Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

Hi Friends!  How is your week going?  I swear, as I draw closer to my due date, the days and weeks seem to get slower and slower.  I need things to speed up...but I guess I should be careful for what I wish for, right?  We still have a lot to do in anticipation of the baby's arrival, which makes me anxious!  Just a combo of mixed emotions I guess! are some random thoughts for today's post.  

I saw this mint J.Crew scarf on Natalie's blog yesterday and have now fallen in love.  But how do I justify yet another scarf of the 103983487 I already own??

Something else mint green, that I could afford, and probably need, are these knock off DV sandals from Target.  If only they were available at my local Target last weekend!

Ummm what to say about this book??  I'm currently reading it to see what all the hype is about, but honestly!  This is some of the most crude and graphic stuff that I have EVER read.  To say I'm blushing is  a major understatement!!  And how in the world are they going to make a movie about it??   I swear I'm not a prude, but this is just beyond me!  Seriously ladies...what's your take on it??

I saw this and thought it was pretty funny:

So I can kid a little bit about it...only a little though!  ;)

Speaking of babies...

Here's a sneak peek of the baby's gallery wall in the nursery.  We're SOO close to being done...cannot wait to share it with you!

Last, I wanted to slow down for a second and say THANK YOU to all my new followers...I've noticed that you've been stopping by and I can't tell you how thankful I am for all of you.  And to my loyal readers, thank you for your kind and supportive comments, emails, and tweets.  I am behind on returning a lot of your sweet comments and visiting your blogs, but I promise I read every single one of them and truly appreciate you stopping by to say hi!  I'm guessing it's not going to get easier over the next several months, but know that I do care and really love hearing from you.

Ok, enough thoughts for today!  Have a great Thursday!!

xo natasha


  1. Those shoes from Target are amazing. I might just have to go get a pair (I'm always happy to have a reason to go to Target!). My mom has read the book, but so far I have not. I have heard there is definitely a good reason for all of the publicity of it as of late! The gallery wall in the nursery looks great from that clip, I'm sure it's wonderful!

  2. Great find on the sandals! Love them... and can't wait to see the nursery wall! So exciting

  3. Hahahaha I finished the Fifty Shades trilogy really quickly. I think the first book is a little more graphic than the others... but I agree - how WILL they make a movie about it? hahaha Should be interesting.
    As for the fifty shades babies - too funny!!
    Hope you're holding up well! I remember those last couple months leading up to Halle's arrival. In one breath it felt like it would happen so soon, but at the same time, felt like it was still a lifetime away... and now she's 10 months old! It goes quickly so enjoy every second of your remaining pregnancy... and then every second with your tiny new addition!
    Can't wait to see more nursery photos! :)

  4. The baby's wall art for the nursey looks adorable! As for Fifty Shades of Grey, I have yet to read it. I downloaded the sample onto my nook, maybe I should start reading it!

  5. Cute post. . . .LOVE the glimpse of the gallery wall. Dying to see the rest. And that C.S. Lewis quote is fantastic. How have I never heard that before.

  6. OMG...that bow tie in the frame is precious! I can't wait to see the entire room :)

  7. omg, i must get those sandals from Target. absolutely love them!

    and i am so with you on the book ... i just don't know how they will make that a movie. all they do is have sex ... i don't want to watch a movie where all they do is have sex.

    i'm so excited to see the nursery! what you have done so far is so cute!

  8. Im so going to Target at lunch to get those sandals! Also, the gallery wall is PRECIOUS!

  9. Just found your blog and love follower here! Funny you should mention 50 shades of grey...i was talking to my friend about it today and we are both giving into the hype and buying it tonight!

  10. I love the idea of framing the bow tie. :)

  11. Ah, can't wait to see the gallery wall!!

    and 50Shades isn't for me. I heard the writing is worse than twilight and that it's all just S&M. Not a prude here either, but just not really what I'm interested in reading, kwim?

  12. loove the bow tie in a frame. so creative!

  13. I'm currently reading Fifty Shades of Grey too and agree it is beyond words! Sometimes it's just too much and I have to put it down and take a break. That said I'll most likely read all 3:)

    Love that gallery!

  14. I think the scarf is necessary! :) Can't wait to see your nursery!

    Beth (Design Your Dwelling)

  15. Wow, those sandals are gorgeous!!! LOVE the color!

    So, you wouldn't recommend "50 shades of gray"? I heard it was very crude but also had a great story line...

  16. A couple of things. First of all: I cannot wait to see the nursery. That sneak peek is already incredible. Second of all. I am with you about Shades of Grey. Reading it now and I mean yeah it's sexy but I just feel like it's kind of stretching it a bit. Then again I'm the type of person that enjoys reading for the good story and great characters and I'm just not finding it here.

  17. Love the nursery sneak peak- can't wait to see it!!
    I have no idea how on earth they can turn 50 shades into a movie because it would have to be a porn!

  18. Love the DV knockoffs! I featured the DV version a couple weeks ago in a "mint" color post - love them! Your gallery wall looks so cute! Can't wait to see the finished product - I am in love with the bow tie!
    I read all three '50 Shades' books, and to say I was shocked...well, that's the understatement of the century! I really did not know what the books were about before I started reading the first one, and was so caught off guard...a little (MUCH) detail, don't ya think? However, the more I read, the more I loved...and I ended up liking books 2 and 3 the best because things get more normal ;).

    Hope you have a fantastic holiday weekend!


  19. i am laughing about your scarf obsession...i am the exact same way my friend-it's BAD and i constantly have to go through them and get rid of a few at a time because i've got 2 bins full--RIDIC!

    and p.s. i am LOVING the sneak peak at the gallery wall...i bet it looks incredible

  20. Such a mish-mosh of thoughts today, but I love it, such fun to read :) Fabulous find on the sandals. I think they will be joining me for the summer. Best of luck to you in these coming weeks! The end can be rough, huh?

  21. Ahhh I love the sneak peek of the gallery wall, I can't wait to see everything together! And I've been on the fence about whether to start Fifty Shades of Grey...It seems like EVERY blogger is reading them, so I feel kind of obligated to see what all the fuss is about, but at the same time I know they're super raunchy so I'm kind of like ehhh idk? I just feel like there are so many great, classic books that I've never read so maybe I should focus on those instead of just reading some book because it's the hot thing...but I'm sure my curiousity will eventually get the best of me and I'll read them :)

  22. How cute is the framed bowtie??? I'm dying - that is such an adorable idea! Okay I'm so glad to hear your take on the books….I'm so down on them…..I'm looking for more grace and love in this world, too much lewd, crude and rude already - there's sexy and then there's just sleazy!

  23. I love the scarf and sandals! Gorgeous :)

  24. Thank you for the little glimpse of the nursery.

    Would love to have you guest post when you're done!

    Enjoy your weekend.

  25. I have really gotten my house and nursery organized just the way I want it, and sometimes lately I've thought that I am really ready for the baby to arrive! Only problem, he is already 20 months old! He, he : )

  26. Love that quote and can't wait to see the nursery ;)

  27. That scarf is fabulous! The quote definitely made me laugh...I'm kind of wanting to read the book (only for the curiosity factor), but I'd be too embarrassed to go to the store and buy it!

  28. I never thought to frame a bow tie, but it is so precious and just perfect for the nursery!

  29. Shades of gray babies!! Hilarious!!! I love the framed bow tie, it totally matches a baby shower theme I'm doing in a few weeks. I've gotta do this. any tips??

  30. Tamra-we used a real bow tie and mounted it in a shadow box. It's actually pressed in there so it won't move {and doesn't ruin the bow tie either}. Email me if you want more details! :)

  31. I love the baby gallery! So cute! And that scarf too is amazing. But I also have a gazillion of them too :) I've heard a lot of things about 50 Shades of Gray.. but honestly none of them make me even want to think about reading it. Happy Friday!

  32. I saw that scarf and loved it, too! The color is pretty. You gallery wall is gonna be cute! Can't wait to see it. And I am pinning that quote...

  33. I want those Target sandals in every color! I LOVE the bowtie in the gallery wall! Too cute.

  34. Love fifty shades! I read all three in 3 days! Crazy! I know! Can't wait to see the movie! We're going to have a movie party!! hahaha!

  35. Ha! I am on book 3 of 50 Shades and I was going to do a post and include that same card from some e-cards! Love it! I hope you are feeling well as your due date quickly approaches!

  36. I can't wait to see the gallery wall!! Those target shoes are great...maybe I should take a little shopping trip :)

  37. Ahh I can't wait to see your gallery wall! That framed bow tie is so freaking cute! I need those sandals.. stat!

  38. I was NOT a shades of grey fan... I thought the writing was atrocious and just graphic for the shock value. No thanks! So excited to see the finished nursery :) -l

  39. What a pretty gallery for the nursery! Looking forward to seeing the whole thing.

    I just purchased FSOG on my iPad and am halfway through (read the first half in 2.5 hours). It is raunchy, but I'm still intrigued to finish the book and read the next two. I didn't even know they were making a movie. Don't see how they will make movie out of it without an NC-17 rating- lol.

    I just found your blog and am glad I did :)

    Would love the follow back:) Enter my giveaway for a Nordstrom and Starbucks gift card!

    The Pretty Pinhead
