Baby Ethan: Week 15

Weight: No idea...but should be 12+ pounds by now!

Health: We've got a healthy little guy...getting bigger and stronger by the day.

Sleep: I thought we were reverting back to a non-sleeper earlier this week.  Between all the traveling, shots, and me going back to work...Little E was not a happy camper.  For about 3 nights in a row, he got up and had a hard time going back to sleep.  It was no bueno!  But was able to correct it on his own, thank goodness.  We tried letting him "cry it out" one of the nights and it only lasted about 5 minutes.  We couldn't bear it!'

Diet: Milk...roughly about 4 ounces per meal when he's not with me.

Clothes: We officially started using the 3-6 month pjs this past week and I have to say, Ethan looks much more comfortable and snuggly.  He still fits in his 0-3 month onesies though.

Baby Gear Love: Sophie the Giraffe, the O-Ball, rattles and blankets...lots of blankets!  He loves to cuddle with blankies and he's got a grip of death!  My hair and skin would know!  ;)  I

Crying: Baby cries when he's overly tired or gassy  We're getting better at figuring out which one is which.

Likes: Let's see...Ethan loves when we "pretend sneeze"!  He just laughs up a storm!  And he's starting to enjoy peek-a-boo it.  He enjoys playing with his rattle and passing it from hand to hand.  And he loves his Sophie the Giraffe for chewing.

Postpartum: Just learning about pumping and being back at work.  It has introduced new concerns for I pumping enough?  What if he gets more than I pump?  Am I pumping long enough?  Will someone walk in on me while I'm pumping at the office?!  Ahh!  But so far, so good.  I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon.  Any other working mamas out there?

Oh yes, and the hair shedding continues...

Milestones: We've got a roller people!  Yes, Ethan is officially rolling.  It's amazing to see him do it now.  And it's really more like a head plant that makes him do it.  But whatever works!  He's rolling from front to back mostly...but he's even been known to roll from his back to front.  So proud of our little guy!

xo natasha


  1. he is so adorable! such cute striped footie pajamas :)

  2. He's such a cutie! My little girl turned 5 months today, and I'm finally getting the hang of pumping and working. It definitely took me a while, but it does get easier! Good luck :)


    1. Oh good to know! Thanks Kari! :) And Happy 5 Months to your daughter!

  3. Not gonna lie, I kind of want those striped footie pajamas in my size! LOL :) I love these posts, Ethan is so adorable, I can't believe how big he is getting!! Xoxo

  4. He is so so sweet! I too am going through the pumping at work thing. I feel like my paranoia about someone interrupting me is affecting the amount of pumping. Just feeding him is so much easier. Must relax.. and I stare at photos of my baby during.Those pajamas look so cozy!

  5. I love these pictures. What a handsome devil!! We have the girl version of those pj's! They are precious!!

  6. He is SO adorable! I love his little stripped onesie!!

  7. So stinkin' cute! I love that he has less of that general baby look and is starting to look more and more like you and your hubby :)

  8. We should do a working moms link up! I'm sure there's more than we think out there. I've been back to work for 2 months and I still hate pumping... but I've gotten the hang of it at least :) He's adorable!

    1. I would love that! We should all support each other being back at work and offer advice! :)

  9. I've been pumping at work for 9 months, my baby just turned one year! EEK!
    My pump and I have a love hate relationship... but I've got tons of experience if you have questions.
    The best thing I learned early on, is that baby gets what you pumped the day before. My little girl got two four ounce bottles during the day while I worked, and that actually still works for her. But you'll figure out what works for him! The reason you do that, is that your boobs have to get used to the pump and if you are always supplimenting from your freezer stash to make up the bottles, your body will not think you need as much milk and stop producing so much. As she got older, we used our freezer stash for her cereal and baby food. It's getting harder and harder for me to pump my 8 oz, but she's eating everything in sight and still nurses well when I am with her. You may not want to share, but is baby E in day care? That was the hardest part of going back to work for me, but we've found a wonderful place finally!

    1. That sounds like what Ethan eats when I'm at I'm basically making sure that I make that 8 oz up somehow...mostly by pumping extra. Ethan is being watched by his grandma and then once a week we have a nanny that watches him. Seems to be working out so far!

  10. He sure gets cuter and cuter with every post!

  11. I might have missed it, but if Ethan is in daycare, how was the transition? I am still job hunting but terrified of getting an offer for that reason.

    1. He's being watched by his grandma and then once a week with a nanny. I work from home 2x a week so that helps too!

  12. I can't believe he's already 15 weeks! GEESH! So cute! xoxo

  13. He is such a precious pumpkin! Love hearing all about it. Hang in there with the pumping at work. I remember the days. It is very challenging but won't last forever.

  14. He is SO stinkin' CUTE! He has the sweetest little face :) you look FAB as well!

  15. He's just beyond adorable! You look fantastic and don't worry about the hair loss - it does stop...eventually ;)


  16. He is just TOO cute! And looks a LOT like you!!

  17. He is so cute! My little man has the sleeper, just in a bigger size considering mine is 15 months old! I pumped at work for 9.5 months. It was difficult at first and it did get easier, but I was always paranoid. Fortunately I have a door with a lock so I would lock the door but someone always knocked or tried to come in. Every. Single. Time. I pumped every 2 hours in the beginning, pumping until I was empty (usually 10/15 minutes for me). When my little guy started eating solids, I pumped every 3 hours, still emptying them every time. I was able to build a bit of a stash and still have plenty for daycare while I was away. I was always worried about not sending enough!

    This may sound silly, but I am happy to have a working mom like me out here in blog land! Most of my IRL friends are SAHM's and can't relate to me at all.

    1. Wow, every two hours? That is dedication...I bow down to you! And yay for another working mom! We definitely can relate to each other!

  18. So fun to see him grow! I love baby Ethan updates Natasha! Such a handsome little guy. He's adorable in his striped onesie and of course his Giants outfit. Great photo of the 3 of you!

  19. Happy fifteen weeks little one!! Did you get one of those nursing shades? You can get really cute ones on etsy, they have a little necktie thing & its a sqaure piece of fabric & you just through it over while your breastfeeding. If you are worried about pumping & someone walking in, they sell a bra at target & babies r us that goes with the double medela pump, but could work with any double pump & it makes the pumping hand free because the suction cups rest in the bra & then you could throw that breastfeeding shade over you. Matthew loves when I fake sneeze, or when I talk in an extemely high pitched voice lol.

    1. Yes! The hooter know it! That's a great idea!

  20. Hang a sign on your door that says "milking in progress" ;)

  21. I swear, baby E just keeps getting more and more adorable! I'm with you on the crying it out thing... I can't bear more than 5 minutes, it absolutely breaks my heart. Luckily, like Ethan, Beckett is generally able to fix his own sleeping schedule!

  22. Wow Ethan!! You are such a big strong boy doing all that rolling around. He is so adorable Natasha! xoxo

  23. Ethan is adorable! I am a fellow pumping mom - actually switched to exclusively pumping at 3 weeks with my son (who is now 6 months old) because he would take over 30 minutes at a feeding and it kept me immobile and unable to wrangle my 2.5 year old. I went back to work after 3.5 months of maternity leave, but I'm fortunate to be able to work from home 5 days/week - it makes all the difference some days when you can just open the door, pop in for a quick squeeze and nuzzle, and then go back to your desk! In regards to pumping - I've traveled for work while pumping, pumped on an airplane, in an airport bathroom, in the back of a taxi cab, at a baseball park, you name it - craziness. I found that in the beginning, pumping about every 3 hours would do the trick to not only provide enough milk for that day but also a bunch of bags for the freezer. We're just now breaking into the supply as I'm a few weeks away from completely weaning, and we'll be able to use that supply plus about 25% formula for awhile. I'm a type-A person, so it was just a matter of finding a schedule, blocking time on my calendar, and using the "mute" feature on conference calls so people didn't ask what that weird sound was in the background. Good times. Kudos to you and good luck with the transition!

  24. OMG he's precious!!!! My sister is due any day now... can't wait. They are so so sweet! Congrats. XO

  25. he is so gorgeous! love your updates :) xx

  26. Your little man is gorgeous! So glad I found your blog x
    My little girl is 6 months old and I love being a mom!

  27. Just make sure you pump every 2-3 hours (2 hours if you want to increase your supply). You'll be able to feel if you're full, you know your supply so use that as a guide for determining pump session length. Ive pumped full time twice (for 9+ months each time) you'll get the hang of it!

  28. What a cutie! I loved the last pic! I pumped at work until Max was about 10 months... I would have done it longer, but my milk supply mostly disappeared. I'm 100% sure it had to do w/ stress from work - stressful job!

    I think you'll get the hang of it.

    This time around, I'm going to pump hands free which I didn't last time. I must do that w/ a toddler now!


  29. Ugh the pumping. Such a pain. I could never tell if I was doing enough or not. I can't believe we were at the same wedding location. What are the odds?

  30. I think he gets cuter and cuter every week! So adorable!

  31. Oh he's adorable! I'm not back at work but i have pumped a lot since the beginning... What helps me is to pump once after he goes to bed... So I'll lay him down at 9 with his last feeding, and then before igo to be around 11 I'll pump again usually around 5-6 ounces. It wasnt that much at first but I've worked up to that much so I know I'll have enough of we get desperate! He wakes up again to eat around 4 and I'm usually leaking a ton by then so I know I'm not taking any milk he needs! I also just started drinking organic mothers milk tea and it's only been 2 das but I have felt much fuller than normal! Good luck :-)

  32. Oh he's adorable! I'm not back at work but i have pumped a lot since the beginning... What helps me is to pump once after he goes to bed... So I'll lay him down at 9 with his last feeding, and then before igo to be around 11 I'll pump again usually around 5-6 ounces. It wasnt that much at first but I've worked up to that much so I know I'll have enough of we get desperate! He wakes up again to eat around 4 and I'm usually leaking a ton by then so I know I'm not taking any milk he needs! I also just started drinking organic mothers milk tea and it's only been 2 das but I have felt much fuller than normal! Good luck :-)

  33. Ethan is truly too cute for words!!!!

  34. His sweet face melts my heart! Proud of the little guy for rolling over!!! So great : ) And you crack me up... I laughed out loud at your email... because I've had the same thought about someone walking in on me pumping. They would FOR SURE be scarred for life. I think I'm just going to put a picture of a cow on the door, ha! PUMPING IN PROGRESS, STAY OUT! xo

  35. natasha - he is just the CUTEST thing!! love that striped outfit!!

  36. I'm so far behind on reading blogs. How is he 15 weeks already? Weren't we just pregnant like yesterday? He is so adorable. And the pumping at work does get easier. I was a nervous wreck the first couple weeks, but then it got better once I relaxed and felt comfortable there.

  37. I'm just catching up on Baby Ethan posts! He is just so precious and looks so much bigger than when we saw him. Still SO happy we got to meet! :) QUESTION--how do you do the replies in the comment section? I can't figure it out! wah.

  38. Smart babies love Sophie. So adorable. :)
