Monday, April 2, 2012

28 Weeks: Hello Third Trimester!

How far along? 28 Weeks...and I'm in the final stretch!
Baby Size: rutabaga or Chinese cabbage?!  Not too sure what either of those are, but baby is plumping up and weighs around 2 pounds. 
Total weight gain: 17+ pounds  I'm inching to the 20 pound mark!
Maternity clothes? All maternity bottoms and still able to wear pre-preggo tops.
Stretch marks? No...fingers crossed I can keep this answer the same over the next 12 weeks!
Sleep: Still sleeping well, just harder to switch from side to side.
Best moment this week: Let's see...SO excited to be in the final trimester and we finally got our rocker in this past week.  The nursery is really coming along!
Miss Anything? Being able to cross my legs in order to put my shoes on.  Impossible now.
Movement: Yep, he' still wriggling around a ton.
Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary...still sweets for the most part!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Again, nothing out of the ordinary.  It's hard to eat big meals...I get really full, which makes me queasy!
Gender: All boy and we've just about narrowed down the name!  EEE!!
Labor Signs: No...can't believe in the next 12 weeks or so that this answer could change!
Symptoms: I got some sort of stomach flu this past week, which was miserable...not being able to take medicine to relieve the pain might be one of the worst parts about being preggo.  Also some tailbone pain.
Belly Button in or out? Still in...but very funny looking.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Still happy...and emotional at times.  Ryan and I are starting to talk more and more about this little guy's arrival and how profoundly he'll change our lives.  Definitely gets me teary eyed thinking of this huge blessing that's about to enter our lives.  :)
Looking forward to: Due to my stomach flu, I had to postpone my glucose I'll be doing that today and then looking forward to my 29 week appointment this week!  Oh also getting the bedding for the crib this week...I'll have to share another update soon!

And I just want to say THANK YOU for all the sweeter than sweet comments on my baby shower last week!  If you missed it, you can catch it here.

xo natasha


  1. You really look beautiful! Your face hasn't even gained weight. Hope you feel better and hope the glucose test goes well.

  2. Looking great! Yes, nursery updates pretty please ;)

  3. You look amazing Natasha! I just saw the pics of your shower too, it looked absolutely beautiful! Sounds like you had a very special day xx

  4. Wow! Third Trimester already - so exciting :) You are looking amazing Natasha, the pregnancy glow suits you so well!


  5. Third trimester...Baby Schue will be here before we know it! Looking good sweetie!

  6. You're precious! Such a cute little bump! Congrats on the boy :)

  7. you're still looking amazing! i can't wait to find out what you call him :) xx

  8. Looking good girl. :) Hate that you got the stomach flu---but excited that you narrowed down the names. Can't wait to hear what you guys decide on!

  9. So lovely to hear everything goes well :)

  10. aww yay third trimester AND closing in on a name!

    glad you're feeling better lady - hope its smooth sailing here on out!

  11. You look so cute! I love your outfit too - glad to hear you are feeling better - good luck with your glucose test today :)

  12. that is the PERFECT lil bump! Cannot wait to know the name!!!

  13. You look fantastic! He's going to be such a lucky guy Natasha! I hope you're feeling better, take it easy!

  14. You look so great! good luck with the glucose'll do fine!

  15. you look always! :)

    And I am so sorry you were sick! I got some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning when I was like 10 weeks and it was absolutely awful!! It IS terrible because there isn't really anything you can do about it!

    Glad you are feeling better and good luck on your glucose test!

  16. You look amazing!!

  17. Ooooh so exciting about the name Natasha! That is always such a fun part! You're looking adorable (as usual). Happy start to the week!

  18. So exciting to hear you have a name (almost)! Can't wait to (eventually) hear it! Also, I love your outfit this week. When in doubt, I find that wearing all black and accessorizing with some tasteful animal print, is very chic!

  19. you look great!!! I love your updates!

  20. You look great! I remember being disappointed when putting my shoes became difficult. There also came a point when balancing myself while shaving in the shower was a challenge. It's all part of the experience though.

  21. Congrats on this great milestone! I did our gender reveal today for our twins =) Such an exciting time it is for both of us!

  22. Soooooooooooo cute! Happy Third Trimester!!! I love your Monday updates! Eshk! =) xoxo A-

  23. Looking fabulous! Yay 3rd trimester :)

    Can't wait to see the nursery progress!

  24. I serioulsy hope I look as good as you when I'm preg!

  25. You look fabulous, my dear! Congrats on hitting the big third trimester milestone! Isn't it a great feeling? Best of luck on your glucose test - that is not a fun test to take. Can't wait to see nursery pictures!

  26. You look fabulous, my dear! Congrats on hitting the big third trimester milestone! Isn't it a great feeling? Best of luck on your glucose test - that is not a fun test to take. Can't wait to see nursery pictures!

  27. You look so pretty! Congrats!!;)

  28. you look adorable!! hope your feeling better soon! xo

  29. Loe the cardigan!! Looks like we were thinking alike this week...have my new ballet flats on :)

  30. Loe the cardigan!! Looks like we were thinking alike this week...have my new ballet flats on :)

  31. Adorable!!! You are the tiniest preggo! The top is super cute!

  32. You look amazing!! So glad you are over your stomach bug! Can't believe you are already at 28 weeks!!! EEEEEKKKK!! :)

  33. YAY for the last trimester! You look beautiful, as always!

  34. You're in the homestretch! You're going to have your little man in your arms before you know it (c: And still looking fabulous!

  35. The leopard sweater is so cute! Sorry you were sick! No fun :( Wanna share the name??! hehe just kidding :) So exciting!

  36. You look beautiful...and I love your cardigan
    Enjoy your last trimester Natasha, time really flies xx

  37. You always look so stunning in your pregnancy photos! Between your glow and your adorable outfits, you really do make a gorgeous pregnant lady!

  38. Yippee for the 3rd trimester! You are looking so beautiful!

  39. YAY! Congrats to being so much closer to meeting little man! I can't wait to see the bedding you picked out! Good luck with your test!! :)

  40. Where does the time go?? I can't believe you are already 28 weeks. Cute as a button.

  41. You look amazing! And I just saw the pics of your shower- beautiful! Can't wait to hear/see more about the nursery. Sorry you weren't feeling so well. Can't imagine what it's like being in pain and not being able to take some meds for some relief. Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here on. Following you now :) x

  42. Can't wait to see nursery updates!! You are so cute for being 28 weeks!

  43. Most gorgeous pregnant lady EVER! Girl, you looks amazing! Can't wait to see pics of the nursery!! Yeah to the 3rd trimester!!

    Because Shanna Said So

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. You're looking so gorgeous!! You're in the home stretch!

  46. you look great!! you are glowing!

  47. Natasha you look so stunning! Can't wait to see this adorable nugget!

  48. You have the cutest bump around!

  49. Loving the growing bump! You look amazing by the way!

  50. How exciting! My sister just had her baby and it's so fun. I love holding them when they're so tiny. All the best for these last weeks!

  51. Yay for the 3rd trimester! I can relate to so many parts of this post! And...You're lookin' great!
