Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Playroom Pinspiration

 Now that Ethan is getting a little older {30 weeks old to be exact!}, he's becoming so much more interactive and fun to play with.  He loves toys and rolling around...and with that, comes the need for a play space.  I grew up having a playroom and loved building forts, playing kitchen and creating fun structures with legos {Hey, I grew up with 3 brothers!}.  

While we don't have a dedicated space in our current home, we've managed to create a makeshift area in our dining room.  

Case in point!

So while we won't be dedicating an entire room to a playroom in this house, it's got me dreaming of a space to come.  Here are some of my favorite play spaces:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I'm pretty sure a teepee, chalkboard wall, and hidden space is a necessity when setting up a play space, don't you?  

Do you have a playroom in your house? Share a link in the comments below if you do!

xo natasha

PS...I'm talking about my Kauai honeymoon over at Ice Cream & French Fries!  A tropical getaway sounds pretty good right about now!  ;)


  1. Lovely playrooms!! Our place is teensy and her toys have all but taken over the entire house, I would love a playroom:)

  2. Great inspiration pictures. Our girls had a playroom growing up as well, we also had a makeshift art room in the basement where they could create and I didn't have to worry about messes. However, they were not as elaborate as the ones around these days.

  3. I couldn't agree more! We are getting our little guy a tepee for his first birthday. I have NO idea where we are going to put it in our current space, but we are planning on moving later this year. I can't wait to set up an official play room once we have the room.

    Haute Child in the City

  4. LOVE these play spaces! We don't have a play room either....might have to create one soon. And seriously how cute is Mr. E? LOVE him!

  5. We also don't have a playroom, but have turned aspects of almost all the rooms into playable spaces! I am dreaming of tee pees too, but no room currently :(

  6. As much as I love the playroom inspiration pictures; I think I love the oh-so-cute pictures of Ethan even more. :) He's getting so big!! Love!

  7. we dont have a specific room in our current home for a playroom either, yet our downstairs "family room" is most certainly getting taken over by all of CC's toys and such...I'm thinking of painting a small wall with chalk paint and buying a sweet table and chairs, too just to get it moving in that direction

  8. I love that you posted this. We are in the middle of clearing out our office (aka hoarders room) and making it into a playroom. I've pinned a ton of spaces and I'm taking a trip to Ikea soon to start the furniture selection process. Isn't it so much fun to plan a space for your little one?!

  9. all of the ones with teepee-s are AWESOME! (i WAS going to comment about doing the ONE with the teepee.. then i kept scrolling and was like, "oh hi other teepee.. oh heeeyyyy, another teepee.."

    so, teepee for the win!

  10. The first room is my favorite! Is it inappropriate that I want it for myself? :)
    Love Kauai! Just spent a magical week there this past summer. Oh to be tan again.

  11. What a cutie pie! I also love the inspiration pics! My office became the playroom for awhile, then the playroom moved to the basement and I am slowly transforming the room into a new office. You will find your house will keep evolving as the baby grows and has different needs. Have fun!

  12. I definitely think a teepee is necessary! :) Love these ideas, I'm pinning some. We're hoping to build a house next summer and right now is the dreaming stage. :)

  13. Love these spaces you found! I hope we have a playroom one day too, but for we also have a "make shift" area.. Love the teepee's, might be getting one for our little guy for his 1st birthday?! E is killing me with his adorableness!

  14. Love these images, I think I have some pinned but will have to add the others. We will be using our "formal" living room for a playroom in the new house - why let it go wasted?! I dont think I'm going to overkill decorate it for a little one since its the first room you see when you walk in, but it will definitely be her space and lots of fun :)

  15. I love the idea of a playroom! My sister and I shared a room growing up, but we also had a playroom. it was such a fun place to PLAY! Love it! :)

  16. Love these inspiration pictures. Some of them I had already pinned for my own playroom inspiration. We are getting to that point too where we are beginning to think of how Noah's room will transition into her big girl room with a place to play and of course plenty of storage. I have no doubt Ethan is going to have an adorable play area.

  17. Natasha these are so great! I love the ABC's on the wall maybe mixed with a chalkboard wall? Gosh these are adorable, great inspirational finds! :)

  18. Oh my gosh that picture of Ethan and Wilson is the CUTEST thing ever! I love it! And your inspiration is perfect -- I love the idea of a teepee!

  19. what a doll!! i love looking through restoration hardware baby & child - their playrooms are so very cute!

  20. Looove these playrooms, especially that third one - swoon! We don't have a dedicated playroom either, but this post has me planning and scheming... which room will become the playroom?! lol


  21. I too wish we had room for a playroom! BUT our whole house is essential Owen's play room! I think #4 is my favorite!

  22. I've been dreaming of a playroom, too. :) I think every baby needs their own space (or their momma needs a reason to decorate!). These are great!

  23. I love your golden laying on your babe! So sweet!

  24. Yay! I'm in the 3 brothers club too:-) We are just beginning to work on a playroom for the Bean, (especially after looting it up with birthday/christmas gifts). Love all of these ideas! I want a playroom for ME! xoxo

  25. I think I need a playroom for myself. These rooms are beautiful.

  26. I love these playrooms! I live in 1 bdrm apartment in NYC (read: limited space) so I am dreading the days when my baby becomes more mobile and wants more room to play. Sigh.

  27. LOVE. We don't have a playroom - we live in a 2 bedroom townhome ...and we are moving to another small home eventualy (may or may not have a playspace. But I have been thinking about playspaces in the kids new rooms - and tee pee and chalkboard wall was on my list! I didn't think about a hidden space though - will have to think more about that one.


  28. Aw, these are all in my dreams right now, too! Love!

  29. I love the tee pee idea. I hope they aren't "out" by the time our boy needs a play space, they are too cute!

  30. Our playroom is in a large storage closet right now. The boys are definitely outgrowing it, but it is nice that at the end of the day, I can put toys back in and shut the door. You can see it in the bottom of this post:

    We are really hoping for a finished basement in our next house so they have plenty of room to play!

  31. The first two are probably my favorite :) I love the tee pees, what a cool idea. I would have loved that when I was little!!

  32. How fun! I am working on Colson's playroom & I am seriously debating a chalkboard wall. I know it would be so fun, but I'm scared that having a black wall will make the room look tiny and cavelike... decisions decisions! Ethan is such a cutie pie! The toys that entertains them still cracks me up! :)

    Oh and I also really want a tee pee but my husband isn't fully on board. {aka thinks i'm nuts}

  33. Wow! I would love a playroom for my kids! I had never thought of doing this before reading your post - now I definitely want to!! Thanks for awesome inspiration!
