Baby Ethan: Week 31

Weight: Unknown, but I've got to believe he's well over 16 pounds by now!

Health: Pretty healthy other than a stuffy nose.

Sleep: Hoping not to jinx myself here, but baby man is usually only waking once to nurse and then goes right back down.  I'll definitely take it!

Social: We got to escape to Scottsdale this past weekend which was wonderful!  Ethan's grandparents, great-grandma, and family friends were all there as well, so little man got lots of love and attention.  While it rained most of the time, we still managed to take Ethan in the pool {actually, jacuzzi} for the first time.  And I think Ethan enjoyed feeling his legs and feet for the majority of the trip as he was in onesies most of the time.  ;)

Diet: We've got a pretty wide variety of fruits and veggies going on.  Especially with being in Scottsdale, we depended on the Plum, Earth's Best, and Ella's Kitchen pouches.  Lots of fruits and veggie mixes...and Ethan likes them all!

Clothes: 9 month and 6-12 month pjs and 3-6/6 month onesies and pants.  And we're starting to move him to level 3 overnight diapers.

Baby Gear Love: We've started introducing the walker more to Ethan.  He's just able to touch the floor and scoot backwards.

Crying: Usually only when tired and fussy.

Likes: Pretty much the usual...putting all things in his mouth.  He's even mastered the art of taking out his pacifier and putting it in our mouths and then taking it back to put in his mouth.  Pretty darn cute!  :)

Postpartum: Still pumping and nursing when I'm with Ethan...still have about 5 pesky pounds to lose. But loving every minute of it...I NEVER thought I would nurse this long, but I really love the bond and since Ethan still takes to it, I think I'll continue to keep it up.

Milestones: First swim in the pool!  He loved it, of course.  He is our little water baby!  ;)  And Scottsdale marked his fourth plane ride...he's pretty well traveled!  

xo natasha

Prosciutto + Fig Jam Pizza

Some things just go together...peanut butter and jelly...oil and vinegar...bananas and chocolate...oh and proscuitto and fig jam.  No really, this is a match made in heaven!  I normally take mine with a little smear of brie, but I was practically drooling when I saw this version on Pioneer Woman.  The peppery arugula and creamy mozzarella only helps to bring this together.  It's a little sweet, little earthy and a whole lot amazing!


Pizza Crust {homemade or store bought}
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
4 Tablespoons Fig Spread Or Jam
Kosher Salt To Taste
12 ounces, weight Fresh Mozzarella, Sliced Thin
6 ounces, weight Thinly Sliced Prosciutto
1 bunch Washed And Rinsed Arugula
Freshly Ground Pepper, to taste
1/2 cup Shaved Parmesan


Drizzle pizza dough or crust lightly with olive oil and sprinkle lightly with kosher salt. Spread fig spread (or jam) all over the surface of the dough. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

Lay sliced of mozzarella all over the surface. Sprinkle lightly with salt and freshly ground pepper. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until crust is golden and cheese is bubbly.

Remove from oven and immediately lay prosciutto over hot pizza. Just before serving, sprinkle on arugula and Parmesan shavings.

Cut into wedges or squares and serve immediately!

Best enjoyed with a nice glass of red!


xo natasha

A Little Escape

For those of you who follow me on Instagram {schuelove}, you probably noticed that we escaped this past weekend to Scottsdale.  While the weather was mostly rainy, it was great to relax and unwind with family and friends.

Clockwise from top right:
We dined at some great restaurants like Herb Box and Barrio Cafe.  Herb Box has an amazing indoor/outdoor bar and amazing food.  I recommend the pulled pork tacos!
Our sleepy guy
The guac at Barrio Cafe has pomegranate seeds and these margs are to.die.for.
My new Nine West leopard flats complete my easy travel attire.
Baby's first swim in the pool!
Digging my new floral denim and absorbed in this book What Remains, by Carole Radziwill {think Real Housewives of New York} to come soon!
Indulging in a glass of red and trying a new type of chocolate bar--dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds!  Definitely an instant favorite!
The view from the backyard...never gets old.

What did you do this weekend?

xo natasha

Happy 7 Months Ethan!

Dear Ethan,

Wasn't it just yesterday that we celebrated your 6 month birthday?  How a whole month has already passed is beyond me.  Tomorrow, January 26th, you're officially 7 months old!

This past month you have become much more secure with your sitting up...and you roll constantly.  It's actually a little scary with you on the changing table now...right now you roll over to the wall so you can grab the pictures on the wall.  You never want to stay put!  You also arch your back when we put you in the car don't like to be contained!

You're getting better about sleeping through the night..."usually" only waking once a night now.  We try to give you an extra bottle of formula before bedtime, which seems to tie you over for a longer period of time.  You also move around your crib a ton and we usually find you on your belly at one end of the crib come morning time.

Each month you become more interactive and fun to play with.  You aren't saying any words yet, but you LOVE to scream and shout.  The picture below is you mid-squeal!  It's pretty darn cute!

You are eating about 2 "real food" meals now.  You prefer veggies over fruits, but can be convinced of fruits if they're not super tart.  Your favorite meals are oatmeal, butternut squash, sweet potato and fruit and veggie mixes {like from Plum or Ella's Organics}.  You were not a fan of the berry puree or banana puree that we made for you.  But you seem to enjoy bananas when they're mixed with other things.  Otherwise, you're still nursing great and getting supplemental bottles of formula and breastmilk when you're not with me.

We're fortunate that you still tolerate your swing, and you love your bath time and walks. love to be on the go! 

Play time is so much fun!  You love anything that makes music or lights up...and every toy goes in your mouth for inspection.  You also love being around the animals...and the animals love being around you. 

You see your nanny, Bonnie, and Grandma 4 days a week now.  You're such a joy...Bonnie says how good and sweet you are.  She loves you to pieces, which makes me happy to know you are spending time with someone who adores you.  Naturally, your whole family can't get enough of you either!  You continue to be such a social butterfly...squealing and squawking and smiling at everyone.

Of course, the best part for me is picking you up at the end of the day. Your little face just lights up when you see me and you get a huge grin on your face and start flapping your arms.  I can't ask for a better way to end my day than getting to see you.

I treasure every single day I spend with you and am so thankful to have you in our lives.  You are definitely a special little boy.

Love you always!

Beauty Finds

I thought I'd share some great beauty finds I've been introduced to and discovered lately.  

First and foremost is the Hana Air Hair Dryer which was sent for me to review by Misikko.  Let me just say that I had been using the same drugstore hair blow dryer for years and had NO idea what I was missing out on.  This hair dryer is the Cadillac of puts out such a strong force of air that I have to use the middle setting and it's very quiet, which is such a change from previous dryers.  This dryer definitely holds up to the blow dryer ever!

I haven't actually used this Dove Dry Shampoo yet, but I love their hairspray and I've heard good things about this product.  Anyone out there try it yet?

Something I have tried is Sudzz Whipped Creme and Honey Volumizing Shampoo.  I mean, doesn't the name alone sell you?  It did for me!  I love the smell and was fairly impressed with how my hair felt after.  Although, it's probably not a fair assessment post partum since I was losing so much hair!

Speaking of post partum, with Ethan's eczema issues lately, we've been slathering on the Weleda Calendula Baby Cream.  It's SUPER thick and creamy...which makes it a little difficult to apply, but works really well.  

Another great product that I was introduced to by Charleston Naturally, is the Dr. Hauschka Melissa Day Cream.  The smell is's very citrusy!  I love the way it felt on my face...not greasy at all.  I have oily skin so this was great for shine control as well.

Last, I want to showcase the Scout by Bungalow bags.  So many fun and vibrant patterns...and great options for traveling and moms on the go, like me!

So tell me...what is your favorite beauty find lately?

xo natasha

Playroom Pinspiration

 Now that Ethan is getting a little older {30 weeks old to be exact!}, he's becoming so much more interactive and fun to play with.  He loves toys and rolling around...and with that, comes the need for a play space.  I grew up having a playroom and loved building forts, playing kitchen and creating fun structures with legos {Hey, I grew up with 3 brothers!}.  

While we don't have a dedicated space in our current home, we've managed to create a makeshift area in our dining room.  

Case in point!

So while we won't be dedicating an entire room to a playroom in this house, it's got me dreaming of a space to come.  Here are some of my favorite play spaces:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I'm pretty sure a teepee, chalkboard wall, and hidden space is a necessity when setting up a play space, don't you?  

Do you have a playroom in your house? Share a link in the comments below if you do!

xo natasha

PS...I'm talking about my Kauai honeymoon over at Ice Cream & French Fries!  A tropical getaway sounds pretty good right about now!  ;)

Sweet Potato + Black Bean Burger

With all of the baby food making we've been doing lately, we've had some new {to us} foods around the house.  One specifically has been the sweet potato.  There was actually quite the debate on this one!  Ryan called to ask if there was a difference between yams and sweet potatoes to which I told him, of course there is!  Well, what he brought home did not look like the orange sweet potatoes that I was familiar with.  I looked it up and turns out that yams and sweet potatoes are pretty interchangeable.  Who knew?  Not me!  So I guess Ethan's first real food was actually yams...oops!  

Anyway...these burgers use "sweet potatoes" which are actually white on the inside.  Regardless, they were REALLY good and super flavorful.  

They just might not look as pretty is all.  But what they lack in the vibrant orange department, they definitely make up for in flavor.  Not to mention the roasted garlic cream spread was pretty much to.die.for!  Best part?  No mayo's overall a pretty healthy recipe!

Recipe adapted from How Sweet It is


2 cups coarsely mashed sweet potatoes (or yams), about 2 large potatoes
2 bulbs of roasted garlic
1 cup black beans (rinsed and drained if canned)
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
1/3 cup flour
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon cumin
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
1 avocado, sliced
2/3 cup plain greek yogurt
1 teaspoon maple syrup
extra salt and pepper for seasoning yogurt/cream
4 whole wheat buns


To roast garlic, see this tutorial.

Pierce potatoes all over with a fork and place on a paper towel, setting in the microwave. Microwave for 5 minutes, then flip and cook for 5 minutes more. Remove, slice in half lengthwise and let cool until you can scoop out the flesh.

In a large bowl, coarsely mash beans with a fork. Add in sweet potato and mash together, then add in spices, salt and pepper, minced garlic, egg, panko and flour. Mix together until combined, then place bowl in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. This helps form them into patties, but as a warning they are still somewhat messy.

While mixture is chilling, combine yogurt with 2 bulbs (squeezed out) of roasted garlic cloves, maple syrup and a sprinkle of salt and pepper in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth then set aside until ready to use.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons olive oil. Remove mixture from fridge and form into 4 equal patties, then place in the skillet once hot. Since the mixture can be wet and messy, do not move until they are fully cooked and golden on one side! This takes about 5-6 minutes. Then, add more oil if needed (this really helps cook them) and flip burgers very gently. Cook for another 5-6 minutes. Toast buns if desired.

Assemble by topping burgers with roasted garlic cream and avocado.

xo natasha

Linked to: Tasty Tuesdays

My Little Valentine

Piggy backing off my Valentine themed post this past Friday, I wanted to showcase some adorable outfits for your little one.  I'm especially excited for Valentine's Day this year since I have a little guy to spoil with love.  I swear, kids make the holidays infinitely better!  ;)

Speaking of cute clothes, thanks to everyone who entered the Carter's $50 giftcard giveaway!  The winner is #344, Gina Shen!  Please email me to arrange the details.  Congratulations!!

xo natasha

Pretty Little Things for Valentine's Day

Clare Vivier Clutch || Kate Spade Earrings || H&M Scarf

With Valentine's Day less than a month away, I thought I'd end the week on a sweet note!

Above is a snapshot of all things pretty, feminine and flirty...I mean, it's Valentine's Day after all!  ;)  Speaking of flirty, if you've never tried a pair of Hanky Panky undies, then you are definitely missing out!  They are super comfy but carry a lot of va va voom!  Of course, pretty jewelry or fun beauty products are always sweet gifts to receive from your loved one.

What pretty things do you have your eye on this Valentine's Day?

Happy Weekend Friends!  And don't forget that this weekend is the last chance to enter the $50 Carter's gift card giveaway!  I'll be back on Monday showcasing some of my favorite Valentine's outfits for the little ones.

xo natasha

Baby Ethan: 29 Weeks

Weight: 15++ maybe even pushing 16 pounds?  I won't get another official weigh in until 9 months!

Health: Little man has had a stuffy nose this past week.  I've been putting the Nosefrida and sucker thing to good use.  I don't know why it gives me so much pleasure to de-booger him, but it does!  And he doesn't even put up a fight anymore.  Sorry bud!

Sleep: Usually waking up once or twice a night.  He's getting better about putting himself back to sleep, which is awesome.  As I type this now, he's snoring in his carseat.  So precious!

Social: We had some college friends in town this past weekend so Baby E got to show off his cuteness a bit more.  Tahoe is a popular place in the winter, so it's great to have lots of visitors in town!  :)

Diet: Breastmilk + formula is still making up most of his diet.  We are trying to feed him 1-2 times a day.  I need to get better about being more consistent about that.  Since last week, we've tried prunes, bananas, berries!  He's not a fan of berries...they're too tart for his palette right now.  He acts like we just gave him a lemon!  But he seemed to like the pears!  And last night we gave him an Ella's Kitchen mixture of rice cereal, apricots and bananas and he LOVED it.  Could be a new favorite.  Oh and I've decided baby had a bad reaction to peas, because we gave him the prunes from a Plum Organics and he did just fine.

Clothes: Officially in 9 month jammies, but still rocking 3-6 month onesies and 6 month clothing otherwise.

Baby Gear Love: The jumperoo continues to be a favorite...along with any and all toys that he can put his mouth on.  And we've finally removed the infant insert in his whale tub so he can sit.  Also...the swing still gets used from time-to time and the other day we caught him reaching up to grab the birds.  It was pretty dang cute!

Crying: Just at night time when he wakes up mid-sleep.

Likes: Rolling!  Baby man rolls up a never know where you may find him once he's on the floor.  And he still loves his bath time.

Postpartum: I signed up for a barre class every Saturday and it already feels great to get back into it!  Also, I went to yoga with Jane last night, which was fun!

Milestones: I don't know if this is really a "milestone" per say  but Ethan totally arches his back when we try to put him in his baby carrier.  And he rolls and moves a ton in his crib.  We find him most mornings sleeping on his tummy.  And introducing fruit this past week...that was a big milestone!

xo natasha

PS...don't forget to enter to win a $50 giftcard to Carter's!