Monday, February 27, 2012

23 Weeks: Baby Can Feel Me Dance!

How far along? 23 Weeks.  According to "What to Expect When Expecting" I'm in my 6th month...woah!
Baby Size: A pomegranate or a large mango!  His little face is fully formed this week!  Can't wait to see it for the first time!
Total weight gain/loss: 13 lbs. +  {I will find out officially at my doctor's appointment today}.  Update: official weigh in is 12-13 pounds.  Good to know I'm on track!  Baby is measuring right along and has a strong heart beat!  :)
Maternity clothes? Still the usual...this is the new lululemon top that I told you about here.  See how long it is!

Stretch marks? No, I am loving the Mustela cream I recently bought.  Smells really good!

Sleep: Sleeping great... waking up at about 4am to potty, but that's about it.  I now also have a pillow on my side to hep support my tummy.
Best moment this week:  Finally deciding on our crib {details to come!} and getting my first baby shower invitation in the mail!  My sweet friends back from home are throwing me one down in Southern CA!  :)
Miss Anything? With the Oscars yesterday, I again...missed having a glass of champagne!  Wah wahh.

Movement: Feeling him a ton...especially at night!  I guess I know what his sleeping patterns are going to be like!
Food cravings: Ummm, let's see.  Nothing really out of the usual. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope...even onions don't sound that bad!
Gender: He's alllllll boy!
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Lower back aches, though the pillows have helped that while sleeping.  Oh and those awful moles...I'm getting some of them removed under my arm this long as my doctor okays it.
 Belly Button in or out? It's in, but getting more flat.  Kinda looks funny this week.
Wedding rings on or off? On...thank goodness for being preggers in the winter!  :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!  This trimester has been really wonderful so far!
Looking forward to: Meeting with HR to square away my maternity leave and getting the details secured on the nursery.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you know I'm leaning towards a blue, gray and orange color scheme.  More to come on this!  OH and my doc appointment today!  

xo natasha 


  1. sevgiler umarım herşey gönlünüzce olur:)))•♪•*♥gülümse♥*•♪•

  2. Still looking amazing Natasha! So glad you're having a smooth pregnancy so far :)

    Can't wait to hear more about the crib!


  3. You look fantastic, and that is a great top (love the color). Can't wait to see which crib you picked.

  4. looking fabulous! you will be so happy that you documented these amazing weeks. xo

  5. Yay you! I really hope I look that good when I'm over halfway through a pregnancy. Its so fun to read these and kinda build up the excitement for his arrival. :)

  6. You look great!! You must be so excited! I would be so excited to see his little face for the 1st time

  7. So glad you are having such a wonderful pregnancy, Natasha!

  8. we both have our appts today--yay!!! hope everything goes splendidly my dear...and happy those pillows are helping you sleep!! take advantage NOW!!!! ;)

  9. You look great Natasha! Love you lulu lemon shirt. Great color combo too for your nursery...can't wait to see it!

  10. Looking great as always. I love the color scheme you are going towards~

  11. You look beautiful, Natasha.....just beaming! Light blue is a pretty color on you. The nursery sounds fun. Love that color scheme. Have a great appointment today!

  12. So glad this trimester is going so well--and, yay!, still no stretch marks! You look great, my dear!:)

  13. It's so funny what happens to your belly button no? I feel like mine is going to pop any day!

  14. Looove blue, gray, and orange for little boys! I was going to do that had ours been a boy too! Can't wait to see what you come up with! :)

    And you look fabulous!! :)

  15. Hope you have a great appt! That Luluemon top looks cute on you!! Can't wait for an update where you have some cravings. I always find that interesting. :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  16. Yay! Each week you can see such a slight difference, once of these weeks you are just going to pop out! And what is this about moles?! Weird!

  17. You look great! Hope you have a great appointment today!

  18. Looking good, I love the Lulu top!

  19. wow 23 weeks already! feel like you just announced your news! You look beautiful and I'm so glad your feeling well mama! xoox

  20. Yay Natasha! Can't wait to see the nursery and what you decide for it! xo

  21. I love following your progress! So cool to see what changes/is new. I love that you are super happy and glowing :-)
    And good luck at the DR. appointment today!
    XO - Marion

  22. you're so cute! I feel like I look huge compared to you and I'm only 16 weeks - guess it's because it's my second pregnancy and I'm pregnant with twins? IDK? I'm going to keep telling myself that =) Either way just wanted to say that I am loving these posts! Blue, gray and orange sounds great for a nursery! Oh, and I'm super jealous that you still have your rings on!

  23. Pregnancy definitely looks like it agrees with you, you looking glowing!!

  24. You look great! I know you are so excited to start doing all of the nursery stuff. I can't wait to see how cute it is going to be!

  25. I'm SOO happy for you - glad you are doing well & you are moving right along! :) It's the most WONDERFUL thing in the entire world.. I miss being pregnant already so soak it up love!

  26. You look more and more adorable by the week.

  27. yah!! six months and you're looking great. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  28. That top looks sooooo soft and comfy! I'll take you word anytime from now on ;)

  29. You must be so excited for your first baby shower!!

  30. Pretty mama! That's a great shirt- nice and cozy! I'm dying to get peaks of the nursery :)

  31. You are precious. Dying to see you at the end of March!!!

  32. I like your color scheme idea! And good luck with HR :)

  33. You're adorable!! Good to hear you're right on track with your little mango :)

  34. Love that top! I heart Lulu... You look fabulous and again- love your honesty! I am going to refer to these posts whenever I get preggers! Can't wait to see the crib you picked!!

  35. You are looking amazing, and I love that top! I don't know where I was before I didn't know about lululemon, its the best!

  36. All mama's are cute, but blogger mama's are the cutest! Glad everything is going so well :)

  37. Eeeek! You are looking quite adorable mommy-to-be. :)

  38. You look so good girl! I think I was big as a house at 23 weeks! More than halfway there! I can't wait to see your bedding!

  39. You look so fantastic! I swear I'm 3 times your size and only a few weeks farther along. Loving the updates and so glad to hear you're so happy! I'm pretty ecstatic myself! Little boys are the best!

  40. Thanks for the update, Natasha! It's so fun following along and you look healthy and glowing! :)

  41. You look gorgeous!! It's my first time on your blog. Is it your first?

  42. No way! I can't believe you're already 6 months! That's so crazy!!
