Baby Ethan: Week 1

Hi Friends and Happy 4th of July!!  I'm stopping by today to give you an update on life with baby!  :)  Thanks for all your sweet comments on Ethan's arrival!  It's been a whirlwind these last few days, but some of the best of our lives.  I plan to post his birth story soon...just working on the details.  In the meantime, I'm taking direction from Erinn and posting some weekly stats and firsts!

Weight: Ethan was born at 6lbs 3oz and left the hospital at 6lbs 2oz.  We had his first pediatrician visit on Monday, July 2nd and he was up to 6lbs 4oz!  Music to our ears!  He also grew half an inch, which puts him at 20 inches!  :)

Medical Issues: Ethan was born with the cord wrapped around his neck, which caused some issues for him at birth.  Mainly getting air in his lungs properly and then a variety of issues related to stress.  We had to stay in the hospital 48 hours post birth to be monitored.  Poor little guy had an IV on his hand the whole time, which just broke our hearts.  He recovered amazingly though and we were able to leave the hospital with a happy and healthy baby!

Sleep: He sleeps most of the day and then is up about every 1.5 to 2 hours through the night.  We definitely need to reverse this trend at some point, but Ryan has been amazing with helping change his diapers at night and I just nurse in bed.  It is hard to actually sleep though...I feel like I'm leaving him unattended and it scares the heck out of me!  I'm building my confidence with it, but I just want to stare at him all the time and make sure he's ok.

Clothes: Even though Ethan was born on the lighter side, he's still pretty long!  So he's wearing newborn and some 3 month Carter onesies {which are really loose but they still work!}.  Below is his special "going home" outfit.  I remember buying it and thinking it was SO tiny and then here he is swimming in it!

Visitors: We've been blessed with a lot of family and friends who have come to meet Ethan.  He's met both sets of grandparents and his grandmama {my step-mom}, his uncle {Ryan's brother}, his great-grandmother {Ryan's grandma}, his great aunt and uncle and their two daughters {cuzies!}, and a variety of friends.  He's SOO loved already and can't wait to meet the rest of his family!  

Diet: All breast milk, ALL day!  He nurses like a champ, which is HUGE since he didn't get to nurse right after birth.  He was kept on sugar water at the hospital to keep his fluids up and prevent dehydration {which helped him keep his birth weight}.  We had our first session the morning after he was born and he was a natural.  

Baby Gear Love: We LOVE the itzbeen timer.  It helps us keep track of his last diaper change, nursing session, sleep, and medication.  It's been a life saver!  Also the Adenn + Anais muslin swaddle wraps...they're so lightweight and breathable, which is great for this time of year.  Ethan also loves his rocker and bouncer and he's been sleeping in the same wicker bassinet that Ryan slept in as a baby.  Last, we bought these mittens which are the best.  They stay on his little hands and are super soft.  I definitely recommend them.  Oh and for nursing...the Bebe au Lait {aka Hooter Hider!} is amazing for those times you need to nurse, but you have an audience!  ;)

Crying: I'm knocking on wood as I type this but Baby E has been really mellow.  He doesn't cry much at all, and even when he does, it's brief.  Thanks to the wipe warmer, he actually doesn't even mind getting changed.  Ryan is the diaper master too!  ;)

Likes: Ethan loves his hands.  If you swaddle them, he gets super upset!  So we swaddle them with his hands out {we joke that because he had the IV on his hand the first two days of his life, that he is making up for lost time}.  He makes the cutest little gestures with them all the time...see "the thinker" and the "drama king" {also known as "jazz hands"} below!  :)

Milestones: Gosh!  I feel like there are so many!  Going home, of course, was a huge milestone, especially after having an extended stay at the hospital.  He loves riding in the car, which is definitely a bonus.  

Other milestones include, going to Grandma and Grandpa's TWO nights in a row for dinner, taking our first walk around the block in the moby wrap, first surprise pee sans diaper {the first one literally hit the wall!}, first doctor visit, and first sponge bath {he smelled SO good after}.

Postpartum: I'm feeling great postpartum!  I have little to no pain and only take Motrin to help with swelling.  I've learned the importance of Kegal exercises {preggo mamas, don't skip out on these, you may regret it!} and also adjusting to actually having boobs!  ;)  Lanolin has been my best's such a life saver!  I've also been wearing Gilligan and O'Malley nursing bras and tanks...they're awesome.  And for an extra treat, the Lansinoh Soothie gel pads.  They're pretty expensive but SOOO worth it!  Your breasts will thank you!  :)

I have to say that this has been the most incredible week of my life.  I have never known a love like this before and looking into my son's eyes is the most beautiful and rewarding experience ever.  He makes the sweetest little coo's and sounds strange but I love the sound of his cry.  Maybe it's because he couldn't quite cry when he came out of the womb and to hear it now just reminds me that his lungs are full and working!  We think he has his dad's ears...I could just eat his little ear lobes.  And he puckers his upper lip over his lower lip, which makes me want to kiss him all the time.  I can't believe we created him and that we get to keep him...he's all ours.  My heart has never been so full.

I hope you enjoy the holiday and I'll be back soon with more updates!

xo natasha


  1. This is beautiful Natasha!

    So happy to hear that you both are happy, healthy and enjoying your first days together!

  2. He is adorable and you look fabulous! Such a cute little family of three! Congrats again.

  3. he is the cutest little thing!! so happy for you and ryan! baby boys are the best! i got to keep one too!! :)

  4. You all look AMAZING! I can't believe you had time to curl your hair even! :) Congrats again, enjoy this sweet time. xx

  5. Oh Natasha he's so precious! He has such a cute face!
    When Matthew was born and I was buying clothes, a friend told me that Carter's sizing is quite different, if it says 3, then that means is 1-3 months, if it says 6 is actually 3-6 months...So keep that in mind ;)

  6. He is just absolutely beautiful and you are also looking wonderful! I'm glad you've had a quick and easy postpartum recovery so far :) You three look so perfect together!


  7. He is beautiful and you and your husband are adorable with those beaming smiles! I am so happy he is doing well! I remember that Lanolin being such a lifesaver. I also remember being so paranoid when my kids were sleeping that I would check to see if they were breathing constantly. Luckily, you get into a routine and more comfortable with everything after a little while. It's all so new and exciting! Enjoy every moment!

  8. such a lovely post, it's full,of joy and happiness. so happy for you three.
    I'm 27 weeks pregnant and started to feel what you are feeling, the unconditional love to the baby. I'm sure when she arrives, I will feel even fuller and happier! congrats again! :)

  9. Oh my gosh, I can't get enough! He is absolutely adorable! This is such a sweet post Natasha. And you look gorgeous as a new mama!

  10. What a precious cherub! You three are so cute and the happiness and love just radiates off the computer screen! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love.

  11. Congratulations Natasha. He's darling. I'm so happy things are going well for you all. Let us know if you need help/advice with anything. You're doing a great job, just keep loving on him like you're doing. Oh, and I highly recommend sticking with not stray:)

  12. Brings me back to a couple years ago! So glad you are able to appreciate all the wonders of that first week. My youngest had the hand IV too, totally killed me. Best to you as you keep going down this road!

  13. Yay! Such great updates, and do awesome he never lost much weight and that breast feeding came do smoothly. Funny about adjusting to the boobs, can totally relate!

    Aldo I know EXACTLY what you mean about sleeping and feeling like you have to dtsy on the job... I did that for almost 3 weeks!!! It gets better and you'll feel more confident soon, esp since he's thriving!

  14. This post literally gave me goosebumps (and baby fever). I loved everything about this post! Keep them coming (when you catch up on sleep) and have a Happy 4th!

  15. Beautiful! I am soooo happy for you! Your family is very blessed! XOXO

  16. what a precious family the three of you make. this post brought back so many memories. enjoy every tiny moment.

  17. Such a beautiful post Natasha!! He is so precious and perfect and I'm happy to hear that you guys are doing well! Sounds like you're settling in to life as a family of 3, and you look so happy...can't wait to meet Ethan when I get back to Tahoe! xoxo

  18. Natasha I'm so happy that he's happy and healthy. What a blessing for you all! He's so handsome, keep on getting some good sleep! (you deserve it!)

  19. Just precious! Glad he is now doing well, and thriving!

  20. ahh goodness natasha, he is so gorgeous and i loved reading this! it sounds like the most exciting experience, i'm almost excited for my time to come!! i'm looking forward to future updates already :) xx

  21. Loved reading this post! So glad to hear everything is going so well. He is such a cutie pie!

  22. He is beautiful! Loved this post! Enjoy every minute it goes by in a flash:)

  23. Oh my goodness. I've been on vacation and I miss that you had your baby. Congrats Sweetie. Baby Ethan is handsome. I'm so happy for you and your family.

  24. Congrats Natasha!!! He looks perfect, what a handsome lil man you have! So glad to hear he's healthy and your first week went well:) Happy First holiday as a family of 3!!!

  25. awww congrats!! you and your hubby look so happy!!!! this post definitely just aided my baby fever :)

  26. awww congrats!! you and your hubby look so happy!!!! this post definitely just aided my baby fever :)

  27. Congratulations! He is adorable! Thanks so much for sharing what this past week has been like for you. It brought so many memories back for me. There really is nothing like the love you have for your child. Continue to rest when you can and enjoy this beautiful gift you have been given.

  28. Ethan is just the most precious thing ever! He has the most perfect little face! I am so glad that everything is ok and that you are enjoying this time. Happy 4th to you and your lovely family!

  29. I am just bookmarking all these baby products since you seem to just have it down already! He is precious!

  30. You look so very happy in every picture! Loved his going home outfit....too cute!!! Hope you have a Happy 4th of July with your family :)

  31. he is the most adorable baby boy :) he's features are so adorable . Your post made me so teary eyed . Congratulations on your beautiful little one .

  32. LOVE this it is so beautiful. I am overjoyed for the two of you!! PS I love that crab onesie you have him in!!!

  33. You guys make a great family! Ethan is just adorable and this post made me melt...sort of like I want a baby. :)

  34. Congratulations on Baby E! :) This is so cute...I love the idea of keeping track of the cute! I'm still planning my wedding so babies are a little ways off but love your blog!!

  35. Congrats Natasha!! What a beautiful baby boy! Happy 4th of July to you and your happy little family!

  36. Sounds like a perfect week...glad you're all feeling well and strong, and loving on each other. told you the lanolin would save your (boobs) life! ;)

  37. Such a sweet post! So glad he is doing better after a slightly scary start...congratulations!

  38. aw this brought tears to my eyes. so happy for you guys. he is so adorable!

  39. Congrats! Your son is beautiful and I am so happy for you both! Love your blog and just recently started mine! Feel free to check it out in all your "spare" time :)

  40. Oh my gosh, I so relate to all of this post!!! :) Except for the cord being wrapped, how scary!! And that sweet little hand with an IV, :(. So glad he is doing so well & up some weight at the doc, that is awesome!! Congrats again he is so stinking precious, love all the pics!! :)

  41. He is absolutely beautiful and I love this update on life with Ethan!!! So happy for you! You are a beautiful mama cannot wait to read more! xoxo

  42. He really is the cutest. I love these fun to keep a journal and collection of firsts and big moments! I'll email you the photos we took soon! xo

  43. Beautiful post and a beautiful little baby boy! Thank you for sharing this :) love it!

  44. Wow! He's so cute!! :)


  45. So so sweet!!! =) xoxo

  46. Wow! I absolutely loved reading this and thanks for the tips and advice about the first week. It definitely made me less nervous about my upcoming delivery.

    A few questions and you can get back to me whenever you have a chance...

    Where did you get Ethan's coming home outfit?

    Do you think I should be buying everything a size up?

    What kind of lotion, shampoo, skin care did you decide on?

    and...who makes your car seat?

    Thanks again for sharing! So happy for you!


  47. Congrats Natasha! Baby Ethan is adorable and you look great!

  48. Congrats! What a GREAT post! He's a lil guy! Adorable. And you look great. Great pics you shared too. I love how you did this post, I may have to do this w/ my second baby, Sadie.

    My Max also had an IV on his hand post birth. I got a fever during labor, so I guess they just wanted to be safe with him (and he went to the NICU). It was awful seeing him like that! And then he HATED it on his hand, so they had to move it to his head!!

    I can't wait to hear more.


  49. Congrats! What a GREAT post! He's a lil guy! Adorable. And you look great. Great pics you shared too. I love how you did this post, I may have to do this w/ my second baby, Sadie.

    My Max also had an IV on his hand post birth. I got a fever during labor, so I guess they just wanted to be safe with him (and he went to the NICU). It was awful seeing him like that! And then he HATED it on his hand, so they had to move it to his head!!

    I can't wait to hear more.


  50. look at you...what a natural!!! so proud of you and happy everything is going so well...

    so funny to look at ethan in the snugabunny seat-CC's legs dangle down now since she has grown so much since she arrived, too!!

    keep us posted and enjoy this time sweet friend...there is NOTHING better in the world ;)

  51. such a sweet little family! congrats, enjoy every moment!

  52. He is absolutely precious!! Congratulations to you and your hubby Natasha. What a wonderful time in your lives. I am so happy for the both of you. So fun to see the photos.

  53. Awww Natasha I am SO happy for you! Looks like you are adjusting well and little Ethan is so sweet. I hope he keeps up the no crying trend! (Lucky!!!!) Very very happy for all three of you! xo

  54. Oh my gosh! Your baby boy is so adorable:) Im right around the corner to meet my baby boy and it makes me so happy to read this! Love all the advice you wrote about and cant wait to hear the birth story!

  55. This is so sweet and beautiful. And the story is nice, too (c; He is such a doll! I'm sure people have already said it, but sometimes newborns aren't that cute (sorry, but they're not!), but baby E is a perfect little doll!

  56. Usually babies come out just looking like well, babies. Little E has such a distinct adorable little face already!! He is precious and it looks like mamahood is really agreeing with you! :)

  57. hes adorable!! and you look awesome!

  58. You look so so good Natasha! and so does Ethan :) absolutely precious. So happy for you and the hubs.

  59. congratulations to you and your husband, natasha! he is just beautiful! pam

  60. Congrats Natasha on the little one! He's such an adorable little guy :) Have fun spending every moment with him! BTW you look amazing for just having a baby!

  61. He looks sooo sweet! Congratulations and enjoy every moment.

  62. Congratulations, sweetie! He's such a beautiful baby, and you are such a beautiful family!

    Have an amazing weekend!

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  63. He is too sweet! So glad yall are having a wonderful time as a family of 3. Life will keep getting better with his everything he does! COngrats, again!!

  64. Oh Natasha!!! I love reading all of this!! Ethan is SO beautiful! He makes Parker look like a sumo wrestler he is so tiny and cute :). I'm so happy he is healthy and a-okay. I can imagine how hard that would be! I can't wait to hear the birth story! Seems like you are doing wonderfully!!

  65. What a precious, precious little boy! Congratulations!!! You look amazing!!

  66. Natasha I am so happy for you! Ethan is so adorable! It's amazing how quickly these little boys can steal our hearts huh? :) can't wait to hear his birth story! Glad everything turned out ok with his cord!

    Hayden always has his hands and arms up like that cute!

    Does Ethan like the gumdrop pacifiers? We have a ton of them that we never used but are open because I had them sterilized and ready to go but Hayden doesn't like them, I will gladly send them to you! Let me know!

  67. Oh, so much fun to read and see these photos. You look radiant and so happy. Treasure each of these moments. So so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you.

  68. I loved reading this post Natasha! Baby Ethan is just precious and it sounds like you are a complete natural. You both look ecstatic + make the most beautiful family xx

  69. You guys are adorable!! Beautiful photos--and baby Schue is precious!

  70. congratulations natasha!! ethan really is such a cutie! and YOU look amazing!! seriously, you looked awesome your whole pregnancy and even after. you're my model pregnant lady! i know you're enjoying your little man. so happy for you!

  71. You guys are a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful photos!

  72. He is SO beautiful. Congratulations again :)

  73. Aw I am just over the moon for you guys! Ethan is so sweet and you look so, so happy. HOORAY FOR SWEET BABIES!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, love!

  74. He looks so tiny and precious. And you look great!
    Reading this reminded me of my baby girl's birth. She also had some problems at birth and had to be kept on sugar fluids. It about killed me knowing she wasn't getting my breast milk.
    Also, I totally remember that feeling when you are afraid of going to sleep and just want to check on your baby all the time. It goes away quickly and you'll be sleeping soon:)

  75. So happy for you. Glad to hear he's healthy and now at home!

  76. You're doing great! So happy for you all! : )
