Dear Baby Ethan,
Today, September 26th, you turn 3 months old! Where has the time gone? I've completely cherished every day that I've gotten to spend with you. You have transformed from a newborn into a little baby, right before my eyes, and I just love getting to know you more and more each day.

I feel like we finally have a routine and I. You usually wake up anywhere between 5-7am for your first meal of the day and promptly go back down and sleep until 11am. Crazy! I know! But it allows me to sleep a little longer before I get up and ready for the day. Once you wake up and have "lunch", we get to play, read books, practice tummy time and sitting time in your bumbo. And then you will go back down for your afternoon nap...which is usually another 3-4 hours! Once you wake up around 3, you have your late afternoon meal...we play and usually go for a walk and then you once again, back down for yet another nap. The 5-7 hours can be tricky. You wake up and stay up for several hours. During that time, you might be hungry again, fussy, or perfectly content. I do think you're going through a growth spurt because of the frequent cluster feedings. Otherwise, I think it's your idea of social hour! :) Luckily, that's around the time Dad gets home and you two get to spend some quality time together. Sometimes we go for a walk as family too. We all have dinner and we bathe, lotion, read and swaddle you around 9pm...with the hopes that you go down by 10pm. Then we do it all over again! ;) This definitely can change depending on what we do on a given day...but it's a good picture of a day in the life of Ethan Schue!
The thing that I love most about your schedule is that you put yourself to sleep...I only nurse you to sleep at the last feeding of the night and then again between that 5-7 hour. You definitely sleep a lot...but I know that will change soon enough!
You've been an extra social butterfly this month! You had your first flight to Minneapolis, MN for my cousin's wedding and you did great! You traveled so well and you were the perfect little wedding guest {you slept through the entire ceremony!}. You also got to meet your great-grandma, uncles and other family members this month! It was a big month of milestones!
While traveling, you also were awake a lot more during the day, since we were out sight seeing, but it never threw your schedule off. You slept like a pro in your pack 'n play at night. The same went for the following weekend where we had another wedding in Calistoga. So proud of you little man. We have a couple more weddings coming up, some of which include flying again, so I'm relieved that you enjoy it so much.
You also got to spend time around your buddy Beckett {pictured above}. You two are already best friends. Beckett loves handing things to you and giving you your pacifier {though he might steal it for himself first! ;)}. You are almost exactly a year apart, but I know you two will grow up being great friends. He can't wait for you to start interacting more!
As for your weight, you don't have your next appointment until next week {another round of shots...eek!} but we are thinking you are well over 12 pounds by now. I love watching you grow and even though you are still in 0-3 month clothes...I know you'll be moving up soon enough!
You still love getting baths {look at the squishy little tush!} and going on walks. You also love being in the BabyBjorn with just look around and stare at the world. You're definitely not a fan of missing out or facing our chests. You have to be a part of the party!
We absolutely love how much you interact with us now...from smiling to laughing to've got a lot to say and you make sure we know it. You're generally a happy baby...and you kick up a storm! You can also hold toys with more ease and just about everything, including your firsts, go in your mouth. You also blow bubbles a the point where I've started putting bibs on you so you don't soak your clothes.
Another big boy moment this past month is that you're happily sleeping in your crib at night. I still put you in your swing for naps during the day, but you have had no problem adjusting to your crib. I cannot believe what a big boy you are, sleeping in your own room at night now!
I simply cannot believe how big you've gotten this past's just crazy! But I adore the little rolls you're developing on your thighs, your big open-mouth kisses, and your hearty giggles. We feel so blessed to have you in our lives and can't wait to see what this next month has in store for us!
Love, Mom
What a difference 3 months make!