Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Baby Ethan: 29 Weeks

Weight: 15++ maybe even pushing 16 pounds?  I won't get another official weigh in until 9 months!

Health: Little man has had a stuffy nose this past week.  I've been putting the Nosefrida and sucker thing to good use.  I don't know why it gives me so much pleasure to de-booger him, but it does!  And he doesn't even put up a fight anymore.  Sorry bud!

Sleep: Usually waking up once or twice a night.  He's getting better about putting himself back to sleep, which is awesome.  As I type this now, he's snoring in his carseat.  So precious!

Social: We had some college friends in town this past weekend so Baby E got to show off his cuteness a bit more.  Tahoe is a popular place in the winter, so it's great to have lots of visitors in town!  :)

Diet: Breastmilk + formula is still making up most of his diet.  We are trying to feed him 1-2 times a day.  I need to get better about being more consistent about that.  Since last week, we've tried prunes, bananas, berries!  He's not a fan of berries...they're too tart for his palette right now.  He acts like we just gave him a lemon!  But he seemed to like the pears!  And last night we gave him an Ella's Kitchen mixture of rice cereal, apricots and bananas and he LOVED it.  Could be a new favorite.  Oh and I've decided baby had a bad reaction to peas, because we gave him the prunes from a Plum Organics and he did just fine.

Clothes: Officially in 9 month jammies, but still rocking 3-6 month onesies and 6 month clothing otherwise.

Baby Gear Love: The jumperoo continues to be a favorite...along with any and all toys that he can put his mouth on.  And we've finally removed the infant insert in his whale tub so he can sit.  Also...the swing still gets used from time-to time and the other day we caught him reaching up to grab the birds.  It was pretty dang cute!

Crying: Just at night time when he wakes up mid-sleep.

Likes: Rolling!  Baby man rolls up a never know where you may find him once he's on the floor.  And he still loves his bath time.

Postpartum: I signed up for a barre class every Saturday and it already feels great to get back into it!  Also, I went to yoga with Jane last night, which was fun!

Milestones: I don't know if this is really a "milestone" per say  but Ethan totally arches his back when we try to put him in his baby carrier.  And he rolls and moves a ton in his crib.  We find him most mornings sleeping on his tummy.  And introducing fruit this past week...that was a big milestone!

xo natasha

PS...don't forget to enter to win a $50 giftcard to Carter's!


  1. honestly? he melts my heart!!! I love that he likes rolling so much!

  2. He is just the absolute cutest!! He looks so happy in his jumper!

  3. So cute! My little guy can sit, but doesn't seem to want to roll around yet. It's awesome your little man is rolling around. Must be so fun to watch!

  4. What a cutie pie! Enjoy every second with him before you know it he'll be asking for gas money to take out his girlfriend! XOXO

  5. What an adorable little man! Enjoy every moment and document every moment with pictures as well. I am glad that he likes bath time, because my daughter does not like it at all and that's why she showers. I read that he has eczema, so does my daughter, I hope it does not flare up too much and keep him well moisturized.

  6. He has SO much hair now! What a cutie. I can't help but feel like our big guy is a chunk compared to Ethan ;) He's 13lbs at 13 weeks!

  7. He is getting so big!!! Such a handsome little man!

  8. What a cutie. I think he's looking more like your husband in this post! I love that red hat.

    I hope he feels better.


  9. He is such a sweetie!! He really loves the bath!! Matthew LOVED pears. I didn't know you could give berries before a year, maybe they just say that in case, but I defiantly want to try berries now!! He has really got his head up!! Way to go little guy!!

    1. Our ped said in small doses. The seeds produce histamines in the body, which can trigger allergic type reactions. They're too tart for him, so we're backing off for now! :)

  10. He is seriously adorable! Exciting about the barre class--never taken one-but very curious! My favorite picture of your little man is with that adorable red hat! Love it.

  11. Love the look on his face with the berries... Like do I have to eat these mom? So Cute! We love Ella's kitchen and the ones that have the pre mixed cereal are so convenient! I just found earths best pre mixed in apple peach & oatmeal and it's Stell's new Favorite :)

  12. I love him. That's all. I REALLY wish we lived closer- I want to hold him!

  13. so fascinating to see how he makes eye contact with the camera. Do you suspect a bit of a ham here?? He is gorgeous.(Sorry I know Daddy probably doesn't like that descriptor BUT he is

  14. Both my boys became tummy sleepers soon as they could roll over. And that jumperoo was a life saver. Ethan looks like such a happy baby!

  15. hahaha I am obsessed with getting all those boogies out too. When I get a good sting out I feel just as relieved as her hahaa

    He is such a sweet little thing

  16. Your son is gorgeous! I have a little boy just a few weeks older and it so fun to see them progress together. Feel free to check out my blog chronicling life with two (almost) under twos...

  17. He is just too cute for words!! Such a sweet boy :)

  18. Look at that boy lift his head!! And I love that red hat. We borrowed this format for our 1 week update ;) hope you don't mind!

  19. Baby E is so sweet, that gummy smile makes my heart melt. Hope you like the Barre class, i too am starting my classes this Saturday, i have heard amazing things for toning and tightening!

  20. Such a cutie!! :) I love all the pictures you always post! SO CUTE!

  21. Just as cute as always!! I love the pictures of him in the bath...he looks so grown up!!

  22. What an adorable boy! We haven't tried berries yet, but my son had the same reaction with pears the first time - it was definitely like a lemon! Oh, and I learned something last night - applesauce before bedtime is bad. He was WIRED!!! :)

  23. Oh Natasha, he just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Can't believe how big he's getting. :)

  24. He really does just get more and more adorable!
    Glad I'm not the only one that finds pleasuring through de-boogering my child haha!

  25. My goodness, he is a cute kid. Those dark eyes just kill me. I can't get over how big he is! And Mac is crawling and pulling up on stuff if you can believe it. Our little babies are now little boys!

  26. Love all of those sweet pictures! He is so cute! C has that same tub and is also rolling everywhere... oh babyproofing, I'm not ready for you! We have the army crawl going on over here too, which means time to crack down on the dog who likes to hide her treats all over the house! Aren't all of their little changes so fun!?

  27. awwww love the pic of Ethan sleeping in the carseat. Sleeping babies are so precious! I use the Nosefrida a lot in Canada and cold winter Sofia has a cold every other week. She hates when I de-booger her though lol! Maybe over time she'll not protest and be more like Ethan :D

  28. HOLY MOLY I think this is the sweetest, cutest baby I've ever seen. What amazing expressions he has!! Holy cow! I am in awe. Congrats - I can't believe I missed this! I always miss the greatest things when I drop off the face of the blog-earth! Take care! xx

  29. He is just so cute!! He looks like he's posing for you in that bathtub pic

  30. Seriously Natasha, he is the most handsome little man!

  31. He looks a lot like me when I was his age.

