Your Style Scout: Mama Melanie

Hi, I am Melanie from Your Style Scout Blog. A big thanks to Natasha for having me guest blog for her while she is getting used to motherhood!  It's SUCH an amazing time in your life, there is really nothing like it!

For me there have been many highlights to motherhood. Seeing my husband interact with our children, the first smiles and laughs, watching my son grow and start to develop a little "personality" (sometimes adorable, and sometimes just crazy). But my favorite part of  motherhood so far has been seeing my son with our new baby girl. He just ADORES her.

He wants to be right next to her at all times...

I am hoping he will grow up to be protective and loving to her, like a big brother should be!


  1. So cute! I have a boy (18 mos) and a girl on the way (late Oct). I'm so looking forward to this, but already nervous about juggling it all!


  2. Oh that is so sweet and heartwarming! What adorable children and there's nothing like sibling love. xoxo

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  5. Enhorabuena a ti y tu esposo,por esos dos tesoros que teneis...son preciosos... soy mamá de una niña de 7 años y lo cierto es que no hay mayor felicidad que los hijos.

    Que seais muy felices,saludos desde España.

  6. My boy is 2 years older than my girl and it is so precious to watch him talk and play with her, enjoy!

  7. Aww this just warmed my heart and totally made me want to have baby number two for Sterling to be protective of!
