Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Year In Review

Hi Friends,

I truly can't believe 2012 has come and gone.  So much has happened this life has completely changed.  And I'm so grateful I was able to document it here.  My blog has truly evolved from a fashion/food/decor blog to ALL things baby...with some of the former sprinkled in.   I just can't help it!  But I wouldn't have it any other way...and I am so appreciative to all my readers who have stuck with me and to all my new readers who have popped in to say hello.  I anticipate 2013 to be a big adventure as we watch our Baby Schue grow!  

So here's a little recap of the last year...enjoy!


I celebrated one year of blogging.
We found out Baby Schue is a BOY!!!


Discussed my maternity diet.
Made some mini key lime tarts!
Made a couple decor updates in our living room.


Saw Baby Schue in 3D {and he smiled!}
And had my first baby shower.


Entered into my third trimester!
Made some delicious banana cream cheese muffins
Got crafty and put together the nursery curtains {which involved pipes and shower curtains}.


Put together the perfect cheese platter
Had my second baby shower in Tahoe!
Took our maternity photos!


Shared my baby registry essentials 
Gave you a tour of Baby Schue's nursery:

And of course the biggest and BEST news of the year...we welcomed our son Ethan Grant on June 26th!


I shared Ethan's birth story {makes me emotional every time I read it!}
And I listed our First Month Favorites:


Gave you some ideas on nursing apparel.
Celebrated our three year wedding anniversary.
Shared Ethan's newborn photos


Shared my thoughts and tips on traveling with baby and my hospital bag essentials.
Made the most delicious butternut squash enchiladas {favorite recipe of the year!}


Came up with some inspiration for little boy's clothing.
Shared our two and three month favorites.
Celebrated baby's first halloween!


Shared Ethan's 3 month photos

Made a delicious breakfast pizza and pumpkin scones!
Celebrated Baby's First Thanksgiving!


Decorated for Christmas!
Celebrated Baby's First Christmas!
And last, we celebrated my birthday and Ethan's 6 Month have 6 months gone by already?!

It's crazy to think that the first part of the year I was rocking this bump:

And now I have a six month old baby!  I simply cannot wait for the next year ahead.

Many thanks to all my readers for their love, support and encouragement this past year.  I am so blessed to be a part of this amazing community of moms and women.

Cheers to 2013!

xo natasha


  1. Such an exciting year Natasha! Watching Ethan grow over the next year will be so much fun.

  2. What an amazing re-cap. Thank you for sharing. : )


  3. Great recap! It has been so wonderful to get to know you and your darling baby boy! You were one of the most beautiful pregnant girls I have ever seen!
    Cheers! - Shelley

  4. What a wonderful year you've had! Thanks for sharing it with us and letting us ride along : ) xox

  5. YAY! 2012 was a wonderful year for you. Wishing you as many blessings in 13!! Thank you for putting together this recap--it was nice to be able to go back and read some of my favorite posts all from one place =)

  6. What an amazing year!!! Looks like I'll be copying this post idea on Monday... Thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. Looks like we have had very similar years :) I love watching your little man grow, its perfect that he is just a little older than matthew so I can zoom over here to your blog & check in to things I may see eventually!! Your christmas photo is so cute. I got matthew the same little uggs, aren't they so soft!! I love them, but as for matthew he just kicks them off :)!!

  8. What a wonderful year! So happy for you! I hope 2013 is even better!

  9. You've had an amazing year and I hope 2013 treats you just as well. Ethan just gets cuter by the day!!

  10. wow. this has got to be your best year yet. I am so excited to see what 2013 brings you! Crazy how quickly Ethan is growing! Happy New Year, friend! xo

  11. No I cannot believe that it has been 6 months!! I have enjoyed following you this past year and can't wait to follow this coming years adventures!! xoxox

  12. I love seeing all the pregnancy pictures. So fun! You've had quite the year. So grateful to have you in my life! xoxo

  13. What an amazing year! I'm with you, becoming a parent is one of the best and most life changing things ever. You were such a beautiful preggo gal! Do you miss that belly, yet??

    Hope you had a very merry christmas, happy 2013 to you, Natasha!!

  14. What an amazing year! I hope you have a fabulous 2013!!! xx

  15. You've had such a good year it will be hard to top the year of baby :) we are days away and will likely have a diaper filled 2013. Happy New Year Natasha!

  16. So cute!! :) happy new year friend!

  17. what an amazing year!! loved looking back at all the exciting events the year held for your precious family :) and i have to say, you had the BEST maternity style ever!!
    ps. can't wait to try out those enchiladas soon!!
    xoxo happy new year natasha!!

  18. Loved looking back at your pics & looking forward to following ur blog in 201

  19. Such an amazing year! Thanks for sharing it with us :) Hope 2013 is even better!

  20. You are SO talented! Love your eye for great style and sharing it! Hey I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award, check it out here:

  21. What a year you have had. You family is so beautiful and I hope 2013 brings you much joy!!
