the dark chocolate almonds with sea salt from Traders? I have a REALLY difficult time restraining myself with those.

    1. Ooo with sea salt?! No! But I need to get them next time...right up my alley!

  8. Uh, I LOVE all of these things too! I could totally go for some macarons right now!

  9. oh those macaroons! I always eye them! Def going to have to pick up a box! I also loooove Pinot and usually buy Barefoot Pinot Noir from good old Tarjay...its super cheap and yummy!

  10. Oh man...I'm going to have to try those TJ's macaroons! I've seen them, just haven't given them a shot yet. Chocolate is definitely a guilty pleasure and pancakes and People Magazine.

  11. I love me some pinots!! You have to try A by's about $15-22 in stores (depending on location).

  12. Ooo. I was curious about the macaroons. Almost bought them on this past week's shopping trip. I love Pinots and I have to say there is a very cheap bottle of Pinot (I believe by Blue Fin) at Trader Joe's. It's like $3.99 a bottle and so so good. :)

  13. I love each and everyone of your guilty pleasures.

  14. Butternut squash pasta sauce... I think I'd like to try that!

  15. That sauce is delish! During the Fall Costco carried a pumpkin ravioli and we topped it with the butternut squash sauce. Perfect cool weather dish. I love a good pinot. Have you tried sirah? They're different from one another, but two of my favorites. My favorite affordable sirah is Petite Petite by Michael David :)

  16. Get outta my way, I gotta get to a Trader Joe's like yesterday!!! I'm not much for sugary stuff when I'm expecting (freaky, right?), but those sound amazing. I'm salivating just thinking about it...bad news for anyone in my way (c;

  17. I'm on a no sugar kick right now, so the only 'guilty' pleasure I can indulge in is popcorn! Other than that, it's most definitely anything dark chocolate.

  18. This post made me want to indulge! ;) yumm!

  19. I love TJ's macarons. They had peppermint chocolate ones that were a huge hit around Christmas! Pinot is my go-to wine! I'll have to try the one you mentioned.

  20. These look amazing. As you know, I read Steve too, so it was no surprise. But I have to say, Catherine totally grew on me last night and I ended up really happy for them. I initially wanted Lindsay though! I'm so excited that Des is the new Bachelorette :)

  21. Oh macaroons! I need to get the hubby to buy me some this weekend because now you've got me craving them!
