Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baby Ethan: Week 8

Weight: We will get baby's official weigh in next Monday.  It would be AWESOME if he hit the 10 lb mark!

Health: Life is so much better now that the stump has fallen out.  He's kind of got a halfie status going on.  Isn't it just scrumptious??

Sleep: This is a big one...Ethan has started sleeping in 6 hour stretches at night!  It's amaaazing!  I really think the bath + calming lotion + swaddle at the end of the night is the perfect combo.  We can put him down wide awake and he'll just hang out until he drifts off to sleep.  Really such a good baby...fingers crossed that he keeps it up!

Diet: Breast milk!  Though it's still mainly just him and me, he does take to a bottle when Ryan gives it to him.

Clothes: Our little chunk is quickly outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes!  I'm thinking we only have a week left of his footie pajamas before we need to move up to the 3-6 month ones.  And he's definitely filling out his 3 month onesies!

Baby Gear Love: Not too much new to report here, but he's still loving his "lovies" and we're introducing more rattles to see how he reacts and interacts.

And I have to give a shout out to the Fisher-Price whale tub!  It works perfectly for him as an infant and will easily transition for when he gets big enough to sit up.

Crying: He's got a set of lungs...but only uses them when he's hungry...and of course the occasional dirty diaper/upset tummy.

Likes: Baby has been to the beach a couple times and usually likes to just hang out in the shade.  He still loves stroller and car rides.  I have gotten pretty good at taking him out to lunch and around town and I don't really need to worry about him fussing.  Last, he is still LOVING his baths!

Milestones: Sleeping 6 hours!!  

Postpartum: I've started doing yoga 2-3 times a week and it feels amazing!  It has taught me to slow down and really appreciate my body and all that she's gone through to bring this little boy into the world!  I also want to thank the moms that reached out to me last week in support.  You all rock and made me feel SO much better about life and body postpartum!  :)  And I see the doctor today...hoping everything is healed and well.

One other note...his hair is starting to grow in quite thickly on top...where he had lost it before.  Can't wait for it to fill in!  ;)

xo natasha

PS...thanks for all the love on his newborn pictures!  If you missed them, you can find them here.


  1. Love that last pic! Go Ethan for falling asleep on your own, that's huge! And congrats momma for getting to yoga, I really need to start doing that myself!

  2. He is such a cutie patootie with that little smile!!

  3. ethan is so cute in all those pictures! his smile is priceless!

  4. I know I say this every week, but he really is the cutest little thing I've ever seen! You look great, too!

  5. Natasha, congrats! I know I am 8 weeks late. I've been a reader for a long time, but don't think I've ever commented before. Ethan is adorable, and your newborn pictures are amazing! And you look great, too! Thanks for sharing!

  6. ahh he is such a cutie and you are looking gorgeous! isn't yoga so amazing for making you appreciate life -- i love it :) xx

  7. He has the sweetest little smile! I love it!

    I'm happy to hear you're liking the whale tub - ours is sitting waiting to be used!

  8. Yay for six hours of sleep! That is wonderful!

  9. Aww yay! Ethan is so cute! And I'm glad to hear you are feeling more and more like yourself each week! You are such an amazing mama!

  10. awwww! Ethan is the cutest!!xo

  11. Such a cutie. We also loved the Whale Tub.

    What types of lovies did you get? I want to get some for Sadie. Max didn't really like anything soft (stuffed animals / lovies) until about 15 months - attached now.

    I'm going to get her one like Max's from Pottery Barn Kids.


  12. He is such a little love Natasha! Yay on 6 hours...that is such a huge deal, I remember. :) Good job Baby Ethan! xoxo

  13. such a cutie! love how he smiles for the camera!

  14. He's so cute... I love his little smile. And you look great! It looks like y'all make a great pair.

  15. He is so cute! I love that last picture - looks like his personality is starting to shine through.

    Glad to hear you're feeling like yourself more and more - it's one of my big concerns for postpartum!

  16. He is so adorable!! I love that he is just a few days older than Cameron...I love to "compare notes" - they are so similar!! Yay for 6 hours at night....Cameron just started to sleep the same. THANK GOODNESS! Are you following a book/program? We just started Moms on Call and LOVE it so far!

  17. He is so cute! And you look fantastic, my darling. Glad to hear everything is going well and the kiddo is sleeping! Doesn't that make such a huge difference?! Hope you're enjoying that little munchkin!

  18. How is he 2 months already!! Time flies too fast

  19. awwwww look at that belly!!! You got him to smile for the camera too =)

    - Sarah

  20. He has such a sweet smile, love seeing his little personality come out! He sounds like such a good baby -- I'm storing away your bath, calming lotion, swaddling method for the future. :) Oh, and you look fabulous. :)

  21. Yay Baby Ethan, sleeping 8 hours is huge! Congrats Mama, solid hours of sleep make such a difference!!

  22. Such a cutie! Glad you are doing yoga and feeling pretty good about things! :)

  23. What a munchkin! That tummy shot is toooo cute.

  24. Oh my, that cute little fuzz on top is *ADORABLE*! I love cuddling their cute little fuzzy heads (c: And look at that handsome smile! He's smiling because he knows he's making mom so happy by sleeping for 6 hours straight (c:

  25. Can't believe it's been 8 weeks already!! He keeps getting cuter and cuter ;)

  26. ohhhhh somebody's delicious!!! I know you are loving every second!! xoxo shel

  27. Natasha, I came across your blog via Tara's guest post. I think our boys are 2 days apart! Ethan is super cute :). Congratulations!

  28. ps. I know you're still figuring out your body postpartum, but I have to tell you - you look amazing! I wish I looked that great 8 weeks post partum!!

  29. Gosh! E just keeps getting more and more cute!!

    Good luck at the dr, once you start working out you will feel SO much better!! :)

  30. He is so precious!!! His smile and expressions look like he has something very clever and witty to say haha very cute! :) Glad he is starting to sleep longer and you are slowly working out again! Those 2 things were the major humps to get over, in my opinion and its "smooth" sailing from here :) .. well at least a lot smoother than before

  31. Okay another tip to add to the list--do yoga! I think thats a great idea and it gives you an hour to yourself. Also, how is Ethan 2 months already and I still feel like I'm not even halfway to having this little baby. :)

  32. Yay! Such a big boy. His smile melts my heart. You look great girl. And isn't yoga great?! I did bikram in Seattle 2 times a week and loved it.

  33. Love his little smiles, so precious! You look great btw!

  34. Goodness he really is soooo cute! So glad to hear he is sleeping in longer stretches for you!

  35. Ethan is getting so big! He is absolutely precious and Natasha you look fabulous!

  36. Dahhh he is soo cute! Such a gorgeous little face and wonderful expressions!!

  37. 6 hours a night is so good!!! Go, Ethan!!!

  38. So so precious. I can't believe how much he is changing. You do look fantastic and I am so happy you are doing yoga. Good for you. It's a whole new body to embrace and so empowering to know that your body brought that sweet boy into the world. Women sort of rock. Just sayin'

  39. You look great! And baby Ethan is too adorable for words! xoxo

  40. You look amazing, Natasha! I love his smile. He is such a cutie. That last picture kills me!

  41. I love his sweet little faces!! So cute!

  42. Wow time is flying...he is too darn cute! Can't wait to
    Work out again!

  43. You lucky duck! 6 hours of sleep in a row in unheard of in this household!! He is so handsome
