Monday, January 16, 2012

Going on 17...Bump Update!

{Sweater-Free People}

How far along? 17 Weeks, 3 Days {6 days today}
Baby Size: An onion...5 lbs and 5 oz
Total weight gain/loss: 4-5 pounds...I'm noticing that the scale is slowing making its way up!
Maternity clothes? Still enjoying my leggings...thinking about buying some maternity leggings soon.
Stretch marks? No...thankfully!
Sleep: Sleeping well still!
Best moment this week: Feeling good and telling more people I work with!  It's like Christmas Morning every time!  :)
Miss Anything? Honestly...I miss enjoying food the way I used to.  It's so hit or miss on what sounds good, which is pretty sad.  I'll tell hubby that baked potatoes sound awesome for dinner only to realize, I'm really craving chicken nuggets.  I'm all over the place!  Good thing I have a husband who's super patient with me!
Movement: Actually no.  Maybe last week was a false alarm?  I haven't feel anything as significant as what I thought I felt last week! 
Food cravings: This chai lattes sound yummy!  Still loving PB&J sandwiches too.
Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely getting rounder, though I can conceal it pretty well.  Still fitting in my pencil skirts at the moment {which is probably hard to believe from my photo!}
Gender: Hoping to find out soon!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think this week I was a little more moody than usual...see below:
Looking forward to:  So I am looking forward to my doctor appointment today because it got cancelled last week...much to my chagrin.  I haven't seen my doctor since Thanksgiving, though I did get my health scan at 11 it's been a little while.  I'm just SO ready to finally check in and hear how I'm progressing!  Fingers crossed for us today!

OH and so many of you asked to see my hair with my new curling wand {last mentioned here} here it is!  I'll report back later this week with a "second day" hairstyle so you can see how well it holds.  

xo natasha

PS Schue Love was featured as "Best of the Web" this week on Pocketchange!  Check it out here!

PPS...only two more days to enter my giveaway!  Enter here!


  1. I love your weekly updates!! Youve got a cute little bump growing and youve got a gorgeous glow to go along with it :)

    Thankyou for sharing! {although you're making me clucky!!}


  2. It is weird how much I like these posts. I am just so happy when people are getting ready for the biggest change in their lives. You look amazing! This week I heard i'm gonna be an aunt so I'm excited to see her grow and hear her stories as I love yours!

  3. The bump is definitely starting to stick out more now - and you pull it off wonderfully!

    Good luck with your doctors appt, I can only imagine how anxious you must be to get an update and maybe even find out if baby is a boy or a girl!


  4. This is such an amazing idea to journal this...kind of like what I did with my house:) You look fabulous and postiively radiant!

  5. Your bump is so cute! Love your weekly updates! Your hair looks great too!

  6. I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog this morning! I'm 18 weeks on Wednesday, so it'll be fun to follow you through your pregnancy! Love your weekly updates... you look great!

  7. You little baby bump is adorable. And only 4/5 pounds--that is pretty good. :) Good luck with the doctor visit today...hope all is well. :)

  8. You make preganancy look like a breeze! I am amazed by your "weight gain"... aka... your lack of practically any gain at all :)

    enjoy your checkup with the doctor!

  9. Looking cute! And don't worry, you will start feeling big kicks soon enough!

  10. It's the cutest little baby bump! Fingers crossed you get to find out the gender at your appt.!

  11. Ah, you look amazing!
    Is it weird that I'm craving chicken nuggets too, even though I'm not pregnant? Lol. Too bad I can't use that as my excuse :)

  12. Ah you look adorable and I think I need one of those curling irons!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi, I just came upon your cute blog last week and can't wait to follow!

  15. Don't worry, pretty soon the kicks will be everyday!

  16. you're so cute and you're going to love having all of this documented. i only remember the broad strokes and wish i had journaled the specifics.

  17. You look so cute with a little baby bump! I love it!

  18. Awww you look adorable!! I love reading the updates, and hopefully you get to see the doctor soon.

    Also, my hair is so straight and doesn't hold curl well at all. My niece got a wand for Christmas, and we played with my hair a little, but I'm curious to see how your hair holds up and what you think. :)

  19. A little bit bigger every week! So exciting! Good luck with the doctor today, I know everything will be great!

  20. cutest little bump! jealous of the fact that you sleep well. i forget when I slept well last!

  21. You're getting cuter by the day my friend! ADORABLE!!! I need to book a flight and go to your baby shower!

  22. Oh you look lovely Natasha! Can't wait to find out the gender too! :) And congrats on the feature! xo

  23. Such a cute outfit, and I love the hair style!

  24. You look great! I wasn't sure if the movement I felt around 17 weeks was the baby or indigestion- ha! It's so hard to know! Now (at ~21 weeks), I can definitely distinguish it and my husband can even feel kicks from the outside. Best part of the pregnancy so far :)

  25. LOVE your weekly baby bump updates!! :)

    If you think you felt the baby last week, I'm sure you did. At first I would feel Olivia every once in a while. Then by 19 weeks I felt her 24/7. When I stopped feeling her move around as much at 26 weeks, that's when I knew there was a problem.

    Don't stress, he/she will be moving around like crazy in NO time! :) GL at your dr appt :)

  26. Love your weekly bump updates! It will be so fun for you to look back on these when you have your little bundle of joy!

  27. Hi friend. So fun to see that bump growing. You look darling.

  28. so cute! you are GLOWING. love your updates.

  29. Look at your bump justa growin!!
    Congrats on the feature!! Well deserved by far!!

  30. oh, little baby onion :) it is so exciting to watch baby schue grow!!! XO brynn

  31. OMG I am catching up on blogs from the past couple of months (I am way behind) and am just now seeing this! Congrats!! You looks super cute!

  32. You are glowing and look so happy! So fun to see your baby growing.

  33. Sooo adorable, Natasha! You keep gettin' cuter and cuter. Praying your appt goes well today!! I can't wait to find out if you got to find out the gender today :)

  34. You look so so cute!! I see a little bump!!

  35. So cute! Man time is Flyingg by!

  36. I love these updates! And you look so adorable!

  37. Cute, cute, cute. Keep the udpates coming girl!

    Best of the Web! Yes I must agree :)

  38. So cute! Just came across your blog! I'm 21 weeks today, so not too far ahead of you! You look fabulous!

  39. oh my goodness- you just get cuter and cuter!

  40. I always crave chai lattes, but I aint pregnant. Haha.
    Looking beautiful, as always!

  41. You look great - almost half-way there! : ) Love your hair too!

  42. Your hair looks great, your belly is precious, and you are GLOWING! :)

  43. belly button in, wedding ring on, 4-5 pounds, still rocking curls and free make pregnancy so glamorous!

  44. I love these updates! You look fab and so does your hair! xo

  45. Glad your doing well, and congrats on the feature!

    xo L.

  46. Look how cute you are! I never looked that cute when I was pregnant!

  47. That's so exciting! Congratulations! (and your hair looks great!)

  48. i am loving your weekly updates! you look so fabulous! happy 17 weeks!

  49. You look so great! I am actually 20 weeks today and I am having a girl!

  50. I just found your blog & i'm in love with your weekly updates on your pregnancy! I can't wait to follow along! :D

    xo, ashlee

  51. You look amazing! Really love your blog, definitely following!

  52. Not fair! Your tummy is smaller than mine and you are 17 weeks pregnant! haha Congratulations! I hope your pregnancy goes great!

  53. I haven't checked your blog in awhile, and so what a pleasant surprise now that I see you are expecting!! Woo hoo!! I'm going to have to do better with keeping up! I loove babies (I do have 3 myself;)) and actually loved the art of dressing up my baby bump with as little maternity stuff as possible!! Big congrats to you!

  54. yummm soy chai craving it and im not preggo. :)

  55. You have that pregnancy glow!! Love the Free People sweater!
