22 Weeks: 1 Pound and Counting

How far along? 22 Weeks
Baby Size: A papaya...baby is one pound this week!
Total weight gain/loss: 10+ pounds
Maternity clothes? Rocking long shirts and tunics.  And of course leggings for the most part!

Stretch marks? No
t yet...
Sleep: Sleeping great now that I have the pillow between my legs.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby move from the outside!  So so neat...Ryan got to see it too!
Miss Anything? Umm sounding like a broken record, but being in Scottsdale {aka vacation} makes me miss indulging in wine...and margs!

Movement: Yes, lots of movement, mostly at night!  :)
Food cravings: MMM we got salted caramel ice cream and it is SO good!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Doing pretty good in this department
Have you started to show yet:  Oh yeah...the bump is out and here to stay!
Gender: Snips and snails, and puppy dog tails...that's what little boys are made of!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but it's definitely making its way out!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Happy for the most part!
Looking forward to: Doing a little shopping for Baby Schue {and my growing tummy!}.

xo natasha 

P.S. Find me over at A Newfound Treasure today posting on her I Heart series!  :)



  1. So fun that you can see Baby Boy Schue moving around now!! Hope you guys are enjoying your time in AZ!:)

  2. You look great, nice dress by the way!

  3. You look beautiful! That is so exciting you felt baby Schue moving, how surreal! xx

  4. Yay for boys! I just posted my 22 week post today too! I love your dress... super cute!

  5. You look fantastic!!!!! xoxo A-

  6. a pound! this totally made me swoon!! he's getting big!

  7. You are adorable and you look amazing!

  8. aw, so lovely! I love the preggie updates :-)

    Also, salted caramel ice cream sounds devine! I've had caramel and fleur de sel chocolate and macarons, but never in ice cream form! YUM.

  9. Gorgeous! I love counting down the weeks every Monday!

  10. You look great! I love your tunic! That is so exciting that you could see the baby moving! I remember the first time Jer saw and felt Olivia moving, I'll never forget the smile on his face! :)

  11. So so exciting! You are looking adorable, as always.

  12. So so cute!! Salted caramel ice cream DOES sound good! Glad to hear everything is going great! I miss wine too ;)

  13. So cool that you got to see him move! That must be the craziest feeling :)

    Still looking as amazing as ever and rocking the pregnancy glow - it's getting so close now, over half way there!


  14. You look adorable! So glad the pregnancy is going so well for you. Salted Caramel ice cream, if it is anything like the lattes that were out, count me IN!!!

  15. so fun! you still look so great, loving the bump updates :)

  16. woo hoo!! right on track friend...you're doing great and you just look SO happy!!

  17. always glowing natasha!! Salted ice cream sounds amazing this morning now haha!! xo

  18. such exciting updates! you look adorable!!

  19. You look so good! So fun to see baby move! Glad you are enjoying this time so much!

  20. you look cute as always :) and loved the tangerine + barn doors in the guest post!


  21. You look great! Hope you had a good time in Scottsdale! xoxo

  22. Getting closer! You look gorgeous!

  23. There is no greater feeling than seeing the baby move....very exciting. You are as cute as, ever...

  24. Amazingg!! Congrats!! love your blog!!

    Please come visit my blog!



  25. Did you say salted caramel ice cream!!!! Yummmmm....you look fabulous!

  26. You look beautiful, Natasha! It's so fun to follow along on your pregnanacy journey. Oh my goodness.....I am hooked on salted caramel ice cream! Enjoy your week.

  27. So sweet! That ice cream sounds delicious :)

    Seeing the movement from the outside is so cool isn't it!? Makes it seem so much more real!

  28. lovely dress, you look beautiful!


  29. lovely dress, you look beautiful!


  30. Very cool update! While I know it's totally worth it, I would have trouble giving up the margaritas on vacation too!

  31. That was something that was so fun for me and the hubby being able to actually *see* the baby moving! Just wait until you can see the actual shape of a little foot sliding around in there! So fun!

  32. You look like your glowing and so happy! Congrats to another week:)

  33. You are glowing and look so lovely.

  34. Cute dress and cute baby bump! You're getting farther and farther along! How exciting. :)

  35. i love these! looks like your little one pound nugget is a night owl! enjoy vacay....even without the margs!!

  36. You look gorgous, Mama Schue! I'm pretty sure I would crave salted caramel ice cream all the time if I ever tried it.

  37. I just found your blog and am loving it! New follower :)
    Congrats on your baby! I can't wait to read more about your pregnancy, so fun! Happy Monday!

  38. You are so cute! I love your dress! And yumm--salted caramel ice cream sounds amazing!

  39. Looking amazing Natasha. Love your shirt too. So stylish!!! xo

  40. Yup. Still the cutest pregnant chick I know :)

  41. You and your bump are adorable. Glad that you're sleeping great!

  42. I hope you had a great vacay. You are not a broken record at all. Honestly the hardest part of being pregnant for me was the no booze thing too! You are more than halfway there and soon you can have your wine! Just remember its so worth it! xoxo

  43. Looking fabulous as usual! Love that dress!

  44. Aww! Just noticed your blog and had to say Congratulations!! Your glowing!! =) Best wishes in your upcoming preggie weeks!! =)

    Lemanie's Randomness Blog

  45. Love this post! You look fabulous and sounds like you are feeling fab too!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  46. aww you can see little boy moving now! How cool! I can only imagine what that must be like for you and the hubs. MARGS..oh man..yes, I will def miss those too when our time comes.

  47. I love your top! How cool you're seeing your tummy move from outside now! :)

  48. Yay for movement seen from the outside!
    You're just moving along so nicely, Natasha!

  49. So I am asking this to a bunch of pregnant bloggers that I follow because I am trying to gather information.
    How did you announce to your family that you were pregnant?
    Thanks so much and congrats again!

  50. you are looking so cute in images... congratulations.

    Week 22 Pregnancy
