Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jane's Salted Caramel Cupcakes

Boy are you all in for a treat today!    My bloggy friend, turned real life bestie {she lives in Tahoe now!}, Jane from In the Pink and the Green, made the most UH-mazing cupcakes this past weekend.  And lucky me, I got to taste them first-hand.  Not only are these super appetizing to the eye, but they are beyond delicious!  And just when you think it can't get any better...there is an ooey gooey caramel center!  I bring you...the salted caramel cupcake!

Umm, how amazing do these look?  And I assure you, they are 10000000 times better in real life!  

We had Jane and her husband over for dinner & game night this past Saturday night.  Knowing that Jane enjoys baking, I asked her to bring the dessert.  And let me tell you...she did NOT disappoint!  All of our guests had a least one...if not two!  They were that addicting.  And did I mention there was a caramel center??

{Photos courtesy of Jane!}
Oh yes...and she made that from scratch too!  Visit Jane's blog for the full step-by-step and recipe!  And then get your booty to the kitchen to bake away!

Thanks to Jane for letting me share!  I plan to savor the last left-over cupcake tonight!  YUM!

xo natasha

P.S. Last day to enter my LouLou Sucre necklace giveaway!


  1. OMG, those look amazing. I might need to make them.

  2. SOOO GOOD Jane! They look amazing! :) I love sea salt caramel ANYTHING. No joke.

  3. Wowza! I know what I'm going to be craving all day. Yum!

  4. Ohhh goodness. These look amazing! I'm a sucker for anything Salted Caramel.. yum!

  5. Thanks for sharing!! Saturday was so much fun, I will gladly bring dessert anytime! :)

  6. Ohhh cupcakes are my weakness!! So yummy. And pretty, too!

  7. Yum, these look great! I love the caramel center.

  8. that looks so amazing! I love Jane's blog too:)

  9. Those look beyond amazing. I'm definitely checking out the recipe!

  10. These look mind blowing delicious.

  11. Oh man! I've seen so much about salted caramel cupcakes lately, but I still haven't tried them! I definitely need to!

  12. Oh my goodness -- they look insane! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us!

  13. Yumm! These look delicious, lucky you!

  14. Amen Carolina Charm...my mouth is watering as well!!

  15. Oh goodness, that looks soooo good!

  16. Oh wow. Those look amazing. And sweet treats are the best when you are pregnant!

  17. Wow these look incredible! I will definitely be bookmarking. :)

  18. Oh my goodness carmel+salt+cupcakes = pure heaven. I want jane to come eat dinner with us! Cant wait to make these!!

  19. OMG, these look and sound wonderful!

  20. I think I virtually just gained weight reading this post. It was worth it...looks so good!

  21. UNREAL. Just popped over to her blog for the recipe. I don't bake but these are so happening over here. Thanks, girl! Yummy.

  22. These are definitely a *MUST* make! Caramel and cupcakes?!? unreal. (c:

  23. I just had dinner and I NEED one of those for dessert! They look so good!

  24. jane these look and sounds amazing!! wow i am so tempted to go into the kitchen right now and back these cupcakes right now. they sound so so yummy

  25. These look fabulous! I have gotten hooked on salted caramel ice cream recently. This cupcakes will be a must for this weekend. I'm off to print out the recipe!

  26. my mouth is seriously watering!! those look amazing and so gourmet!! glad y'all had a great time :) :)

  27. these looks absolutely decadent!

  28. These look amazing! I'm going to have to give them a whirl!

    Chelsea (www.hautechildinthecity.com)
