Baby Ethan: Week 36

Before I get started...isn't that bowtie cute?!  The sweet and talented Sarah of Krew Arthur sent one along for Ethan...just in time for Easter!  Check out her selection on Instagram @krewarthur

Weight: Unknown but should be well over 16 pounds by now.  We'll find out his official weight on April 1st!

Health: A little runny nose and a cough...could be from teething or a cold, but nothing major.  

Sleep: The last couple of nights have been tough.  He's been waking every couple hours, but he usually goes right back down after nursing or getting a bottle.  He's also been taking a morning and afternoon nap.

Social: Ethan got to see his buddies Beckett and Eden this past weekend.  He is becoming more and more engaged with babies around his age!

Diet: Breastmilk and formula and more and more solids.  He's able to eat whole blueberries now and he LOVES Baby Mum Mums.  It's amazing to see how much he's developed with regard to food.  He can hold his own food so well now and his hand-to-mouth coordination is great!

We also gave him some of the protein pancakes which he wolfed down!

Clothes: 9 month and 6-12 jammies and still wearing 6 month onesies/pants.  Also still in 2 diapers.

Baby Gear Love: Still loving anything that lights up and makes noise.  We just got him the fun keys and parum pum pum drum set and he's loving both!

Crying: When he's tired mainly.

Likes: Baths!  We tried out the big tub and he loved it.

Postpartum: I'm sure this is TMI, but my monthly visitor finally decided to make her return.  Sad day!

Milestones: We're ALMOST crawling!!  He gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth.  And he loves to stand.  I predict we'll be crawling by next week's update!

xo natasha


  1. Too cute! Man my boy is huge... He weighs more than Ethan and is only 4 months! I too am dreading getting my period back!

  2. Of all the mom blogs I read yours is by far my fav! Also so cute and sweet without being all braggy or showing off too much x. Love the pics too! Your little man is for sure a handsome little character. I have a 13 week old boy so I really relate to alot of what you post baby wise. Keep up the good work xx Love from London England -Amanda

  3. He is just too precious and that bow tie picture- love it framer for sure!

  4. Love the bow tie, he looks like such a lil man with it on:)

  5. I am loving that little bow tie! what a little gentleman!!! :)

  6. That an adorable little man. His smile lights up the room!

  7. He's turning into such a little man! Can't believe he's already almost crawling - and LOVE his little bow tie :)


  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the bow tie! such a cutie.

  9. Oh my gosh the photo of him in the bath is just adorable, his little face!!! :-)

    Bump to Baby

  10. Soo cute! He is starting to look like such a big boy! I can hardly belive how fest the time is flying.
    I think I'm gonna try your protein pancakes and serve them to Baby B this weekend. I've been waiting for an easy and delicious recipe to come along.

  11. We love the baby Mum mums too! I say "we" because I sit around and eat them too...he, he. : )


  12. Oh my gosh look at him in that bowtie! And I can't believe he's almost crawling!!! Sorry about your visitor's return, that was kind of a bummer I remember, mine took a whole year after M was it had been like 2 years since I had one. Such a pain! Haha.

  13. Love that bowtie he is such a cutie!!

  14. I've been thinking about getting that drum... Might have to now for Easter!

  15. He is the cutest little guy! He looks like a little man in his button down shirt and bow tie. Adorable!! I was on my own last night and treated myself to your Greek yogurt protein pancakes for dinner. They were delicious!

  16. That bow tie is the cutest thing ever!

  17. So cute!! Cam is doing great with food, too. We have been giving him Pirate Bootie, waffles and mac and cheese...he loves everything we give him! Oh, he also started pulling himself up in his out for that! Talk about scary/exciting at the same time!! :)

  18. He is just adorable. My little guy is just past 6 months and I can not wait for him to be picking up little finger foods on his high chair and making a cute little mess!

  19. I love the bow tie :) I just got my monthly visitor too and I'm only 6 months post...booooooo

  20. Love the bow tie! Ugh - not looking forward to the return of that monthly visitor!

  21. I die over that bowtie!!! how cute!! and that pacifier is SO funny!!!

  22. Hehe! He's so dapper in that little bow tie! And the mustache too! Adorable!

  23. He is just so cute. My son Henry LOVES the mum-mums too. We make sure they are always stocked in the diaper bag so we have a guaranteed 10 minutes of distractedness while out to eat or in the car. If he's upset, give him one and he's happy instantly, it's kind of hilarious.

  24. What a cutie! I feel you on the monthly visitor. I got mine back two months ago and I am still nursing too.

  25. I love the mustache pacifier! lol

  26. What a cute little man!! Question: was it scary introducing more solid foods (ie non-puréed?) to Ethan? I'm so nervous about it,,,how did you get him to chew it without gagging or anything like that? Thanks!!

    1. For us, it just kind of evolved! The puffs are great b/c they melt right in his mouth. And then you can test other things out in small quantities. Do what feels know better than anyone!!
