Dear Baby E,
This past Sunday, August 26th, you turned two whole months old! I have to say that the second month has been even better than the first month! Right around 6 weeks you really started to blossom. You smile, with intention, at us ALL the time! You love when I make funny noises with my lips and you absolutely light up when Dad gets home from work. I think you love his big boisterous laugh, and who can blame you? You have even started goo'ing and gah'ing at us...we have little conversations all the time. I think you'll be quite the social butterfly!

You had your two month checkup this past Monday, the 27th, and you're doing so well! You are weighing in at 10 lbs and 11 ounces...that's my boy! And you are 23.5 inches long...lean and mean my friend! Then, the moment that I had been dreading since you were born...your first shots! You had to swallow some medicine first which you happily accepted. Then the you did not like it! You started screaming the mean cry that you do only when you're truly upset. Luckily, I was able to hold you and nurse you right after and you calmed right down. I was definitely crying right along with you...I hate to see you upset!
In the last week or so, you have really started to track faces and toys that I hang in your face. It's so fun to see you really take interest in your surroundings. I think this means that I need to buy you more fun toys! ;)
I'm also happy to report that your skin has cleared up drastically and you have a ton of new hair growing in. I think you'll take after your dad with your thick hair. Love it! You're such a handsome little guy.
You are starting to sleep in 6 hour stretches which is awesome! I attribute this to your nightly bath time, which totally mellows you out. I slather on some calming lotion after and then swaddle you {we started using the new Swaddleme's which really lock you in} and then place you in your bassinet wide awake. You just suck on your pacifier and soothe yourself to sleep. Little angel! I feel like we're getting close to moving you to your crib, but we are traveling a TON in September, so I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. For now, you are sleeping like a champ and keeping mom and dad very happy! :)
You've been very social this past have frequented the beach several times and are quite content being in your carseat, whether it's for a walk or in the car. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be a perfect little travel buddy in the next several weeks.
You have such a sweet really never cry and are always smiling. I don't think we can even comprehend how easy you've made it for us...we feel very blessed!
Last, I feel like our bond is becoming stronger than ever. The first month is so nerve-wracking! Am I doing it right? What if I can't soothe him? Why is he crying? Now...we've got a groove going on. You love just staring at me, which of course, I love! And I know I can comfort you now...which is such an amazing feeling. My heart just swells every time you give me a shy smile or when you snuggle in the nook of my neck. I don't think I'll ever grow tired it. I love that you're growing...but please don't grow too fast...mama is still taking it all in!
Happy two months Ethan! We love you!
Love, Mom
Look how I've grown!