35 Weeks: 30 days to go!!

How far along? 35 Weeks...only 30 days to go! WOW!
Baby Size: The size of a coconut or honeydew melon.  According to the doctor last week...he's about 4.5 or 5 pounds.  We need him to keep cooking so he can chunk up!  :)
Total weight gain: Still around 23 pounds
Maternity clothes? Let's just say that the end of my pregnancy could not have arrived at a better time.  Living in maxis...like the one above.  It's non-maternity, from Hurley.
Stretch marks? Nope...and praying it stays this way.
Sleep: Still sleeping well...only getting up once for a bathroom break.  I'm definitely the queen of pillows though!
Best moment this week: Starting the official countdown...30 days seems appropriate right?  Did the baby's laundry...Dreft smells heavenly and all his clothing is SO sweet and little!  Did a BIG Target run for more baby stuff.  Started putting together the diaper bag.  And I still need to pack our hospital bags.  Lots of lots of progress!  Also...about 99% done with the nursery!  Just need to find the final piece over the crib!  :)
Miss Anything? Feeling like a "normal" person...everything is pretty much more of a chore at the moment!
Movement: Lots of rolls, kicks, and somersaults!  
Food cravings: Sweets...hot tamales candy, scones, mint chip ice cream...but honestly...food is becoming less and less appetizing.  There's just no room in there.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new
Gender: Bouncing Baby Boy!!
Labor Signs: Still nothing...
Symptoms: Just the usual aches and pains...a back rub sounds SO good right about now {and every hour on the hour...hubby can only do so much!}.
Belly Button in or out? Out on the top...flat on the bottom
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: So so happy and excited!  
Looking forward to: Starting my weekly doctor visits...can't wait to hear how he's progressing every week!  :)

xo natasha


  1. Looking great and doing so good with the weight gain! Wow, 30 days! That's just around the corner!

  2. Wow, only 30 more days till you meet the little guy! It feels like just yesterday that you announced you were pregnant :) Love the dress, it looks great on you!


  3. I can't believe you only have 30 more days to go! You look great Natasha. And I can't wait to see the nursery!

  4. 30 days or less! Love all your non-maternity dresses. I tried to buy very few maternity clothes and just work with what I had as well. Luckily as Matt told me I like to dress like I am pregnant when I am not pregnant- so all my loose blouses still fit:) You look great!

  5. You look great! I just had another baby shower this past weekend- loving all these 2012 babies!

  6. Ahhh! LOVE IT! xoxo

  7. Love the dress! You look great!

  8. You are so adorable sporting that little belly! I love how you've captured all these little details throughout your pregnancy, very cute idea! :)

  9. Not long now! You look fantastic!!

  10. You look fantastic -- can't believe it's only a month away!

  11. Looking gorgeous lady! Keep your spirits high, how exciting for you guys!!

  12. Wow! Looking great! So exciting!

  13. You look darling!! How exciting he's almost here!!!

  14. wahooo, you're almost there!!! you are positively glowing... hope the last 30 days go by with a breeze :)

  15. Sounds like you are doing great! : )

  16. You are so gorgeous and you look amazing :)

  17. only 30 days left!? your pregnancy is flying! savor the rest of it! xoxo jillian:: don't miss my $50 NOVICA giveaway!

  18. 30 30 30! wow! so exciting!!!! :)

  19. Lookin' great! I'm 31 weeks so this was really fun to read for me.

  20. Your dress is darling. Such a great color. I can't believe you're so close!!

  21. Wow! The 30 day countdown!!! So exciting Natasha! Can't wait for you!

  22. You look so precious! And like a little peanut with a cute belly :)

  23. Can't believe you only have 30 days left - so exciting! You look great!


  24. You are SO close!! You look fantastic!

  25. Such a cute dress! And you are still looking so great! I hope I'm as good looking as you when I have a baby! ;)

  26. You look fabulous!! So exciting!!

  27. Ahhh, so soon!! I am making a serious mental note that when I'm pregnant someday, maxi dresses are the cutest way to go :) You look lovely and I'm glad you're feeling great!

  28. Yay! So close and you are still looking fabulous.

  29. Looking amazing momma.....Your pregnancy has gone by so quickly.

  30. cutest pregnant lady ever ever ever!!

    and only 30 days?! you are so close - keep cooking little coconut/honeydew melon!

  31. Gorgeous as always, you are glowing! So close to being a momma!

  32. I can't believe it's almost your due date! You are weathering it like a champ, girl! And looking so darling in the process (c:

  33. you're so close! and still looking wonderful!

  34. you look so amazing I can't even believe it!!!!

  35. Only 30 days to go, wow! So exciting!

  36. You look great!! So excited for you!!

  37. I can't believe your little one is almost here! How exciting!

  38. It really is going fast! I can remember those updates with just the teeny tiny little bum.. Good luck and enjoy this final month!
