Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Baby far!

Hi Friends!

Happy Bump Hump Day!

First, I have to say that I am SO overwhelmed with love and joy from all your sweet comments this past Monday.  Just when I think the blogging community can't get any more supportive, you all just blow me away.  Thank you so much for all the kind words, advice, encouragement, and excitement!  I just can't help but blush and get excited all over again!  :)

I wanted to share a couple more details of our journey so's been 13 weeks today actually and I've had to keep a lot in, so here it goes!

I actually met with our doctor in early summer to chat about our wanting to get pregnant.  I really had no idea where to start and thought he would give us some good advice...which he did!  I highly recommend sitting down with your doc ahead of time {if you're planning} and get the low down on all the details.  One thing that surprised me was his advice about "trying".  I always thought that I should get off the pill for at least a couple months in order to cleanse and regulate my body...but he said after my first "real" visit from Aunt Flow, we should go for it!  Apparently our bodies are most regulated and hormonally balanced soon after, so that's the ideal time.  Well that's what we did and sure enough...

It worked!  I actually took a non-digital test first and, let me tell you, those things are confusing!  I wasn't sure...was I?  Or wasn't I?  So two days later, we took the digital test {worth the extra couple dollars!} and there it clear as day!  Ryan and I actually watched the stick together {romantic, I know} and when it dinged "Pregnant" we were both SO exited.  We really did it!  Wow!

We told our parents right away but swore them to secrecy!  We wanted to wait until our first ultrasound, which was at 9 and a half weeks...the Monday before Thanksgiving to be exact!

 There's our little bean!  I completely cried when I saw Baby Schue for the first time...and we got to hear the heartbeat too!  It was just so surreal.  I still can't believe that little life is growing inside me!

And what a difference two and a half weeks make!  The next ultra sound, at 11 and a half weeks showed a much bigger and more active baby!  Baby Schue was bouncing off the walls {literally!}.  I couldn't believe it!

We got to tell the rest of our family and friends around Thanksgiving, which truly gave us an extra something special to be thankful for this year. 

So how have I been feeling?  I wish I could say it's been all butterflies and rainbows, but in all honesty...the first trimester wasn't quite a walk in the park!  I had lots of nausea, exhaustion, morning sickness, food aversions {really...all the fun stuff!}...and more.  But I feel like most of those symptoms are starting to subside...I'm looking forward to when I can really enjoy food again {veggies have been especially hard to even think about...oh and raw mouth is literally salivating in disgust!}.  Something else, they don't tell break out like a teenager!  My face has been spared, but my shoulders...oy!  It's not pretty.  One of the perks?  Well, it's literally a "perk"!  My girls are perkin up a bit and that's been a welcome side effect of the pregnancy so far!  :)

Yes...there were good weeks and bad weeks!  Now that this is all public, I'll be working on my glow!  :)

Last, we definitely plan on finding out the sex!  I would love to have a gender revealing party as part of that step...and how can you not with all the awesome ideas on Pinterest?!!  I still have a couple weeks to go though!

So I think I've covered it all...for now!  Sorry for all the baby talk...I just can't help it!  I'll check back in for 13 weeks on Monday.

Until then...I hope you're having a great week so far!

xo natasha

P.S. Don't forget that tomorrow Michaela is hosting our final party!  Link up your Christmas decor there!

And for those of you looking for non-baby related posts today...check out my guest posts at:

I am super honored to be featured in Victoria's "Behind the Scenes" series!

I am also featuring my favorite fashion trend on Mae's sweet blog today!


  1. I'm so thrilled for you! It seems like all of my friends are either trying to have babies or are pregnant or just had a baby! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly. You're a very cute pregnant little mama! :)

  2. I agree- everyone I know is having a baby in 2012! Congrats! I just read about your blog on VMac and Cheese, and cannot wait to become an avid reader :)

  3. hi, natasha! omg, congratulations!! what fantastic news i'm seeing! love your weekly photos, and i can't be happier for you. looking forward to seeing your beautiful belly grow. :)


  4. So exciting!! Love seeing your little belly grow!

  5. Truly so happy for you Natasha! AND you look fabulous in all your belly shots! So cute!

  6. so fun! I just went through all of things VERY recently, I'm just 18 weeks and we were so fortunate to get pregnant after four months of trying -- I agree, meeting with a doctor before you start was one of the best things I did! AND I agree about the non-digital tests, so freaking confusing! congrats all around, such an exciting time! we find out the gender soon and I'm so excited!

  7. This is just so exciting to read! Sorry to hear that it hasn't been all butterflies and rainbows for you, but I hear the second trimester is awesome!

  8. Agh! I am so excited for you!! You two are going to be the BEST mom and dad to little baby Schue <3 Can't wait to find out the gender! xoxo
    P.S. I think a day of shopping in SF/WC for baby is in ORDER!!
    Love you!

  9. How exciting!!! Congratulations on your adorable bun in the oven! :) You look lovely and I'm sure this is such an exciting time for you! I completely agree with you on the support that this wonderful blogging community amazes me daily! Lots of smiles to you!

    Liesl :)

  10. I'm so excited to read about your baby journey- and I cannot wait for the months ahead! Personally, I think I might NOT want to find out the sex.. but who knows, I'm not even pregnant so... And I think you look lovely and glowing, my dear (:

  11. Cutest story ever! I love your honesty, too. You look fabulous and I look forward to hearing all about your journey!

  12. Oh my goodness! This is so exciting! And I love that you changed "hump day" to "bump day"! I have been super worried about being on birth control and trying to get pregnant at a later time but I'm glad there was no trouble in that department for you guys! Congrats!

  13. Yay! you are just the cutest little pregnant lady ever! congrats again love! so happy to have you over today...thanks for sharing your fab style! xx

  14. You are so stinkin' cute! Again, I'm so happy for yall!

  15. Congratulations!! I was going through the same stages of pregnancy as you at this time last year. My son was born on June 19, 2011 (his due date). He will be six months on Monday. Treasure every moment of your pregnancy, it goes so fast.

  16. Oh so many congratulations! :D
    I am so so so so so happy for you! :) Seriously!
    Do you know what baby gender you want to have? [besides happy and healthy?] So excited, I love all the baby talk!
    Pinterest has GREAT ideas for baby unveiling. I also read once where this couple had the doctor write down the gender on a paper, they went out and picked out 2 for a boy and one for a girl. They gave the paper to the store sales person, and had her wrap the correct one up [the parents didn't know] then on Christmas they gave it to their parents to unwrap [I think] or they unwrapped it themselves in front of everyone! :)

    Hope you're having a lovely day!

  17. Hi Natasha! I loved reading about your experience. I got all excited when I saw the title of your post...can't wait to continue on this journey with you through your blog. First of all...glad you are feeling better, enjoy the 2nd trimester, it was the best for me. Secondly, we did the same thing with the digital test. I needed to see that word. Ha. Thirdly my friend did a cute thing when finding out the gender of her baby. They went to the ultrasound and had the doctor write it on a piece of paper and fold it up. Then they went to a bakery and handed the paper to him, saying don't tell us what's on here, just write it on the cake. That night they had dinner and then opened up their cake box for dessert. It was a girl!!! Cute idea.

  18. I love hearing about your pregnancy.....The 12th week pic is my favorite. You are going to be the cutest pregnant woman, ever!!

  19. Such exciting times!CONGRATULATIONS!! Gender reveal party: definitely a big much fun!

  20. what a great story!! can't wait to hear the sex of the baby!!

  21. Congrats!!! I know it'll make the holidays even more special :)

  22. How exciting and sweet your journey has been thus far! I love your weekly photos, and YES YOU DO have quite the no work necessary! I can't help but smile till my cheeks hurt at this post. SO happy for you both...and what a wonderful time of year to be prego!

  23. I am so excited for you! I love reading all the details! SO excited for baby Schue!

  24. aww... check you out with your tiny little bump! Lookin' good momma! Congrats again!

  25. So sweet! Pregnancy is such a special time in your life. It always gave me such a sense of purpose- that realization that my body is actually made to do this one thing. Truly amazing!

  26. Too cute, Tash!! Can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl... def making a trip to Tahoe for that one :) I agree with Laura, get down here so we can go shopping and start spoiling the little one! LYMI

  27. Oh YAY for you guys!!! This is so exciting :) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I can't wait to follow along in the progression! xoxoxo brynn

  28. Many congrats to you and your hubby!! Such exciting news! I'm a new follower and just discovered your blog via vmac and cheese. Looking forward to following along your journey! Rachel xx

  29. A huge and big congrats!! So excited for you..this is the best news, isnt' it? And you look AMAZING, I love how you are "jornaling" your pregnancy, brilliant! Just think how wonderful for when you little one is older to see all this.....I really miss those days I must admit. Enjoy every precious minute!

  30. oh congratulations! You look so great in the photos! What an exciting time for you!

  31. HUGE congrats!! What a wonderful blessing! I'll be keeping you and your precious baby in my prayers for a joyful and healthy pregnancy :) xoxox Lisa

  32. So fun to read all of the deets my dear. You are just too cute. I love the part about the perks! ;) Savor this very special time. xoxo

  33. That's awesome you guys planned it! I feel like it's so rare these days to have a planned pregnancy lol. I want my future husband and I to do the same. Going to the doctor beforehand is a good idea, just to make sure your body is ready and that you're doing everything positive. I've been on the pill for years now, and although I like the security, sometimes I worry that I'm doing damage. My doc assures me I'm ok, but I always wonder how things will go when I want to try and have a baby. But happy for you!

  34. Love the bump pictures! Totally agree about the pregnancy tests it's worth it to pay more for the ones that actually say pregnant!! Hope you are feeling better!

  35. Congrats again Natasha!!!!! My co-worker had a gender reveal party a couple of weeks ago. It's such a neat idea!!! :)

  36. This is so awesome, N! I love hearing about the journey so far. We'll have to get together when you're nice and plump (: xo

  37. This is all so exciting! You will be the most adorable mama!

  38. Aw! Yay! So exciting! I'm glad you are starting to feel better. :) Such a sweet story. I will definitely stay tuned. :)

  39. you have the cutest momma to be pics ever- you are glowing! congrats again!!

  40. Cute pictures and I love the play by play! Thanks for being a BTS gal today. Can't wait to see what the future holds for you!!

  41. Again, congrats my dear! Enjoy every minute of it. Before you know it, you'll be sending that youngin' off to college!

  42. I love hearing your story! My back/shoulders totally broke out during my first trimester, but then went back to normal. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy. Can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy:)

  43. It's so exciting to hear more of the details :)

  44. NATAAAASHAAAA!!! I can't believe all of the posts I've missed about you being pregnant!! Congrats!!!! Sorry this is coming so late!! I am beyond thrilled for you!! What a joy! Love, love, love your week by week photo shoot of your precious bump!!!
    Yaaaaaay!!! Excited for the progression and weeks to come!! :D :D :D

  45. Congratulations!!! How very exciting! I love the idea of weekly pictures, I'm they wil be great to look back on.

  46. What a n exciting time for you! Your baby bump is adorable!

  47. Wow what wonderful time to find your blog so happy for you Congrats. So nice to meet you an I have enjoyed looking over your blog and I;m now following nice to find new friends. If you have a spare minute sometime visit me follow back if you like would love to have you. Hope you have a lovely day.

    Always Wendy

  48. You are so cute! This was a very fun read. I didnt know that fact about "trying" either. You look beautiful already. I wish you all the best. CONGRATS to you and your hubby!

  49. LOVE this post! It really makes me happy to see you guys so happy :)

  50. Ahh, I'm SO excited for you! You look simply adorable. I know you've probably heard this, but enjoy the ride because it seriously flies by! I'm not sure where the last 9 months have gone. I've really been trying to soak up every kick, ache & pain these last couple weeks because I know I'm going to miss this little human growing inside of me :) Can't wait to follow your little journey!

  51. dont know how i missed this post yesterday, but love it!!! you look great my dear...get ready for the ride of your life--it only gets better i promise!!

  52. Okay, not sure how I missed this HUGE news, but CONGRATULATIONS! You are the cutest pregnant girl I've ever seen. My daughter is 9 and I remember the moment we found out she was on her way like it was yesterday. Such a joyous time. Can't wait to follow along on this adventure with you.

  53. Okay, not sure how I missed this HUGE news, but CONGRATULATIONS! You are the cutest pregnant girl I've ever seen. My daughter is 9 and I remember the moment we found out she was on her way like it was yesterday. Such a joyous time. Can't wait to follow along on this adventure with you.

  54. I can't believe I am so behind on hearing this exciting news!!! I'm over the moon excited for you and your new little addition! You are going to be a fantastic mommy (c: And look at you and your cute *little tiny* bump! Love it!!! I can't wait to hear what you're having and all the fun of this crazy journey! Congrats, sweetie!!!

  55. I missed this post! Sounds like we had the exact same woes in the first trimester....although my face got the worst of the acne (yuck!), and I can't stand the thought of chicken instead of veggies!

  56. I love your board. That's really a cool way to document your baby bump growth! So happy for you!

  57. i saw this on my google reader two days ago at work and had a secret little cheery fest in my cube and have been DYING to come read the full so so sos excited for you! you are so adorable and you are going to be the cutest pregnant lady ever every! congratulations friend!

    XO, A

  58. many many congrats, loved reading your story and look forward to following along!!

  59. AHHHH!!!! Congratulations! What a great announcement!

  60. Congratulations Natasha! How exciting! Just think, this time next year you'll be celebrating your baby's first Christmas! Awe, so happy for your and your husband!!

  61. this is so exciting!! you story is sooo great, and i love all your pictures!! glad you're starting to feel a bit better :) xoxo

  62. Congrats again! Love your bump pictures! You look great!


  63. Congratulations!!! How very exciting! I love the idea of weekly pictures, I'm they wil be great to look back on.

    18 Weeks Pregnant

  64. just read this post for the first time. :) i love how you are documenting your journey! i plan on turning my weekly blog posts into a maternity scrap book.
