Friday, January 4, 2013

Four and Five Month Favorites

I'm a little late on getting this to you, but wanted to make sure to include it.  Like the previous months, four and five were mostly about function...however we started to include a couple "fun" items.  I can tell you now, month 6 is all about food and toys!  Fun times! 

Medela Advanced Double Pump: I definitely have a love-hate relationship with this thing!  But since I've gone back to work, this has been my breast best friend, literally!  And though I sometimes wish we weren't so attached at the hip, the double pump is definitely the way to go.  It's efficient and easy to tote around.  Oh, and buy extra pump parts...totally worth it!
JJ Cole Bundleme: With our cold winters, I highly recommend this product!  It keeps baby warm and cozy so I don't have to bundle him up in tons of layers.  It's also easy to zip him in and out of.
Nosefrida: Baby has had some stuffy noses, and while I was dubious at first {I have to suck what out with my mouth!?}, it really does work!  And happily, there's a filter to block any boogies.
Lifefactory Teether: This is a great teether...BPA free and you can pop them in the fridge to cool them down.  Baby loves all the textures and it's easy to hold.  
Lansinoh Storage Bags: These are hands-down, the best way to store milk.  They have two zip locks to store your milk and my best advice is to lay them flat in the freezer for optimal storage.
HALO Sleepsack: This is a great transition from the swaddle.  And I prefer this brand because of the fleece which keeps baby warm at night.
Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo: Baby LOVES this jumperoo!  Even into his sixth month.  It has great music, fun things to look at and the jumping is the best.  He loves to stretch his legs and move around.  100% recommend this!

So there you have it!  Did I miss anything?  Let me know if I should be keeping my eye on 6 month favorites!

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xo natasha


  1. We love our nose frida too. WE used all of those things too when Ellison was 4-5 months old.

  2. I use the same milk storage bags and I'm so glad I discovered them this time around. They're also cheap and come with a lot. ;)

  3. I love these posts you do! I use those milk storage bags too - they're so much better than the Medela bags! I might have to check that teether out! Our current favorite teethers are Sophie the Giraffe and the Razbaby RazBerry Teether!

  4. I love those storage bags! Not only are they wonderful for storing breast milk, but I store the food I make for Charlotte in them, too! So convenient!

  5. So funny, I just wrote a similar post last night and recommended the sleep sack and the exact same jumperoo! We have the Nose Frieda too and it's better than the Safety 1st bulb syringes but doesn't quite get everything. Maybe I'm just not a strong sucker! haha! I also love my Medela pump - I have the backpack version for easy transporting to/from the office. I'll have to check out the BundleMe thing though.

  6. We have the bouncy and it is a Ronin fav for sure :)

  7. We have the Nose Frida, too, but he moves so much that it's hard to use it!! I've just been using the blue one from the hospital! :) I have a list of 3 - 6 months and it has a ton of these same things on it!

  8. I love your monthly favorite posts. I'm 25 weeks along, and I am relying on all of the recommendations I can get! Happy New Year!

  9. great list! Passing along to my sister who is due soon!

  10. I have everything on this list except the teether, and couldn't agree more with what you said! Love everything!

  11. Glad to hear about the jumper...these monstrosities seem to be taking over our home - but I put Sophia in my sister-in-law's jumper over the holidays, and she loved it, so it's now on my 'to buy' list...unfortunately ;). Happy New Year to your family! xo

  12. Great recommendations, thank you! I found your blog through Veronika's and love your posts. My baby's 4 months now so this particular post really helps :)

    P.S. I currently swaddle my LO in a Woombie and she loves it and sleep great in it. Any recommendation on how to transition her out of the Woombie? I don't want to mess up with her sleep :/

  13. good call on the medela pump! Next time around i plan on getting the double pump action lol

  14. I do a similar post and mine is similar as well!!! My baby girl loves her Jumparoo! Favorite baby "apparatus" we have!

  15. Colson's not a huge fan of the jumperoo yet but I think it's because his legs are a bit short! I was wondering- we have the jjcole bundleme too, but it doesn't look exactly like that picture & the one I have is really difficult to get him out without getting the top stuck on his head. Is yours like that or maybe I have a different version? I always feel like I'm clotheslining him when I pull him out! Lol

  16. The Rainforest Jumperoo is a great baby item! We used it from 5 months until Owen became really mobile.

  17. We have the bundle me, but it turns out it didn't fit on the car seat we have :( I've tried a lot of teethers, but Matthew isn't doing well at keeping them in his mouth lol!! That jumper looks like fun!!

  18. How did you transition from swaddle to sleep sack? Did he resist? I'm experiencing some major resistance when I try and put my baby down without his swaddle.

    1. Hi Erica! We moved to the HALO sleep sack with the swaddle option and continued to swaddle him for a little while, then eventually only swaddled one arm and then took the swaddle away all together. The only challenge now is that Ethan likes to pluck his pacifier from his mouth...but it's getting better every night! :)
