Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Help! Crib Crisis!

Friends!  I need your help!  The hubs and I are in a bit of a pickle...we can't decide which crib to purchase for Baby Schue.  As I'm sure many of you can imagine, there are tons and tons...and TONS of options!  Everything from traditional to sleek & modern.  Stylish to eco-friendly and everything in between. 

I always thought I would go for a white and traditional crib, but when we found out we were having a boy, I thought it might be too feminine.  I've really come around to the modern design and how many of them are two-toned.  Which brings us to our dilemma...which one to pick.  I would love to get your opinion, whether it's from personal experience with one of these cribs or purely because of aesthetics.

This is the MUU All Slat Ray retails for $795.  I love the modern look and the two-toned wood.  It's taller than most modern cribs at 37.5 inches and made from solid maple.  It doesn't mention whether the white paint is non-toxic.  I love the sleek design and the hint of wood tone at the bottom.  It almost has a retro feeling.

This is the Babyletto Mercer 3 in 1 Convertible Crib, which retails for $359.  It also has the modern lines and the two-toned woods.  There is an additional drawer at the bottom, which I've read is kind of flimsy, so it wouldn't be used for any heavy duty storage.  Babyletto is known for being baby-friendly with all of its non-toxic finishes and so forth.  The downside about the crib is how short it is...only 35" tall.

Update...kind of in love with this similar looking crib by Baby Mod.  

Next up is the Netto CUB 2.0 Sleeper Crib, which I found for $695.  I actually like this one a lot!  It comes in a darker walnut finish, but appears to be $200 more, which is just not gonna cut it.  What do you think of the beech finish?  Again, love that the finish is non-toxic, and it measures at 41"...though other sites show it measuring in at 36" tall.  

Last, we all know how hard it is to teach old dogs new tricks.  This is the Lolly & Me crib, which is the least expensive option at $299.99, and of course the most traditional.  Despite it's more traditional look and low price point, this crib appears to have all the same toxic-free finishes of the modern options.  The only thing it's missing is the two-tone wood, but maybe it's more versatile for children down the way.  And it's also the tallest of the 4, measuring in at 43" tall.

Alright, so give it to me straight.  Which one is your favorite?  Do you have a favorite that I'm missing?  I definitely appreciate your input!

xo natasha


  1. I LOVE that first MUU crib! It is so clean and has a great two-tone! I'm pretty sure that a nice crib like that would have non-toxic paint. :) And I think tall cribs are always better!! (Although I have no clue how tall our crib is...I will have to measure sometime!)

  2. I like the Netto Sleeper Crib. It's sleek and cute. We got ours at IKEA for $99. It's really basic, but we love it because it's sturdy and not too big. Sometimes there is just Too much crib.

  3. I love the second and the first crib! I think white can be totally masculine if the bedding and surrounding decor are just right :) Keep us in the loop with what you pick, sister! xoxo

  4. So here's a few things I'd take into consider now that I'm doing this again for a second time... Too tall of a crib and it will kill your back (maybe not for the hubby) leaning over and picking a heavier child up. Extra storage is always a plus... You underestimate just how much baby stuff you start accumulating post-delivery!! And if you're going to invest in something that's gonna be used for a few years... A convertible crib to toddler bed is ideal! Cuz let's face it... All kids grow out/climb out of their "crib" at different ages and it's just easier to convert the crib into a toddler size bed before putting them in a normal twin or full! So I think the Babyletto would be the best option from you choices!! Good luck! Hope this helps!!

  5. i love the first and second one!

  6. Check out this post ( from Young House Love. The cribs they looked into had a similar aesthetic to yours and they wanted a crib that was very baby safe!

  7. I love the traditional, last one--I think the little crib skirt poking out is so cute! But I also like the second one for a more modern look!:)

  8. I think whichever crib you choose will be perfect. But since no one else mentioned this, I wanted to say that I wouldn't recommend the Lolly & Me crib. I think it's beautiful, but the back having that solid section, makes it nearly impossible to keep a bumper in place. So unless you opt to go without a bumper (which i know people do) I would go with one of your other options. Can't wait to see what you put together! :0)

  9. Naturally I love the first :) It is very mid-century modern with the legs. I think you made a mood board once with a similar buffet as a changing table.

    The 3rd is probably 2 diff heights with or without that base on the bottom, I'd imagine that's the 5 extra inches. I like the beech a lot. It's different and subtle. Ikea also makes a lot of products in this finish if you wanted lighter wood dressers or shelves.

    The Lolly is nice too for something that could transition from one room to another (future babies!) And has a nice price. I think I'd try to find a store that sells cribs and get an idea of the height you like best.

    Can't wait to see what you choose!

  10. I think the second one or forth one would be perfect for a boys room! If you plan on having more, I would say go with the 4th because if you ever have a girl I think the second may be TOO masculine!

  11. Well, I'm no mama, but I have done a lot of nannying! (and still do, it's a fun job!) I'd say the traditional one is pretty nice! Ut looks very sturdy and you can definitely turn it around for more height when he get's bigger. Plus it would work well if you want to have more. It's the most common one that I know of (but the two tone is pretty!)

  12. I adore number one, my favorite by far! We have the Oeuff Sparrow crib which is a similar look and we love it! I have not gotten tired of it yet and will def use for the next baby wheter its a boy or girl. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  13. I like the Baby Mod one the best....the two tone look is great! Plus it's the one that Young House Love used so it must be good :)

    Initially I wanted a white crib too but with the look of the rest of our house decided to go with the dark wood.

  14. oooh, I love two-tone for boys!! i was leaning towards the babyletto had our little nugget been a boy. i would say that one or the netto, even with the beech it is fabulous lookin' crib! :)

  15. My eyes are most drawn to the Babyletto crib. I think it's unique and has a little boyish touch to it. The price isn't bad either! I guess it comes down to how big of a deal its shortness is.

    My second choice would have to be the Lolly & Me crib. You can't be that price and the style is classic!

  16. i like the first one! v stylish and you can use it again (even if you have a girl!) xo

  17. Oh wow, this is tough, but at least you have several beautiful options! I think the Netto is my fave, but honestly, they're all fabulous. :)

  18. One super important thing when buying a crib (something no one shared with us) is to make sure that the mattress can go up and down. Ours was a modern style and the mattress was not movable. It stayed in the bottom position at all times and believe me you want that mattress to come up when they are really little. As soon as we would put AJ to sleep and then try to put him in his crib, he would notice the 2 feet or so of us lowering him into his crib. It was such a pain because he would always wake up. Anyway, for boys I love the modern look but make sure the mattress can move up or down.

  19. my vote (for whats its worth) is #1...i think it is the most timeless, and could so with so many different types of decor (if you plan to use again for #2--haha).

  20. Of all these options, my vote goes for #1, definitely #1.
    In my opinion us good to keep in mind: possibility to move up and down the mattress, not too short (the longer they stay in there the better for you), and non toxic finishes.
    I bought the Ikea Gulliver which is very affordable and simple (hubs didn't want to spend too much on the crib) and we love it.
    Hope this helped ;)

  21. It's been a while since I had to buy a new crib but I do not think white is too can be easily made more appropriate for a boy with all the great bedding available these days. I do love the retro #2..something different; great look.

  22. I think I'm preferring number one! :) Super cute. Your babe's room is going to be stylin' in no time!

  23. Oh boy, how exciting!! Ok I am not going to be very much help because I like the first and the last cribs... a very modern and a very traditional! Have you seen the crib review post that John & Sherry did over on YHL? I'll bet it's super informative and has lots of contemporary options. Just google it and I'm sure you'll find the article!! Good luck.

  24. oh gosh... so hard! My favorite might actually be the Baby Mod extra link that you "updated" with! Though they are all amazing and tons of fun! As for white being too feminine for boys, I've seen tons of baby boy rooms with white cribs... they just have to be balanced with richer wood tones! :) No matter what, I'm sure your nursery is going to be amazing! :)

  25. so happy i found your blog today! i am your newest follower! i will definitely be stopping back by!

  26. I may not be your best advice giver, having no kids, but I like the convertible option and the last one. All very exciting! :)

  27. I like crib 3- don't know much abut that brand but I love the simple styling and the natural beech wood color- very chic and sort of scandinavian looking!

  28. We had a hard time picking out a crib too. We went with the Graco Charleston for our boy (due in April). The babyletto Mercer is awesome I love the white and dark contrast.. that one gets my vote!

    Congrats on the baby!


  29. I like them all, but I just love the skinny mini legs on number one.

  30. Definitely get a crib that converts to a toddler bed/full bed, and if you plan on having more kids, maybe get a crib that could outlast two children.

  31. Check out Argington's Sahara Crib...different color options and combo of white and brown...$495....we have the combo and it is lovely

  32. I have to admit number one is calling my name. My advice is follow your heart. . .and go classic enough that you can use if for all kiddos. The textiles and cute decor will steal the show! ;) Can't wait to see it all come together.

  33. I like option #3 - it seems the most versatile and combines both the traditional and modern look in one. Courtney had a good point for picking something that you could use for your future kids (girls!) as well - I think 3 would definitely work for either a boy or a girl! Hope this helps!

  34. oh girl wish i could help! Luckily my sis in law is giving us hers! The options for cribs and pretty much everything else for babies ;) is overwhelming! xo Excited to see what you end up getting!

  35. I like the Lolly & me :) My second choice is the Babyletto Mercer. I can't even think about the crib decision for us yet! haha...

  36. I think number one is my favorite!!! I love the 2 different color wood. Picking out a crib is such a hard thing...good luck!

  37. Shout out for #4; definitely the last one! Plus, it's the cheapest ;)

  38. I say go with a unisex crib....for other babes after Baby Boy Schue! I had two cribs, both were white, one passed through the whole family - my 3 kids & all my nieces & nephews. It's all about the bedding to make it boy or girl and white is classic and never goes out of style! I had one that converted to a toddler bed and also had a pull out drawer underneath - both great features.

  39. what can I say...i'm super traditional and love the last crib. i am by no means a "modern" decorator although I do occasionally like it in other people's homes. I feel like it never goes out of style. Our crib was around 600 dollars but it is a three in one which means it can be a crib, toddler bed, and a full sized adult bed with a headboard and foot board! Makes me feel better about spending the money. :) good luck!

  40. the 1st one.... :)

  41. I'm not a crib expert, so my sis should comment on your bloggie about this one, but I would go for the mod version. Super cute! xo

  42. love the cribs you chose! i'd have to say the last one is my favorite. a couple of things to think about: is it a convertible? meaning it can go from crib, to toddler bed, to full size? also, not sure if this is important to you and your hubs or not (it was for us) but we wanted an American made product. such as Young America, or PALI is another reputable brand. also, someone else mentioned this, but its super important that the mattress can move your little one gets bigger you don't want him to climb out!

  43. My picks are definitely the 1st and 3rd crib. Insanely gorgeous! I would think they'd all have to have a non-toxic finish? But if not, I'd go with the 3rd. And, I actually like the finish with that style. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  44. i really like the lolly & me crib :) that is my favourite :) xx

  45. I really love that last one. It's got the white look, which is great, but looks sturdy and substantial - perfect for a little boy. You can never go wrong with traditional :)

  46. I love the last one. I'm a much more traditional girl and this one looks classy and timeless, so it gets my vote!

  47. Naturally, I love #1 and #3 which also happen to be the most expensive. Also white is not too feminine for a boy's room. You can add so many elements to the room that won't make it look girly at all.

  48. usually i would pick the last one for sure -- i do love the traditional look, BUT #1 is gorgeous!! i love it!! it gets my vote :)

  49. I like #2 - it's masculine and modern and a perfect price!

  50. This is my favorite for the price... can't beat it!!

  51. I also love the Netto Sleeper Crib. It's sleek and cute. We got ours at IKEA for $99. It's really basic, but we love it because it's sturdy and not too big.

    cribs for twins
