Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beef and Broccoli

What what what?  Beef AND broccoli in one sitting...while I'm pregnant?!  Yes!  It's because it's that good!  This is a favorite of my parents-in-law's.  I give them full credit for this dish...it's one of their specialties!  The good news is, it's pretty simple too!

  • 1 cup lean beef, like sirloin
  • 1 Tbsp corn starch
  • 1 Tbsp light soy
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil or light olive oil
  • 1 finely chopped clove of garlic {we use more!}
  • 2 cups of brocoli
  • 2 oz mushrooms
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup beef stock
Thinly slice the sirloin and combine with corn starch and soy sauce.  Let marinate at room temp for half hour.  Meanwhile, in a wok, heat up the oil on high.  Toss in garlic to simmer.  Add in the beef and keep the leftover marinade to the side.  Brown the beef and remove from pan.  Add in broccoli, mushrooms, beef stock and leftover marinade and stir fry for about 3 minutes until warm...stir often.  Once warmed through, add the beef back in and you're ready to serve!  If you want a little more sauce, you can add extra beef stock and corn starch to thicken it up.

Serve over white rice and voila!  Super yummy dish for any night of the week!  And this is definitely the best way to enjoy broccoli {coming from the girl who has major veggie aversions right now!}.  It's got a great Asian flair...and is great for a winter night in.  

Hope you enjoy!  Bon Appetit!

xo natasha

Linked to: Tasty Tuesdays


  1. This looks delicious- just like Chinese carryout. I'm going to have to try it!

  2. Oh yum, that does look really good. And it is so important to find those yummy dishes when you are pregnant!

  3. This looks SO deelish. I'm adding to my recipe box!

  4. Beef and broccoli is one of my favorite take-out dishes, so I'll be sure to try this recipe out!

  5. Ive been wanting to make a beef with broccoli dish forever, I must try this!

    also i have been meaning to tell you that i LOVE your new blog design, who did it for you? did u pay for it? :)

  6. I want this for breakfast right now!! lol

  7. Ooh I can't wait to make this! It's like Chinese food, but waay healthier. Getting hungry just looking at it!

  8. Yum! I bet I could totally do this! Looks delicious!

  9. looks YUMMY! & WAY more healthy then getting carryout! :)

  10. Yum! I don't even really like broccoli but I think I would eat it in this!

  11. LOOKS amazinggg!! I have been having a major craving for these types of dishes lately...okay maybe boy now :) When do you find out what your having?!

  12. yum! this looks so tasty! i dont eat a lot of beef but this looks a LOT better than chicken! xo

  13. I want that right now! And no im not pregnant..haha.

  14. This looks amazing! This is one of my favorite meals for dinner, can't wait to try this recipe!

  15. That looks amazing! And I love beef with broccoli and I also have a wok! I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks fr sharing :)

  16. mmm I love homemade chinese! We ate chinese like 3 times a week when I was preggo. I craved the saltiness! And per your last post, we have the Young American by Stanly 3 in 1 crib. It is made in america and you can choose from some many designs and colors. We never used it as a toddler bed (just gave it to bennett and cullen got a twin) but I do think the headboard it going to be cute one day!

  17. Ooo my mom used to make something similar and it was delicious! Thanks for passing on this recipe - I'll have to try it sometime soon - quick and easy are music to my ears :)


  18. Yum! I am always up for a great new recipe.

  19. Nummers. That looks so good. Isn't helping that I still haven't had lunch. YUM.

  20. this looks sooo good and easy! im going to try this soon!

  21. Oooh my kids might eat their broccoli if I serve it to them like this! Looks yum, thanks for sharing!!

  22. I'm so happy to hear you are able to eat well! Are you having any aversions? I could not eat salad half of my first pregnancy!

  23. L*O*V*E the cute little belly!!! I got teary eyed reading that you felt your first kick...that was what made it all real for me, feeling that little person bouncing around (c: And this is totally dinner *very* soon...I love anything with mushrooms, mmm, mmm!

  24. This came at perfect timing as I have been craving some Chinese food. Sounds perfectly delish!

  25. Yummy! I like that you've added the mushrooms... I don't think I've eaten beef and broccoli in years! Now that I found my love for Vietnamese Food I hardly ever eat Chinese anymore!

  26. Now this is like one of my favorite meals!! I always get it from PF Changs haha! THanks for the recipe! Definitely going to give it a whirl.

  27. I've never been a big fan of broccoli, but this looks good enough to give it another go around!

  28. Yummy! It looks so delicious. I think I'll plan this for tomorrow's dinner. Thanks for the recipe!

  29. Doesn't look too difficult and what can be better than making your own Chinese!

  30. that looks delicious!!

  31. This looks delicious! I can't wait to try it! :)

  32. looks SOOOOOO yummy!! i know my hubs would love this -- thanks so much for sharing!! xxoo

  33. Made this tonight - Cameron and I give it two thumbs up! And I don't usually eat broccoli! :)

  34. i am making this for my dinner tonight! it has become such a firm favourite of mine since you posted it in january and i just wanted to let you know :)xx

    1. Me too Samantha. I will also cook this tonight because it looks really inviting and tasty. My wife also like this especially the broccoli.

      Beef Stir Fry
