Thursday, October 6, 2011

Missoni for Target + Zara = True Love

As a lot of you know...especially those who follow me on Twitter {@schuelove}...the weather in Tahoe has definitely cooled off.  And by cooled off, I mean, FROZEN off.  That's right friends, we had snow yesterday...and more on the way today!

Natch, I pulled out my new Missoni for Target boots.  True...they may not be the most insulated footwear, but hey, that's what wool socks are for!  :)  As my luck would have it, I also received my new Zara Plaited shopper in the mail!  Sweet!  Just had to show off my outfit to all of you!

Yes...I am in love with both!

Interestingly enough...a lot of you bloggers said that the bag was HUGE, but I thought it was just fine.  Am I nuts?  I've been carrying around the Tory Burch Steffi tote for a while and I'm pretty sure they're the same size.  Check it out:

Ok, the shopper might be a TAD bit bigger, but not much!  I LOOOOVE it {have I mentioned that yet?!}.

I think they might be my favorite two pieces of the season!

What do you think of the Zara Plaited Shopper?  What about the Missoni for Target rain boots?

xo natasha


  1. I LOVE that bag. It is so cute and I love that its big.

  2. Wow you look like a million bucks!! Everything looks so expensive...I love that you didn't pay a forturne! Have a great day!

  3. Ohhh absolutely love both!! You look adorable

  4. I can't believe it's already snowing there. It looks like you are prepared! Your bag looks fabulous! I adore mine, so if anyone is thinking about purchasing it, do it!

  5. I can not believe that you already have snow! Yikes! We are going to reach 80 today - we are having a true Indian Summer here in MI. Stay warm!

  6. Great outfit! I love that tote and agree that the size is perfect :)

  7. I love everything you have going on here! That bag is gorgeous!!

  8. ooo LOVE that whole outfit! So cute!!

  9. Snow???'s still 80 here in the afternoon!
    Love the boots and the bag. I know my oldest would love the size of the bag...she likes hers big!

  10. I can't believe you have snow! And it is the perfect opportunity for the perfect rain boots, love them! And as for the shopper...I'm pretty sure a bag can't ever be too big (c: Plus, that one is absolutely fabulous!

  11. Loving this combo and the color of that bag is fabulous!

  12. I can't believe the snowy weather is on its way back again! Freezing over here today as well! I love your bag and boots:)

  13. YOU ARE TOO CUTE! love the bag btw!

  14. Oh, you are just adorable!! I love a lot of things about this outfit. The huge scarf is awesome. I have a jacket that looks identical to yours - love it! Oh, and I totally like the shopper. It's definitely not too big! :) Can't believe you had snow!!!

  15. You had snow?!?! my word! I hope we don't get any for a long time. In regards to the outfit...I adore that bag. super cute. If I didn't own the Hunter wellies I would've totally snatched up those Missoni boots. I just don't think I'd wear both enough. LOVE them on you.

  16. ADORABLE outfit! that bag is seriously the best bag I've ever seen!

  17. You are so cute! That bag is perfect (not too big!). You look like you're ready for the changing seasons.

  18. I think all of it is adorable...including you!

  19. You look adorable! Those boots are too cute and you know I LOVE that bag. And I am obsessed with buns this fall. :) Can't believe you guys already got snow!

  20. You are too cute, Natasha! I love lOVE your outfit :)

  21. 1. Love that you said Natch.
    2. Love your bag
    3. WHY didn't I get those rain boots yet?! I think I need a pair.
    You're adorableeee!

  22. Aw, it looks great on you!! {and so do the boots! very fun}

  23. You look adorable! Love the boots and the bag!

  24. You look UH-DORABLE. Enjoy the snow! Hopefully it's not a harbinger of a super cold winter to come!

  25. Wow...those rain boots are awesomeness. And I always love me some can't go wrong!

  26. Snow already?! Holy moly! But not surpirising, considering when I was there it was about to snow 10 feet! Love your look - and that you look so happy to be wearing it!

  27. You look amazing. I'm so jealous of a couple of things - your snow!! I just want it to cool down here in TX so I can break out my boots and sweaters, but you already have snow?! wow! Secondly, I wanted some Missoni rain boots - they are adorable!! You wear them well - glad you were able to snag them. Also, the Zara bag is fabulous! Never too big! :)

  28. You are all sorts of adorable and cozy! Definitely ready to weather the freeze! xoxoxo brynn

  29. You look so good! I cannot believe it is snowing there already! We just got some good rain the last few days, and it is definitely chilly and very Fall-like :)

    Love everything you are wearing here.

  30. i can't believe you got snow!? it is almost 85 here

  31. don't say the S word!! i'm not ready for it!! lol

    Love the boots! and bag!!

  32. Aaah, these are both amazing. So much jealousy for those boots.

    And, nah, unless you can climb inside the bag it's never too big! :)

    Sorcha x
    Bonfire Brunette

  33. Oooh they go so well together! Great buys!

  34. Love your oufit and Love your Missoni, they are gourgeous !!

    Love from London Wishes


  35. LOVE those boots! Way to rock them :)

  36. Ooh you have two of my favorite items from two of my favorite retailers - seriously! I adore that bag and you are way lucky to have snagged it in tan! And love the rainboots :)

  37. 1. I am in LOVE with that bag. Size, shape, color...swoooooon!

    2. I WISH we had a reason in TX for those boots!! It doesn't rain enough and it doesn't snow AT ALL. Bummer.

    You're a doll. xoxo

  38. you look absolutely adorable!

    EVERY SINGLE PIECE of missoni for target was sold out 24 hours after it released so i didnt get to snatch up anything - glad you got some cute boots! :O)

  39. Love the boots and the bag! I keep on going back to Zara for that tote but I feel its a little too overwhelming for my petite frame. It definitely looks good on you though! :)

  40. I am all about that bag!! I don't think I'd even be able to carry a small bag... so I definitely don't think the zara one is too big. Love the outfit!

  41. Love your outfit! I think you look great!

  42. LOVE IT! And I really love your high bun! I have an obsession with big purses, the bigger the better and I almost ordered that Zara one. Now I am wishing I did! Oh and I am jealous of your cooler temps its still hot here!

  43. LOVE these items! They go so well together, those boots are amazinggg! So cute!

  44. Loving your outfit. You look gorgeous and that bag is amazing!


  45. I love your whole outfit Natasha!! That shopper is to die for. I love love love big bags and that one's gorgeous! And I'm jealous you got the boots. Lucky gal!

  46. YAYYY! you got the shopper! I love the size, there's no such thing as too big. you look fantastic!

  47. love the boots and the bag!! you did good, girl!! xoxo
