32 Weeks: 8 Months with 8 Weeks to go!

How far along? 32 Weeks...51 days to go!  Officially in my 8th month!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a jicama or squash!
Total weight gain: 20+ pounds...I find out officially today at our doc appointment.
Maternity clothes? Yes and no.  The above dress is non-maternity.  Trying to wear as many dresses that I already own as possible.
Stretch marks? Still clear!
Sleep: I'm thankful to be sleeping well...I slept in until 10:45 yesterday...unheard of!
Best moment this week: 
Our maternity shoot was super fun this past weekend...cannot WAIT to see the pictures!  :)
Miss Anything? Being able to move more easily.  I feel like the waddle is coming on...and I'm definitely out of breath a lot more often.
Movement: Lots of rolls and jabs.  Baby was sitting up in my ribs earlier this week...definitely uncomfortable!
Food cravings: Loving my sweets...eating lots of cereal, PB&Js, yogurt and desserts!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new!
Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Lower back and belly pain, foot cramps, shortness of breath...that's about it!  :)
Belly Button in or out? So the top is out...it looks out when I wear a tight shirt.  But it's flat otherwise.  Should be popping out any second now!
Wedding rings on or off? on

Mood: Happy, but increasingly more anxious for this little one to get here!
Looking forward to: My doc appointment today...and our first parenting class tomorrow night!  Yay!!  Also excited to get into May...I can officially say that I'll get to meet my little man next month!  Woo hoo!

xo natasha

Friday Fancies::Dot Daytime Date

Dots Day Date

Lip Gloss // Necklace // Wedges // Tank // Earrings // Sunglasses // Bag // Shorts

Happy Friday!

I'm going gaga over lots of elements in my latest Friday Fancy look.  First this dot pattern is showing up everywhere!  I love it!  Also everywhere...the Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac bag...it comes in tons of colors and seems like the perfect accessory for being out and about.  Last, I recently ordered these wedges from Old Navy...I came to the party too late last year and missed out on these wedges.  So I was THRILLED when Old Navy brought them back.  I love how they lace up and they're a great height.

Overall, I think this would be a great look for a daytime date.  You could stroll the Farmer's Market, go on a ferris wheel ride, or sip a chocolate malt.  Sounds pretty good, right?

What items are you currently craving?

Have a great weekend!

xo natasha

Psssst!  There's stil a couple days to enter my layering necklace giveaway!  Enter here!  :)

Thoughts for Thursday

Happy Thursday!

This is the first post in a while, where I feel like I get to take a breather and just catch up!  Nice huh?  I thought I would take an opportunity to join in on a fun game that Natasha from Hello! Happiness tagged me in WAY back in January.  Even though you all know that I'm having a baby come June...it's not often we get to reveal who we are as bloggers...the "behind the secenes" kind of stuff.  So, what better time than now?  Here it goes!

Eleven Fun Facts About Me
1. I'm the oldest and only girl in my family.  I have identical twin brothers...they are cuties! 

2. I have a mole on my belly that has become substantially more pronounced since I became pregnant.  I think I need to name him...ideas??  :)
3. I have lived in 4 different cities in my life...all of which are in California: Newport Beach, San Luis Obispo, Sacramento and now Tahoe!
4. Ironically, I had never gotten a cavity or speeding ticket, until I moved to Sacramento!  Darn city!
5. I was an English major {with communications minor} in college.  I felt like I left with so much great knowledge and appreciation for literature and history...it's also what pushed me to start this blog!  Exercising my creativity through blogging has been an amazing experience.
6. My ten year high school reunion is this year...so crazy!  It makes me think back to my days of cheerleading!

7. Speaking of ten years...it will be 10 years since I met and started dating my husband.  We started dating my freshmen year of college!  It's definitely been the ten best years of my life!  xo

{Our first "unofficial" date...I had a huge crush!}

8. I have really small feet and hands...especially for my height, which is 5'6".  I wear a size 6.5 or so in shoes and my wedding finger size is a 5 {I think!}.
9. I'm a big night owl...I love staying up late.  Luckily, I've tempered how late I sleep in, but I'm generally not a morning person!
10. I love food....eating at new restaurants and cooking new food is one of my favorite things!
11. I used to be highly allergic to cats and dogs.  Luckily, my mom had us get allergy shots when we were kids.  I am living proof that those work...I don't know what I would do without Mr. Whiskers and Wilson!  ;)

1. What is your profession? I am an advertising account manager for our local paper.  I'm in a fortunate position to work with our key customers...which is an incredibly challenging, yet rewarding experience.  Keeps me on my toes!
2. How would you describe your style? I like to think I have a classic, but sometimes edgy sense of style.  I love blousy tunics with skinnes and boots.  A well-cut dress.  A great pair of shoes {LOVE shoes}.  And unique jewelry. 
3. What one make-up product can you not live without? Hmmm this is a tough one...but I would probably go with mascara.  I have smaller eyes that are not deep-set, so it helps to balance out my face! 
4. If you could be besties with one celebrity, who would it be? I am loving Rachel McAdams lately.  She just seems so down to earth and sincere. 
5. What is your dream vacation? Probably Paris or Italy.  I've never traveled abroad and I'm just dying to get over there to take in the culture, amazing food, and incredible fashion.
6. What magazines do you subscribe to? I actually don't...which is really my bad!  I would save a lot of money if I did since I read People, US Magazine, and inStyle on a regular basis!
7. If you could have a special talent {that you don't currently have}, what would it be?  
Graphic design would be a great talent to have...especially now!  I would open my own Etsy Shop!
8. What is your favorite breakfast food?  I'm all about sweets for breakfast...scones, chocolate chip pancakes, croissants...the list goes on!
9. If you could do anything, what is your dream job?   I think owning my own business...doing something I'm super passionate about is probably everyone's dream job!  I would love to have the luxury of being artistic and having everyone want to buy my product!  :)
11. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received, and who gave it to you? My best friend Amy told me that respect, above all else, is key in a relationship.  It ties into trust, honesty, compatibility and love.  It's given me valuable insight ever since.

According to the rules, I'm supposed to tag 11 people...but I'm tagging all of you instead!!  Let me know if you write a post answering the above questions.  I'd love to see it!

xo natasha

P.S. Don't forget to enter my LouLou Sucre layering necklace here!

LouLou Sucre Necklace Giveaway!

Hi Friends!

I recently welcomed my newest sponsor, LouLou Sucre, to my blog and I'm thrilled that Sabrina has agreed to give away one of her beautiful necklaces.  If you haven't checked out her shop...you're missing out!  She has a ton of gorgeous jewelry, entertaining essentials, personalized items and more!  

Lucky for all of you, she's giving away her "By the Yard" necklace in your choice of silver or gold, which values at $40!

She's giving you the option to choose the 16" or 18" necklace...they're super versatile and great for layering!

To Enter:

Follow Sabrina's blog LouLou Sucre
{she has amaaaazing recipes!}
Subscribe to the LouLou Sucre Shop's mailing list 
{please leave one comment once you've done both}

For additional entries:

Follow LouLou Sucre on Facebook
Follow LouLou Sucre on Twitter
Follow LouLouSucre on Pinterest
{leave a separate comment for each}

A special thanks to Sabrina for this awesome giveaway!  The contest will end Tuesday, May 1st at 5pm pacific time and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, May 2nd.  Good Luck!

xo natasha

Wedge Salad with a Twist

I'm a big wedge salad fan, but lately, I'm not really been into red meat, ie: bacon.  Wedge salads typically involve a wedge of lettuce, blue cheese dressing and bacon.  I like this twist on a wedge...it calls for buffalo chicken, which really adds a kick!  

This recipe comes from the talented Val of ValSoCal...you can find the recipe here!  The only changes we made was that we grilled chicken breast tenders and coated it in buffalo sauce, instead of using a rotisserie.  And I added tomatoes!

It was a hearty salad, but still fresh for the warmer weather.  Hubby and I both thoroughly enjoyed!

Hope you enjoy!  Bon Appetit!

xo natasha

Linked to: Tasty Tuesdays

31 Weeks-Baby is the size of a pineapple!

 How far along? 31 Weeks 
Total weight gain: Still looking like 20 pounds...I think I was closer to 18 pounds the last week or two.
Maternity clothes? I just ordered a maternity dress at Old Navy, but otherwise it's been a lot of regular dresses...like the one above from Target.
Stretch marks? Still clear...fingers are crossed!
Sleep: Still sleeping well...though the side that I sleep on will get sore after a while, so I need to shift more often.
Best moment this week: I got to spend time with one of my best friends this past weekend...and the weather was gorgeous!  It was tons of fun.  And even though I didn't make the wedding in North Carolina, I was definitely remembered throughout the events...pictures to follow at the end!  :)
Miss Anything? I missed being at our best friends wedding!!!
Movement: Lots of body moves and rolls.  It must be getting tighter in there!
Food cravings: Sweets...especially fruit!  It felt like summer this past weekend so I indulged in lots and lots of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries!  Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, lower tummy and back pains after walks or bending over.
Belly Button in or out? The top definitely is protruding but it's still an innie.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Mood: I cry at the drop of a hat...pretty emotional, but all in a good way!  Blaming all the hormones!
Looking forward to: Our maternity shoot this weekend!  If only the weather is predicted to be as gorgeous as it was this past weekend!

And even though I couldn't be at the wedding, the bride made sure that I was "present".  Introducing preggo on a stick:

Apparently I was quite the hit:

The whole thing was hilarious and definitely made me feel like I was still a part of the big day!  I got to watch the ceremony via Skype as well, which was awesome!  I am lucky to have such amazing friends!!  ;)

xo natasha

Celebrity Maternity Style

It's a fun time to be preggers...there is a lot of cute celebrity maternity inspiration out there!  It's a nice reminder that you don't have to give up style, while sporting a bump.  Here are some of my favorite recent looks:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

I'm already a fan of maxi dresses and tunic blouses...which has made being preggers a whole lot easier to dress the bump up.  It also helps that I haven't had to invest in a whole new wardrobe...instead I've bought pieces that give way to the bump, but are still wearable post maternity as well.  
Maternity Style

Maternity Style by schuelove featuring T-Bags dresses

I've been a big fan of brands like T-Bags, Splendid, Ella Moss, Anthro, Gap and Target for my maternity clothing.

Are you currently pregnant...what's your maternity style?  Any shopping secrets?  I'd love to hear!

Have a great weekend!

xo natasha

Travel Schue::San Francisco

We're on a roll with the Travel Schue series and I am SUPER excited to finally introduce you to a California city!  San Francisco is about three and a half hours from Tahoe and we're lucky enough to visit friends there pretty regularly.  Every time we go...it's a different experience.  There are always new restaurants and shops opening up...and of course we love to cheer on the Giants!  :)  But I am definitely not an expert when it comes to the city, so I am thrilled to have Victoria here to fill you all in!

Victoria has a gorgeous blog vmac+cheese and new business venture vivaleur...oh and by the way, she's engaged!  I love her style and just knew she would be the perfect tour guide through SF.  Hope you enjoy!

Hey Schue Lovers!  Victoria from vmac+cheese here, happy to share some of my favorite stomping grounds from my current city of San Francisco.

I've lived in SF for almost six years, and have definitely been able to find a few places that I return to over and over again. Here we go!

Food wise, it's pretty difficult to make it in and out of San Francisco without eating well. Good food is just everywhere. My fiance Joe and I absolutely adore Mexican food, so we make it to Mamacita a couple times a month. It's Mexican food, but with an updated, California twist (no combo plates here! Though I can recommend a place for that too!). We love the tacos (the camaron al pastor and the mahi borracho are to die for), and their margaritas are lethal -- in the best way possible. If we're craving a pizza date, we like stopping in to Pizzeria Delfina. Great pizzas, yummy apps, and an interesting wine list. For a quiet, romantical kind of date, we head to Bistro Central Parc, in Nopa. Blink, and you'll miss it -- it's tucked away on a quiet street and is definitely a locals kind of place. Their filet mignon rossini will change your life.

If you're looking for furniture or other house hold goods, head to Hayes Valley. They have tons of great home furnishings stores, like Plantationand Lotus Bleu. You'll also find treasures on Union Street (check out Past Perfect -- it's a fantastic mid century modern antiques store), which has home goods options as well as lots of women's clothing boutiques. Same story on Chestnut -- and all these options have plenty of cafes and bars to stop in if you shop til you drop.

If the weather is nice in SF, it's always a good idea to head outside before the fog rolls in! We like driving north and taking a hike through Muir woods. The redwood trees are truly spectacular! If it's the weekend, you could also check out the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, or grab a seat at a Giants baseball game. If you are ready to brave the crowds, a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge is both inspiring and invigorating!

I definitely recommend a visit to SF. Sometimes I have to pinch myself -- I can't believe I actually get to live here!

Next time I'm in SF, I'm definitely checking out those restaurants!  Yum!  A special thanks to Victoria for such an amazing tour!

Here's where we've traveled before:


xo natasha

DIY West Elm Curtain Rod & Striped Curtains

As many of you know, we've been busy little worker bees putting our nursery together!  It's been a ton of fun seeking out new furniture and decor...while also keeping the budget in mind.  It's easy to get carried away when it comes to a baby..and there are plenty of stores that will help you spend your money!  :)

One of the stores that has been a huge source of inspiration is West Elm.  We're going for more a modern vibe in the nursery {as opposed to my usual traditional style}, so it's provided a ton of great ideas and beautiful items to drool over!  I have been hunting for the perfect curtains {and curtain rod} to hang in the nursery...something that would be masculine and yet fun for baby.  As I was perusing West Elm's site, I fell in love with this industrial curtain rod:

But for $69-$99 dollars, I didn't know if I could justify it.  Luckily, my husband was looking over my shoulder and exclaimed that it would be SUPER easy to recreate this look from our local hardware store.  I was dubious at first...I'm not much of a DIY'er, but he assured me it would only be about $20 total for the project, so we went for it!  

I'm SO glad we did, because the outcome is AWESOME!

I love how rustic, yet contemporary it looks!  It's definitely something that Baby Schue can grow into!

And here's an additional shot, where you can see more of the curtains.

Speaking of curtains!

These were somewhat of a project as well.  You see...I wanted something fun and graphic, but striped curtains are expensive, people!  Who would have thought!  I loved these Crate & Barrel drapes, but at $90 a pop, they were again, a little too pricey.  Plus they lacked the fun character we wanted to infuse into the nursery.  Well...bring in West Elm again {gotta love them!}...they have stripe shower curtains that look EXACTLY the same.  They're a heavy weight cotton and the strip is spot on.  Only problem is, they're too short at just 74" long.  We needed about 10 more inches to make them work.  

After some thought {and input from some of you!} I decided an orange border would be just the touch of fun and whimsy Baby Schue's little room needed.  And again, I am SO glad I went for it!  

I am just LOVING how the orange trim ties in the color scheme.  They look custom and fun, and I spent about half the price having these made than I would if I had bought them.

 Here's how they looked closed...the stripe matches right up. 

This was definitely the last BIG "big ticket" item for the room!  And I'm happy to report we saved $100+ on this project.  :)  Now, we just need to get the wall decor up and we'll be finished!

Can't wait to show off the end product!!  :)

xo natasha

Cinnamon Raisin French Toast

This past weekend I was in the mood for something indulgent, but didn't wait to break the calorie bank!  I remembered Andee posting some healthy recipes on her blog, The Honeybee, and decided to try her French Toast recipe.

Her recipe calls for cinnamon raisin ezekiel bread.  We found this in the freezer section of the grocery store.  It's organic and flourless...which ups the health factor, but it's still super yummy!  Soak the bread in egg whites, milk and cinnamon.  Grill in a pan or griddle until toasted on each side.  Add ground flax seed on top for extra fiber.  Top with bananas and agave or maple syrup to finish it off!

It's a great way to feel like you indulged for breakfast, while still maintaining balance for the remainder of your day!

I'll defintely be making this again and again!

xo natasha

Linked to: Tasty Tuesdays

30 Weeks: Only 10 More to Go!

Dress via

How far along? 30 Weeks...really feels like the home stretch now!
Baby Size: Our little guy is weighing in at 3 pounds-about the size of a cabbage or the length of a cucumber! 
Total weight gain: Looks like I'm staying right around 20 pounds.
Maternity clothes? The weather looks like it's warming up this week, so I hope that means I can wear more maxis and other dresses.  Speaking of maxi dresses, I LOVE this white maxi that Kristin Cavallari wore last week.  Trying to find out who made it!  Otherwise, it's been maternity leggings for the most part!
Stretch marks? No...thank the Lord!
Sleep: I have a stuffy nose right now, so sleeping has been a bit more challenging.  But I still feel like I sleep hard once I do fall asleep, so no big complaints here.
Best moment this week: Just feeling like everything is getting more real now that we've hit the 30's!  Hubby and I are getting close to finishing the nursery and we are so so ready to meet this little guy!
Miss Anything? I miss not being able to travel anywhere...our friend's wedding is this weekend, and I'll be thinking of them the whole time!  Also little things...like going to the Bay Area to see a Giants game or shopping!  Wah wahh!
Movement: His movements are much more profound now.  No longer little flutters but actual rolls, kicks and punches.  Hubby and I love sitting on the couch and watching him rock n roll!  
Food cravings: Still the occasional sweets like caramel salted ice cream and soft serve!  :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really...just avoiding red onions.
Gender: Boyyyy!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Back and tailbone pain.  I'm trying to take more walks now and so my lower belly and hips usually start to get sore mid-way through the walks.  Just trying to stay hydrated and take it easy.  I feel like I'm getting tired a lot easier as well!
Belly Button in or out? Still hanging in there!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Happy and excited to get closer to his due date!
Looking forward to: Getting our curtains in for the nursery and making more progress!  Speaking of progress...

Mr. Whiskers decided she would happily volunteer to be Baby Schue's toy.  Too funny!  ;)

xo natasha

Friday Fancies::April Showers

April Showers
Blouse // Flower Ring // Slicker // Skinnies // Flats // Necklace // Lip Balm // Tote // Umbrella

I hope it's true what they say..."April Showers bring May Flowers" because we're getting lots of snow and rain showers lately...which puts a damper on my early spring wardrobe!  Luckily, there are a lot of cute things to wear in the interim, like this linen slicker from J. Crew and fun coral skinnies.

Do you have any fun plans this weekend?  I'd love to hear! 

Happy Friday!

xo natasha

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Before I kick off today's post, I have to thank you all for your awesome comments yesterday!  It's always so encouraging to know that I'm on the right track and have your stamp of approval!  And I have to say--it motivates me to keep it all up!  So thanks for your invaluable input and support!  :)

So on to today's post!  Did my title catch your eye?  Who here doesn't like a little bling?  I sure do.  So I was super excited when Anjolee contacted me to review a pair of diamond stud earrings.

I received these beauties in the mail last week and was totally blown away by how sparkly they were!  Hello hello!

I love the size of the diamond stud...I can wear them every day or for special occasions.

I certainly feel special when I wear them...I've never received diamond studs as a present before {are you listening hubby??  :)}.  These would be beautiful for your wedding day...OR a push present!!  ;)

Speaking of push present...

I had to include a bump shot!  I'll be pushing this present out in 10 weeks...give or take!  Yay!

Definitely be sure to stop by Anjolee and check out all the fabulous eye candy!

xo natasha

PS...be sure to check out my guest post at Every Shade of Green today!  Samantha is in CA, so I'm giving her some local's tips!  ;)  

Nursery Update!

It's been a couple weeks since I've done an update on our nursery...and I'm excited to say that we're almost there!  A lot of progress has been made...which makes me SUPER giddy!  So much so, that I just had to share.  

You last saw the crib here:

And I'm happy to report that we've recently made some fun additions since then!

For starters, we got the crib bedding in!  The color scheme for the nursery is orange, aqua and gray so the bedding definitely helps kick start the theme.  I was surprised with how few options are available for boy crib bedding.  I didn't want anything too babyish or literal, so I decided to go down the custom route...thank goodness for Etsy.com.

 The bedding is custom made by House of Henderson and I'm very pleased with the outcome.  We ordered two sheets...the one you see above and a polka dot version.  We're not planning on getting a bumper but I don't think it will be missed based on all the patterns already happening in this space!  

I LOVE our new rug which is from Land of Nod.  Did you know Crate and Barrel has a baby and kid's store?  I sure didn't!  But now that I do, it's very very dangerous!  I think the rug helps break up the room, while also tying the color scheme together.  

Oh and you caught a little sneak peek of the curtains...they're being hemmed as we speak.

And here is our new rocker!!  It's the Sleepytime rocker by Nurseryworks.  It normally retails for $700, but we were able to get it for $500 on gilt.com...definitely a deal based on the going rate for gliders and rockers these days, PLUS it's super cute!  And comfy.  Win win, if you ask me.  The fabric is a microsuede, which we know cleans pretty easily since we have the same material on our sectional.  I also love the wood base...it ties in the look of our crib.  A special thanks to my mom for this sweet gift!  :)

The pillow was also a super steal!  You all know this popular Serena and Lilly "Buddy pillow" well, but it retails for $88...yowza!  Luckily, one of my sweet readers tipped me off to a blogger who was selling hers for half price.  SCORE!

We sprung for the Ikea Hemnes dresser which will also be the changing table.  The nursery has a small closet, so the extra storage is necessary...and already being utilized!  We added these cute glass Anthro knobs to give it a little interest.

This area is where I had envisioned the rocker to go, but I'm not sure if there is really enough room.  So for now this little side table sits in its place.  I bought the lampshade from Lowe's of all places...it's Allen + Roth...I love how the gray border helps the lampshade pop!  

I got the idea of the toy bin from Jessica's sweet blog.  It's Smith & Hawken for Target...now we just need toys!  :)  

Here's proof of the tiny closet.  Ryan added two hanging bars and a shelf to maximize storage.  The dresser is one we already had...it works as extra storage, however, we may move it out if hanging clothes demand more space.

So that's the progress thus far!  I've ordered some prints to hang on the wall over the dresser.  We still need to find something for over the crib...we're thinking a map.  But really, it's the little accessories and necessities that need to come together to make this room complete.

I have to say...it's been fun to walk by the room and see it come together.  I love sitting in the rocker and thinking of the little life that will soon occupy this room.  Already so in love with this little guy!  

I'm thinking the next time you see the nursery, it will be finished!  Can.not.wait!

xo natasha

Zesty Greek Salad with Grilled Shrimp

Hubby and I used to make this salad ALL the time...I can't believe it's been so long since we've last had it.  But this is hands down, one of our favorite salads and the addition of grilled shrimp made it that much better.

Think fresh and crunchy with a zing!  I could seriously eat this salad every night...and it's healthy to boot!  A real plus when you're seven and a half months preggo!  ;)

  • Romaine Lettuce, chopped
  • Halved cherry tomatoes
  • Chopped cucumber
  • Halved Greek olives
  • Sliced peppercinis
  • Feta cheese
  • Grilled shrimp {chicken would work too!}
  • Optional: diced red onion
  • Balsamic vinegar dressing
I didn't include any amounts...you can make this salad for one person or a whole party!  It's really wonderful through summer as well.  

Hope you enjoy!  Bon appetit!

xo natasha

Linked to: Tasty Tuesdays

29 Weeks: My Belly Resembles an Easter Egg!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!!  I was happy to indulge on Easter Brunch this year...complete with chocolate fountain...yum!  Check out our Easter here...Jane posted some fun photos from our day!  :)  Here's my weekly update!

How far along? 29 Weeks...72 days to go!
Baby Size: A butternut squash...about 2 and a half pounds 
Total weight gain: 20 lbs at my 29 week appointment
Maternity clothes? Even though it's still chilly here, I've been rocking maxi dresses left and right.  The one above happens to be maternity but surprisingly, regular maxi dresses fit just fine.
Stretch marks? Nope...just ran out of Mustela too!  Debating whether I spend another $40 or go back to the Palmer's brand.
Sleep: It's a toss up.  Definitely getting up every night to go potty and drink water.  Turning from my left side to my right side takes a LOT of effort, especially with all the pillows.  Little worried that this is just the beginning!
Best moment this week: I passed my glucose test with flying colors {doc's words exactly!} and was also deemed normal on my iron levels, so no supplements!  And after all the hulabaloo about the orange drink, I  have to say it was not bad at all...in fact I kind of liked it {weird I know!}.  It was a breeze.  
Miss Anything? I'm not allowed to travel off the mountain {down to sea level} anymore.  This is definitely going to be a hard aspect of my pregnancy.  More on this at the end...
Movement: Yes, lots of movement ALL the time.  He's one active little guy!
Food cravings: Craving sweets more now...PB& Jelly, yogurt with granola, jelly beans...Easter has been dangerous!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really anything out of the norm.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Lower back aches, tail bone pain, just achy in general!  Oh and heartburn at night.  :)
Belly Button in or out? Still hanging in there.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Still happy...except for when I get unsolicited advice from strangers!  So funny how people all of a sudden become pregnancy experts.  I was told at Easter Brunch that I shouldn't wear heels.  Ummm ok, thanks!? 
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery {I'll be updating you on progress this Wednesday!} and getting to 30 weeks!  

So a little known fact about living in the mountains {6,250 feet altitude to be exact} is that our docs don't recommend us traveling down to sea level after about 28 weeks.  It has everything to do with the altitude and the risk of your bags bursting prematurely.  There are no exhaustive studies available to back this up...but the hospital delivers enough women who experience pre-mature labor due to the changes in altitude, that they just don't recommend it.  While I want what's absolutely best for my little one, it's still a tough pill to swallow.  Two people we love a ton, are getting married in 2 weeks and I won't be able to go!  So so sad for me, but I guess it's the start of many sacrifices to come, welcome to parenthood, right?!  Anyway...I thought it was worth mentioning here due to people frequenting the mountains for spring skiing now.  I know that these choices will ultimately give us a healthy and happy baby, and that's what's most important at the end of the day.  :)

   Hope you all have a great start to your week!

xo natasha