Monday, June 18, 2012

39 Weeks...still cookin!

How far along? 39 Weeks...literally 2 days away from his due date!  Ahhhh!!!
Baby Size: The size of a big as he's going to get!
Total weight gain: 28 pounds...though oddly enough my doc had me at 25 pounds this past Thursday.  Weird!
Maternity clothes? Quickly running out of options...just wearing lots of sundresses.  This was a Forever 21 find.
Stretch marks? No stretch marks, but starting to get heat rash on my is HOT here!
Sleep: Still sleeping surprisingly well. 
Best moment this week: Nesting!  Got lots done around the got my hair and toes done.  I'm ready to meet this little guy!!
Miss Anything? Now, I just miss not feeling like a swollen blob.  It's gotten pretty hot here and it's definitely taking a toll!
Movement: Yes, not as often but he shifts around.
Food cravings: Anything cold!  Ice cold water, popsicles, ice cream...fruit too!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just raw red onions.  I really wonder if I'll ever like them again.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: No, and it's starting to get frustrating.  I again, showed no progress at my last doc appointment which is disappointing.  If I've felt Braxton Hicks, they've been very mild.  I know women go into labor all the time without any signs leading up to it, but it's just so crazy not knowing!  And yes, I'm starting to look towards all the things I can that help induce labor naturally.  Got any tips?
Symptoms: Lower cramping, swollen feet, having to pee every 5 minutes...the usual!
Belly Button in or out? Still at a halfie status.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: SOOO ready to meet our excited and anxious all in one.  I am such a control freak, so the "not knowing" has been pretty tough.  I know he'll come when he's ready, but I just hope it's not much longer!
Looking forward to: OMG, the first pangs of labor!  Finally getting to meet our little guy!  Finishing his nursery {there has been some major "map" drama!}.  And if nothing else, our next doctor appointment which is this Wednesday...his DUE DATE!  Come on baby, let's do this thing!

Keep your toes and fingers crossed and say a little prayer that he makes his debut this week.  We are SO ready!!

xo natasha


  1. He will be here before you know it! Things that induce labor well my knowledge goes as far has the show "Friens" talked about it so I guess spicy food and sex.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed that he will be here soon!

  2. Praying for you Natasha, the last week or so is not much fun at all I know but he'll come out soon enough and then it will be will fall in love with him instantly and your life will be more amazing than ever xx:)

  3. Aw he's almost almost here! I didn't have any signs of labor prior my due date, and Matthew was born exactly on his due date, so you never know ;)

  4. Al... most....there! Our little boys are out to give there "control freak" mommys a surprise arrival. :)

  5. I know the anticipation is killing you....I was right there with you just a few weeks ago. Your little buddy will be here before you know going over your due date isnt that bad :)

  6. You are too cute! All belly! Best wishes on your new bundle of joy that's bound to come soon! :)

  7. Aww, you are so close~~I truly can't wait to hear the news. Thinking of you.

  8. You look so great!! Hope things start progressing soon and your little guy makes his appearance sooner rather than later. Best wishes for a healthy and safe delivery!

  9. Congrats on 39 weeks! You're just glowing and look great. I'm sure he will be here before you know it :)

  10. You look great! I'll keep my fingers crossed that your little guy makes his debut this week!

  11. Almost there and still looking fabulous!

  12. You look gorgeous! So excited for you and can't wait to hear about his arrival!

  13. Will keep the prayers going, good luck to you guys this week! How exciting and he is going to be such a lucky guy. You look glowing and gorgeous!!

  14. Your so close and still looking too cute! Sending labor thoughts your way, can't wait to hear the good news!!!

  15. You look so adorable!! I'll be sure to send good thoughts your way!!! Good luck pretty lady!!

  16. Can't wait for you to have him ! I really thought you were going to have him on Father's Day! Hopefully it will be soon! Sending lots of well wishes your way girl!

  17. Come on baby!!!!! Maybe tomorrow {my b-day!}. Loved the sweet photo of you and your dad. I like how our photos we posted were so similar! ;) miss you girl. Keep me posted!!

  18. I was showing zero signs at my doctors appointment and BAM was in labor 24 hours later! Do lots of waking and stair climbing and I can't wait for you to meet your little guy!! Yay!!!

  19. Don't fret! I felt the same way as you! Sterling came two days after his due date and everyday I was like please come today! I stayed dilated 1cm the whole last month and was the same at every doctors visit. Then one night I just started having contractions. But I know how you feel. I tried all the remedies ate spicy food (which btw I ate mexican the night I actually went into labor), drank raspberry leaf tea and I even was going to drink castor oil but my doctor advised me against it! I walked everyday too but Im not sure that helped. Good luck girl and he is to hoping he makes his debut this week!

  20. i always recommend lots of walking {as much as you can tolerate} to my patients...sometimes it helps get things going!

    good luck and you look great!

  21. Ahhh you're so close! You look wonderful! I cannot wait to see pictures of Baby Schue, so I'll be crossing my fingers that he makes an appearance very soon!

  22. Ah! You are SO close! I cannot WAIT to see the little peanut!

    Also, you are the BEST! We just got back from Tahoe and Bit and the grille was amazing! Thank you soo much for your wonderful recommendations. They were so great and girl, you live in SUCH a beautiful place. Jealous! :)

  23. I'm sure it's so hard to be patient these last couple weeks! It will be here before you know it. You look incredible for being full term and I can only hope that I look half as good as you when I'm pregnant... seriously. I'm checking your blog/Twitter all the time, can't wait for the news!

  24. You are almost there beautiful girl!! Soooooon you will get to hold your precious baby! So excited for you. You are one hot Mamma!

  25. For me the cramping was a sign of labor...felt like menstrual cramps. Look luck! I have enjoyed watching your progress! So exciting!

  26. yeah mama! He's almost here! Sending lots of love your way!!! xo

  27. Oh I can't believe the time is right around the corner!! Best wishes!!! And again, you seriously look amazing...even at 9 months!!

  28. Oh my goodness, I feel ya girl! I am right there with you! Don't these babies now how ready we all are to meet them!! :)

  29. Ahhhhh so exciting!!! I can't wait to see him either! =) xoxo A-

  30. You look so amazing! I pray my body takes to pregnancy the way yours has! He will be here before you know it :)

  31. do those lunges my lady!!!! and go on really helps get those muscles down there ready for action!! praying for you this week BUNCHES OXOX

  32. I said a prayer for you. Our little girl came early but I can only imagine how hard it is waiting. But you will forget about all that waiting once he gets here. He'll be here in God's timing.

  33. Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're only two days away from your due date! I can imagine that it's super frustrating not knowing when he will make his appearance, but try and think of the next few days as your last as a family of two, savor them! :) So excited for you guys!


  34. Good luck sweet girl! He will be here before you know. You look beautiful!

  35. You look as gorgeous as ever! Can't believe you are so close to meeting your little one. :)

  36. You look absolutely adorable!!!!! Getting close :)

  37. gorgeous picture of you! Glowing and ready for baby :)

  38. Fingers crossed my friend! Come on little boy! So excited for you Natasha! :)

  39. So happy for you Natasha! You look fabulous. I am praying when I get pregnant one day I can stay looking as great as you have. So excited to see pictures of the little one. :)

  40. So excited for you!!!! Can't wait to see photos of your little boy!


  41. I swear eating pineapple kick started things for me!

    Also, I was one of those ladies who had no real labor signs. Imagine my surprise when, at my dr appt., I was over 5cm and sent straight to the hospital ;)

    Good luck!

  42. Your hair looks beautiful, soon-to-be-mama! Can't wait for your baby boy to be there...and can't wait to possibly meet him and see you in July!

  43. Eeeee! I keep checking to see if your little man has made his debut! Soon I'm sure!! You look great!

  44. Oh the suspense! Can't wait to meet Baby Schue! :D

  45. oh my goodness, he will be here any second now! Good luck with the birth Natasha, can't wait to meet him :)

  46. Ah, it is so close! Hopefully he will decide to come soon!

  47. I can't believe your days away from due date!!! I hope your labor starts NOW! :) Can't wait for the "he's here" post!! :)

  48. Grrr! It is so hard when you know they're ready and they just won't. get. HERE! (c: I'm pretty sure I did the castor oil thing with my second, but I don't think doctors really like that for your first! (c: Sidenote: it worked like a charm...(c; Can't wait to meet the little man!

  49. The day I went into labor (which was actually on my due date) I ate spicy food, pineapple, went on a long walk with the hubs AND had sex (probably tmi lol) Good luck!

  50. 39 weeks and looking stunning, Natasha! Loving your dress too - so awesome that you could find non-materninty dresses to wear! I was not a huge maternity clothes've been stylin' the whole time ;) goodness your little guy will be here any moment. you are going to do great, mama! little prayers on the way!

    You are glowing and look lovely.
    Can't wait to see pics. YAY!

  52. I sure hope you get to meet him very soon! But in the meantime, you are still looking every bit as fabulous!

  53. Thinking about you!!! Have checked your blog about nineteen times since about the middle of last week, waiting for an update : ) He will come right when he's ready!!! xoxo

  54. Oh my're almost there, girl! You look smashing. Walk, walk, walk...that's my advice...or swim when it's hot!

  55. everytime i check your blog now i wonder if you are in labor or not!!

    well you look great! one of my best friend's went into labor (a month early!) after she had sex. so yah, there's that ;)

    i love that dress, i gotta get over to f21.
