Monday, May 7, 2012

33 Weeks: 44 days to go!

How far along? 33 Weeks {due date is quickly approaching...June 20th!}
Baby Size: A little over 4 pounds and 17 inches long!  Wowzers!
Total weight gain: 22 pounds at my last appointment
Maternity clothes? Yes and no...very pleased with how many non-maternity dresses are fitting.  This one is maternity though...from Old Navy.  Couldn't pass up the cute chevron pattern!
Stretch marks? No...but this belly is getting bigger every day.  Scary!
Sleep: Happy to report that I sleep well...but I've been getting more foots cramps and got a NASTY calf cramp on Sunday morning.  No bueno.  Oh and I've been finding myself sleeping on my back, which is also not good.  Oops!
Best moment this week: Let's see...we had another appointment this past week...which is always fun to hear how baby is doing.  And this past Tuesday was our first birthing class.  Got to see a live birth...yikes!  And we also took a couple more maternity shots since the sun was not fully cooperating the first time.  Excited to get them! 
Miss Anything? An ice cold, tangy and salty margarita!!!  Seriously.
Movement: This little man is a mover and shaker.  Got to feel his first hiccups this past neat!
Food cravings: Still loving my PB& J's, mint ice cream sandwiches, cran-raspberry juice.  Really anything sweet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eh not really...just still avoiding red onions.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nope, not even braxton hicks.  Knock on wood.
Symptoms: Just getting bigger and more achy.  It's starting to take a toll...and I still have 6+ weeks to go.  Oy!
Belly Button in or out? Ummm it's puckering out...pretty sure it can be considered more of an outie than an innie.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Happy, anxious and ready to meet him!
Looking forward to: My Tahoe Baby Shower this weekend!!  So excited to celebrate this little guy with those I love most!  :)

xo natasha


  1. You look gorgeous! and it seems only your belly has grown. Only 44 more days how exciting!

  2. You look gorgeous! and it seems only your belly has grown. Only 44 more days how exciting!

  3. You look great. I think I'm as big as you and I'm 8 weeks behind! Love your blog...just recently found it. :)

  4. You're reaching the final stretch! You look great! Glad to also hear you're feeling well. xx

  5. you're looking great! my sister-in-law is a week past her due date, so I'm excited to be an aunt any day now :)

  6. You're looking amazing Natasha + I love your chevron dress! You must be counting down now, not long to go! xx

  7. 44 days! You are so in the home strecth. I slept on my back all the time I just couldn't help it! and the calf cramps I so remember getting those all the time!

  8. Yah Natasha! You may only have 44 days but you are at the home stretch! It's going to go by so fast! Plus you look super! =) xoxo A-

  9. You look great! Not sleeping on my back was the hardest part... besides trying to roll out of bed. Your due date is quickly approaching!

  10. You look FANTASTIC! Enjoy the last few weeks!!

    Chelsea (

  11. Adorable, as always!! Yikes it's closing in fast!

  12. oh lord, those leg and calf're in the home stretch bless your heart!!! so glad you're hanging in there ;)

  13. You look beautiful Natasha! I've been debating about ordering that looks so cute on you that I might just have to go for it! I had a bad leg cramp over the weekend too....seriously no fun at all!

  14. Wow, you seriously look amazing. I can't believe its only a month and half away!

  15. you're looking FABULOUS!

  16. I sure know what you mean with the leg cramps... they are awful! I think its time to treat yourself with a prenatal massage:) Your look so great, love the dress!

  17. Ahhh it's getting so close!! :) You look gorgeous. Love that dress!!

  18. Oh it is getting so close Natasha! :) You look so fabulous and dude I want that chevron maternity dress (and I'm not pregnant)! Ha!

  19. He's going to be here before you know it!! You look great Natasha, and that dress is adorable.

  20. I'm a new "follower!" You look great! I'm due in June with our second (BOY!) and love reading and catching up with ladies who are around the same weeks as me! I adore that dress! I was tempted to buy it- and seeing it on you? LOVE! Thanks so much for sharing! Excited to read some more! ;)

  21. you're getting so close and look amazing! you must be so thrilled to meet him!

  22. June will be here before you know it and soon you will be a mommy :) So exciting. Love the dress too!

  23. Most gorgeous pregnant lady I've ever seen! Can't believe how far along you are now!

  24. Natasha - you look great! I can't believe you only have 44 days left until you meet your little boy. Yay!

    Thanks so much for stopping by yesterday. Sorry I've not been by in awhile. I've been crazy busy! Have a wonderful week.

  25. Oooh I love that dress! Seriously, it's so cute! I can't believe you only have a few more excited for you! :)

  26. Yippee for baby showers! And the leg cramps *SUCK*...I remember a couple waking me up in the middle of the bueno FOR SURE!

  27. You are getting down to the wire!! Have fun at your baby showers!! take lots of notes and pictures to share with us all!!

    ♥ Ashley

  28. Love the dress...and you're looking fabulous!!

  29. That dress is so cute! And you are looking fabulous as always! :)

  30. WHERE is your 22 pounds?? You look amazing, N!

  31. So exciting! I can't believe how much that belly has grown. And I have to agree with Michelle, aside from your happy tummy, I do not see any weight gain. Gorgeous as always!

  32. Awwww! You look so pretty! I love that dress. Almost there!

  33. Still looking fabulous! Love that dress :)

    Hoping those cramps fun!

  34. you are just glowing in this photo- i love it :) glad to hear you are still doing well! i love reading all your updates. XO

  35. cute dress!


  36. Your dress is so cute! Perfect for you :) Have a wonderful time at your shower! Can't wait for the details xo

  37. You're in the final stretch now Natasha, so exciting. You look great and I am glad it's still smooth sailing. Your little boy will be here before you know it!

  38. You're getting close! You look great!

    I refuse to buy any more maternity stuff. Can't wait for cute summer clothes after our baby boy arrives!

  39. You look so good! Love your dress! That chevron pattern is adorable :)

  40. You, my dear, are adorable!!! Seriously, you couldn't look any cuter!!

  41. Natasha, you are in countdown time now! Your little guy is going to be here in no time! You look adorable. Cute cute dress on you.

  42. So exciting- you get to meet your little baby soon! You look gorgeous!

  43. so cute - i can't even take it!

  44. You look great!! Love that dress!!

  45. You're getting close!!! Soo adorable. I love your dress too!

  46. I love that dress! You are looking as fabulous as ever!

  47. Just found your blog! You look great!! Not too much longer!

  48. Looking great! We went to our birthing class too and boy was it interesting. Kirby actually had to leave at one point because he was "not feeling well"... haha. I'm not sure he's going to make it through the real thing!
